Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

The Day Christians Raised The Flag Above the Cross And Demanded War

(Part 1)

Mark this... Evil men... shall wax worse and worse...

                                                                                              - II Timothy 3:13


     On March 1, 2008 in major newspapers across the U.S., the following headline

appeared: "USS New York, Built From Wreckage Of World Trade Center, Christened." 1

The occasion was attended by "thousands of people, including friends and families of

those who died in the attacks... May God bless this ship!” sounded the ship’s sponsor

as the battleship launched.

     The chief component of the event, the ship’s bow stem, contained 7.5 tons of

scrap-metal from the wreckage. It bore an impressive shield with two gray bars

commemorating the Twin Towers, and over the top a banner was draped with the

words: “Never Forget.” The celebration concluded with a ‘‘christening” (baptism) of the

vessel to encourage “strength and inspiration.”

     We can certainly sympathize with those who lost loved ones that day. However,

all the merriment and celebration can never erase the nagging fact that the beams and

girders of the Twin Towers that supplied the steel for this ship were quickly seized,

shipped out and melted down on the other side of the world (in India and China) before

they could ever be examined and analyzed.2 Any proof as to what caused the buildings

to fail is now gone, despite the fact that seizure of evidence from a crime scene is illegal under federal and state law. 3 Interestingly also, a similar rapid cleanup took place after the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, and was overseen by the same contractor, Controlled Demolition. Although their rapid removal advertising states: “Our DREXS system... segment steel components into pieces matching the lifting capacity of the available equipment." 4  researcher Jim Hoffman of, after examining a number of 9-11 photographs, observed that many of the beams and girders were already blown into "... sections that could be easily loaded into the equipment that was cleaning up Ground Zero." 5 This suggests a controlled demolition: explosive charges strategically placed to bring the buildings down.

(Note: This is not an automatic indictment of the contractor, of course, though it does look suspicious. As we proceed,

many other coincidences will begin adding up and when pieced together will start looking very suspicious.)

     Why didn’t the Federal Government order a thorough inspection of the steel? The government inspects everything else to death. After all, this was the only fire-induced collapse of a steel-framed building in the history of the world. An in-depth investigation would have divulged critical data as to how those state-of-the-art buildings failed, and furnished new data for improving future high-rise design.

(Update: A few of the girders and columns were later discovered in a hangar at John F. Kennedy

International Airport, but off-limits to the public.6)

     What really happened on September 11, 2001?

     This is a big question—WITH BIG IMPLICATIONS—not only for every American, but every person on earth!

     Since the Sept. attacks, countless researchers and writers have tried to answer that question. As a result, there are now over 60 million 9-11 websites on-line, many with very good research, and others not so much. With millions of 9-11 articles, essays and videos, why fan the flames further? Our answer: Among a number of things we strive for on this website, we try to disclose how numerous US churches, mainly on the right, are co-opted by dark, invisible forces behind the government. Although 9-11 is an important issue, your author concedes that it is not an essential Christian issue. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for churches to spend a lot of time trying to piece 9-11 together. Christianity deals with more important matters, e.g., the Deity of Christ, the Gospel, the salvation of our souls and how we should live our lives. Setting aside greater issues for lesser ones would be a waste of time. In the scope of eternity it matters little if 9-11 was an inside job or who may have carried it out. But if it was an inside job—and our evidence will demonstrate that it was—it only undergirds the Biblical doctrine that man is a fallen creature, his world cursed (Gen. 3) and “under the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).

     Additionally, 9-11 is not necessarily 'a sign' that the time of the end is near, as some have prognosticated. The end will certainly come, that you can be sure of, and will lay bare the real 9-11 killers before a Holy, Righteous and Just God. Falling down before that Awful Judge, these murderers, whomever they turn out to be, will give a full and swift account of their transgressions—OUR EYES WILL SEE IT (Luke 12: 2,3).               

     Again, while it is true that 9-11 is not an essential Christian issue, your author believes it is a very important one, especially in regard to American churches. Here's why: Looking back, you may recall that many politicians, military leaders and news reporters were calling for war and retribution. The religious leaders, in particular, were also crying out for bloodshed—against Muslims. This made 9-11 a religious issue, in particular, an Islamic issue (which we will prove had little to do with 9-11).

     Little did we know during the aftermath of the Sept. attacks that sinister forces were at work, whipping us into a religious frenzy, preparing us for, and prodding us toward, an all-out, global “Clash of Civilizations." As President Bush put it distinctly, a religious “Crusade!”

     It was brilliant! The rabid, anti-Islamic marketing-job, engineered for the benefit of big business, big banking, big oil, the international drug cartel and the nation of Israel succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

Important Note: Do you suppose it's just a coincidence that military planners launched the 2003 Iraq War (March 19) on the day following the Jewish Feast of Purim (March 17-18), which commemorates the 450 BC Jewish deliverance from Persian genocide, recounted in Esther 8-9? It's also interesting that the 2011 NATO invasion of Libya (March 19) took place 'during' the feast of

Purim (March 19-20). And the end of the 1st Gulf War (Feb. 28, 1991) took place during the Feast of Purim (Feb. 27-28).


Purim Dates

*   *   *

     Following below are a number of 9-11 citations from babbling politicians, bureaucrats and clergymen as they invoked the Name of God to push us into war:

     “We will win this struggle—not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; so help us God.” - Tom Harkin, U.S. Senator

(The War on Terror done nothing of the kind. It did amass enormous wealth for corporations, banks and Wall Street

insiders, and forced American hegemony throughout the Middle East. During the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there

was no "justice, freedom or peace" for any Middle Eastern civilians; 300,000 of them were killed.)

     “Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve... And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.’” - President George W. Bush, September 11, 2001

     (Quoting the Bible to push a nation into war is the worse kind of wickedness.)

     “We know that God had placed us together in this moment... And our prayer tonight is that God will see us through, and keep us worthy. This ideal of America is the hope of all mankind... That hope still lights our way. And the light shines in the darkness. And the darkness will not overcome it. May God bless America.” - George W. Bush, 1st Anniversary of 9-11

(The "hope of mankind" and "the light that shines in the darkness" refers to the Lord Jesus Christ [John 1:5], not the United States.

This is another example of a politician quoting the Bible to justify an immoral and illegal invasion of another country.)

     “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a new age begins.” - President Bush to French President Chirac, The Independent, Jan. 2, 2010

(Invading a nation that has not attacked us—and using Scripture to justify it—cannot possibly be "willed by God."

Bush's reference to 'God's people' also cannot refer to the United States, a nation that kills up to 4,000 unborn babies every

day. And the President’s use of the expression ‘new age’ refers not to the Biblical millennium, but the New World

Order, which calls for the destruction of the United States, not the preservation of it.)

     “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right... our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God... there is a plan, and that plan is God's plan. So bless them with your prayers.” - Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, speech to graduating ministry students, 2008

(How does Palin know America’s War on Terror is "God’s plan?" Sending our sons and daughters into

foreign countries to  wage war against murdering dictators we've armed and funded for decades can hardly

be a "task from God.")

     “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, security briefing to President Bush with a quote from Proverbs 16 and a picture of a Marine carrying a machine gun

(Proverbs 16 also says: ‘“Better a little with righteousness, than much gain with injustice.” Unjust war equals unjust gain.)

Quotes from church leaders, both left and right:

     "All things are in God's hands and he doesn't want you for a sunbeam—he wants you for a soldier. He wants you to fight for truth and offer prayer for justice." - Nick Gosnell, Chaplain, 16th Air Assault Brigade, March 2003

('Fighting for truth and praying for justice' in a war rigged for capitalism is a denial of truth and justice.)

     “Today, we gather to be reassured that God hears the lamenting and bitter weeping of Mother America... Let us pray for divine wisdom as our leaders consider the necessary actions for national security.” - Nathan Baxter, Dean of Washington's National Cathedral, September 11, 2010


(Investigating the 9-11 rubble would have exerted a better use of "divine wisdom" and "necessary actions

for national security," and would have validated beyond doubt that the Twin Towers came down, not by airplanes,

but by expertly placed explosives.)

     “I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam.... I believe September 11, 2001 was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore." - Rod Parsley, mega-church preacher and author of Silent No More, 2005

(At the close of the Crusades [c. 1290], "our historical conflict with Islam" came to an end until the founding of modern

Israel in 1948. It wasn’t until the theft of Palestinian lands by Anglo-American Zionists [see HISTORY OF ISRAEL; Wikipedia]

that Muslims began their second historical conflict with the West. Hence, Parsley’s allusion to America's "divine purpose"

and "generational call to arms" is a con-job to advance US militarism in the Middle East and beyond.)

     “In 1996 God spoke through me about an attack in the USA. I saw an act of violence as terrorists flew over New York. Since then, the years to follow would provoke numerous prophecies regarding a war and the fact that God would raise up a President who would be a true Christian and who would pray. On April 1st, 2001, I said, ‘America prepare yourself, you will go to war.’ I spoke about certain attacks planned against the soldiers and the fact that God would protect them so that not one of them would be inflicted. I believe with all of my heart that America is in the perfect will of God.” - Tim Clement, false prophet / musician

(To date, over 55,000 US soldiers have been killed or wounded in the Afghan and Iraq wars, making Clement a false

prophet and liar. Deuteronomy 18:22 says “When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor

come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken.” Clement's false prophesy has since been

taken down from his website.)  

     “The year 2001 will see the start of the great tribulation, political chaos, natural disasters, nuclear war; and the worldwide rise of Islam will usher in mankind’s final hour.” - Jack van Impe, TV Evangelist, 1997

     (Impe's warnings did not come to pass in 2001, which makes him a liar and false prophet also.)

     “Behold the glory of the cross at ground zero. This is our symbol of hope, our symbol of faith, our symbol of healing.” 7 - Brian Jordan, Catholic priest who blessed the 9-11 Cross

                                                         Various news outlets reported on this unusual 18 ft., 6,000 lb. steel cross that was pulled from the

                                                9-11 rubble. After a few squabbles as to what to do with it, it was taken to St. Peter's Catholic Church

                                                where it remained until it was transported to the 9-11 Memorial permanently.8 Catholic Priests Brian

                                                Jordan and Kevin Madigan blessed the cross and sprinkled it with holy water.

                                                       However, something seems to be amiss here. If the unearthing of the cross was a sign of "faith,

                                                hope and healing," the circumstances surrounding it would seem to give credibility to the Catholic priests,

                                                and by extension the Catholic Church. This would give undue weight to a number things the Bible denies

                                                or condemns, e.g., a Pope, holy water, praying to the saints, the worship of Mary etc. That being so,

                                                something more than faith and hope was undoubtably at work.

                                                       For example, the two sections of the cross were not originally joined together but were somehow

                                                fused together into one piece⏤at right angles⏤which would have required temperatures reaching at

                                                least 2,8000 F. However, the maximum heat produced by hydrocarbons (e.g., jet fuel, office furniture,

                                               carpet, etc.) could have been no more than 1,8000 F. The Cross must have been fused together by

                                               something producing much greater heat. What was it?                                                 

                                                    As you'll see below, it was 'thermite,' an explosive used for building demolitions.

9-11 Cross verified by Daily News

Bible Page Fused to 9-11 Rubble

     The thermite utilized in the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7 has been scientifically verified by Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth (with a current membership of over 3,500). As they state on their website,

"[The] chemical signature of the incendiary thermite [was] found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples... and

evidence of thermite incendiaries... found by FEMA in steel samples." 9

     The evidence is strong that the 9-11 cross, misconstrued as a miracle by superstitious Catholics, was fused together by thermite planted in the buildings by wicked men.10


     As the nation grappled with the Sept. attacks, politicians and churchmen alike wasted no time enflaming the masses. With constant ramblings about America's greatness and 'Manifest Destiny,' and misusing the Bible, the war-mongers and religious fanatics propelled us into a series of bloody, murderous wars that killed millions of innocent civilians and tens of thousands of American soldiers. The War on Terror has wrecked our economy, destroyed U.S. credibility and disgraced the Christian religion, a con-job extraordinaire.

The World Trade Center

“Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane hitting the tower, it occurred moments after

the first explosion...”

                                                                                                                                 - North Tower janitor

     On the morning of 9-11, according to the official version, 19 al Qaeda terrorists

hijacked four heavily fueled commercial airliners and launched suicide attacks against the

United States. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175,

crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. Within two hours, both towers collapsed; the

South Tower after burning for 56 minutes and the North Tower (hit first) after burning for 102 

minutes. Around 3,000 people representing 70 nations lost their lives in the buildings,

including office workers, financial specialists, firemen, police officers and medical

technicians. Some of them were Muslims. It’s been estimated that as many as 200 fell to

their death. 100 jumped.

         (Very disturbing note: Those trapped above the impact areas could have easily

    escaped by helicopter had the stairwell doors and roof hatches not been locked. They

                                                   were normally unlocked.11)                                          

     According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

and the 9-11 Commission Report, burning jet fuel and impact damage caused the buildings' failure. However, this view is highly

suspect by many architects, engineers and scientists. The trade journal, 'Minerals, Metals and Materials.' for one, rejects the notion

that jet fuel weakened the beams and girders to the point of failure.12 William Manning, editor of 'Fire Engineering' magazine, notes:

“The structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet fuel in themselves were not

enough to bring down the Towers.” 13 14     

     Yet, on the other hand, a number of photos and videos show white-hot metal pouring out of the 81st Floor of Tower One.15 Molten metal was also found under the rubble three months after the attacks. If jet fuel cannot melt metal, where did the molten metal come from?

                                                                       Such anomalies have prompted physicist Steven E. Jones (Ph.D.), web engineer Jim

                                                                Hoffman and other specialists to expend a good amount of time analyzing these difficulties.

                                                                Jones’ research in particular shows that thermite (a mixture of aluminum and ferric oxide that

                                                                burns at extremely high temperatures) was used to weaken and sever the columns. One

                                                                damning piece of evidence is a photograph (shown on the left) taken just before the rubble

                                                                was cleared, of what looks like a diagonal thermite cut on a massive upright column.16 (After

                                                                the thermite ignited and cut through the upright, a charge above it knocked the top section

                                                                away, bringing down the upright.) Were there others? Most certainly, but we’ll never know for

                                                                sure; all the girders and columns were shipped out and melted down in India and China. Jones

                                                                candidly refers to the chicanery as "pathological science," in which "investigators ignore all

                                                                evidence that contradicts the conclusion they have been asked to prove." 17

                                                                       Another paper entitled 'Active Thermite Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World

Trade Center Catastrophe,' written by Danish chemist Niels H. Harrit (University of  Copenhagen) and eight other professionals,

including three essays penned by the aforementioned Hoffman, state that chips consisting of "unreacted" and "partially reacted"

super-thermite were present in samples collected from dust at Ground Zero.18 The government, so far, has refused to address it.  

Below are other anomalies Washington has refused to address:

     1. What caused the explosions below the impact area in Tower II before it began collapsing?

            -  The blast emitted white smoke, which can be produced by thermite.19 According to firemen on the scene, there were

                   other explosions, some at ground level and even in the basement.20 (Your author distinctly remembers seeing one of

                   those explosions live on TV that day, and can still remember the traumatized female reporter shrieking with horror as it

                   happened.) The video below gives an apt summary of other oddities and anomalies that day. For example, at the 9:40

                   timestamp you can see and hear an ear-piercing explosion at ground level in one of those towers, and flashes of light

                   and blasts near the top of Towere 1 (at 10:04) just as it begins to fall.21



            -  Watch 20-ton steel girders thrown 'outward' as far as 600 feet; others are thrown upward.23

            -  According to NY Governor Pataki, no solid pieces of concrete were found. All 90,000 tons were pulverized into fine dust.24

            -  Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth averred that officials from the United States Geological Survey

                   tested and found billions of minute microspheres of previously molten iron in dust samples, including microscopic

                   unignited thermite chips called nanothermite, which corroborated the use of thermite.25

            -  The National  Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) said they found no evidence of thermite, but later admitted

                   they never looked.26

     2. Sections of the massive steel uprights which formed the building's load-bearing cores (cast w/ 5'' thick steel at the base)

            should have been left standing. If the pancake theory is correct, several hundred feet of the uprights should have remained.

            The 9-11 Commission refused to discuss it.27    

     3. Bldg. 7 collapsed but was hit by no plane?28 According to 'Popular Mechanics' magazine its failure was due to falling debris

            from adjacent Towers and small fires. But watch closely in the video below and you'll see Bldg. 7 collapsing in what looks like

            a Controlled Demolition. (Recall that thermite was found in Bldg. 7’s rubble.)

            Since 2006, Popular Mechanics, whose revenues depend heavily on the Defense Dept. and US defense contractors (and

            who's profited from the War On Terror) has joined with Washington in denouncing the 9-11 Truth Movement. However, when

            one inquires into the inner workings of Popular Mechanics, evidence of government collusion and nepotism is seen. For


            -  PM’s senior researcher, Benjamin Chertoff, is a cousin to 2nd Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff. This is

                  denied of course: "... no one in my family has ever met anyone related to Michael Chertoff," says Benjamin in the Sept.

                  2006 issue of U.S. News & World Report. But when Benjamin’s mother, Judy (a former Israeli Intelligence operative with

                  dual citizenship), was phoned at her home and asked if her son was related to Michael, she replied: "Yes, of course, he is

                  a cousin."29

            -  PM is also a keen promoter of the latest anti-terror technology, a considerable revenue producer since 9-11.                    

            -  GOP Senator and two-time Presidential candidate, John McCain (now deceased), was a strong advocate of U.S.

                   militarism. Thus, he had no compunctions in gracing PM in 2006 by writing the forward to its popular book: Debunking

                   9/11 Myths. High-level experts refuted the book almost immediately.30 Below is one of the best Popular

                   Mechanics debunking sites:  

Popular Mechanics' Deceptive Smear Against 9/11 Truth

(Important note: During McCain's tenure as Senator he occasionally flirted with the Religious Right when it was to his

advantage. Many religious leaders were probably not aware of it, but McCain's political career was bolstered by some shady

characters and affiliations, such as the Rothschild banking dynasty, the Bronfman liquor interests, the Los Vegas

gambling racket and the mob.31)

     4. Most Americans are unaware of the 1975 North Towere fire that began on the 11th Floor and spread to the 9th & 14th Floors       

             through the inner core. In describing the blaze, the Captain of Engine Co. 6 said: "It was like fighting a blow torch."32 Strange

             that this ferocious fire caused no structural damage when much lesser fires did on 9-11. Also, the Windsor high-rise in Madrid

             caught fire in 2005 and burned for over 24 hours. The entire structure was engulfed in flames but did not fall. How was it that

             this skyscraper could burn violently for 24 hours without falling, when two far-superior buildings on 9-11, burning with much

             smaller fires, collapsed in an average of under two hours?33  

     5. Frank DeMartini, the on-site construction manager for the WTC in 1966, stated in a Jan. 2001 interview that the Twin Towers

                 were designed to withstand multiple jetliner impacts.34      

     6. How was the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) able to report live on 9-11 that Bldg. 7 had collapsed, 20 minutes before

             the collapse took place?35 Did the BBC have inside information that was 'mis-timed'?

     7. Why did Washington ignore warnings all over the world of an impending terrorist attack: Egypt, Jordan, Britain, Russia,

             France, Cayman Islands, Argentina's Jewish Community, Spanish Police, G-8 Summit, the CIA, the Northern Alliance of

             Afghanistan, the Taliban, and NSA phone intercepts regarding bib Laden's activities in the U.S. around Sept. 11, which are

             still classified?36              

     8. Why hasn’t data from the planes' Cockpit Voice Recorders (black boxes) been released? Everything that took place in those

            planes that day were recorded. The 9-11 Commission tried to deny any recorders were found, yet two men who worked in the

            rubble stated in their book, 'Behind-The-Scenes: Ground Zero,' that they assisted government agents in locating three of them

            (each plane had two).37          

     9. How do you explain the 1,200% increase in American Airlines and United Airlines 'shorts' just days before the attacks, as was

            reported by the Chicago Securities Exchange?38 'Shorting' is betting that the price of a security is going to go down, often           

            by purchasing 'put options.' The put volume prior to the attacks was the highest ever recorded. The instant those Towers were

            hit, American and United puts exploded in price with tens of millions of dollars exchanging hands in seconds. Put options on

            United Airlines alone rose from $0.90 to $12.00 per option. (Your author distinctly remamber CNBC reporting on it and later

            hushing it up.) Put profits in one account reached $2.5 million and is still unclaimed (as of 2016).41 A large share of those puts

            were traced to Deutsche Bank/AB Brown, the biggest bank in Europe. The bank's former manager, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard,

            known in the Senate to be linked with drug-money laundering,39 left the bank in 1998 to become director of the CIA. Thus,

            any prior knowledge of the Sept. attacks would have been very profitable to CIA insiders.40 The symbiotic relationship between

            Washington, Wall Street and the CIA has reaped many benefits over the years.41 Low-information flag-wavers might counter that

            well-connected Muslims made these trades (perhaps possible), but there’s no way of knowing; Congress refused to investigate

            it and the 9-11 Commission dismissed it as unimportant.

     10. Why did the 9-11 Commission cut a deal with the CIA to be given only ‘limited’ information? Sen. Max Cleland, a member of

            the Commission, resigned in protest, saying: "This is a scam, it's disgusting. America is being cheated... As each day goes by

            we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted...

            Let's chase this rabbit into the ground. They had a plan to go to war and when 9/11 happened that's what they did."42 The

            Commission's Senior Council, John Farmer, also objected, saying: "[At] some level of the government, at some point in time,,,

            there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened."43  

            The Commission's original chairman, Henry Kissinger, resigned too, but not because of any animosity toward the investigation.

            He probably didn’t want his business dealings with the Bin Laden family to get out.

     11. Why, in the first days after the attacks, were 24 members of the bin Laden family secreted out of the U.S. in chartered jets

            when all other flights were grounded? Was it because the Bushes and bin Ladens were business partners, holding huge

            stakes in the giant contractor, Carlyle? The bin Ladens liquidated their holdings after 9-11.44  

     12. Why were up to twenty-six military exercises, many of them 'live fly,' taking place on the day of 9-11? NORAD's radar

            screens must have teemed alive with skyjackings, both false and real.46 A few of those exercises and their descriptions are

            listed below:46  


           - National Reconnaissance Office Drill: Simulated plane crash into a high-rise government building

            - Awacs Drill: Surveillance of the U.S. Capitol and President during a coup, using real Delta pilots, actors performing as

              passangers and FBI operatives acting as hijackers.47 (As we'll see later, events surrounding President Bush and Air Force

              One mimicked this particular drill)

            - Northern Vigilance: NORAD fighter jets deployed to Alaska and northern Canada, far away from New York and

              Washington DC where they were needed

            - Apollo Guardian: Large scale live-fly air defense, air intercept and tracking surveillance

            - Vigilant Guardian: Air defense against hijacking. (According to Newhouse News Service, NORAD took a call from Boston

              that morning stating it had a hijacked plane. The control officer’s first thoughts were: “It must be part of the exercise” 48)

(Important note: Someday in the future, military drills like these may be used to overthrow the United States as we

know it. As high-ranking traitors are toppling the government, hundreds of unsuspecting loyalists will be aiding

them right at their side.)

     13. Why were President Bush, Vice-President Chaney and other White House officials given Cipro, an antibiotic used to treat

            anthrax, one week prior to the anthrax attack that killed 5 and infected 177?49 Cipro is a military weapons-grade strain (i.e.,

            Ames) that supposedly originated in a lab at Fort Detrick, Md., the only place where it was known to exist.50 (For reasons not

            entirely known, some of the anthrax disappeared in the early 1990s.) A subsequent Army inquiry disclosed that someone had

            been entering the lab after hours and conducting unauthorized anthrax research. A key suspect was Dr. Bruce Ivins, an anthrax

            specialist who apparently committed suicide after learning the FBI was filing charges against him. Although there is evidence he

            might have been framed, or possibly assassinated (no autopsy was ordered), bigger questions remain: 1) Why were Bush,

            Cheney and others given Cipro but no one else? 2) Who had knowledge that an anthrax attack was coming? 3) Why did they

            remain quiet about it? The anthrax debacle was the worst biological attack in American history, and "one of the largest and

            most complex," according to the FBI.51

     14. From 1997, Securacom, a public security company, ran security for the World Trade Center. Securacom also provided security

            for Dulles International Airport (where Flight 77 departed) and United Airlines (which operated Flight 175 and Flight 93). Serving

            on Securacom's board of directors from 1993 to 2000 was Marvin Bush, President Bush’s younger brother. Marvin also served

            on the board of KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American firm that underwrote Securacom. Securacom eventually changed its name to

            Stratesec52 and was delisted from the American Stock Exchanged in 2002.

        (Interesting Side Note: One might be tempted to dismiss the above as mere coincidence were it not for the hellish history of the

        Bush family. For instance, Prescott Bush [father of George H.W.] and George Herbert Walker [father-in-law of Prescott] played  

        major rolls in Nazi/Wall Street collaboration up to and during WWII. Their point man, Fritz Thyssen,54 was a German industrialist in

        charge of the Union Banking Corporation, an American investment bank presided over by seven directors, one of which was

        Prescott. Another Wall Street firm, Brown Brothers Harriman [also under Prescott's control], collaborated with Thyssen also, who

        had no qualms using slave labor in his coal mines that fired steel production for German weapons manufacturers.55 Of the ten  

        board members at Harriman, eight of them, including Prescott, were members of the powerful Skull and Bones secret society at

        Yale University.56 Bush 41 and 43 were also members.57 Near the end of the war the U.S. government seized the assets of

        Harriman, Union and two affiliates under the 'Trading With The Enemy Act' and held their assets for the duration of WWII. After the

        war none of the American traitors were arrested, fined or sent to prison, even though trading with the enemy during wartime is a

        treasonous act and a capital crime. Thyssen only was arrested, in France, and sent back to Germany to spent the remainder of

        the war in a sanatorium and concentration camp. Years later, George H.W. Bush and his sons, following in their family’s

        footsteps, would become embroiled in a number of covert affairs, including the gun & drug running activity in Central America

        in the 1980's and the Savings and Loan scandal in the 1990s.58 Due to their former crimes and Nazi collaborations. the Bush  

        family's later-day links to 9-11, Securacom, the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United

Airlines look very suspicious indeed.)

     15. Just days before the Sept. attacks, in the South Tower from the 50th Floor up, a 'power down' was authorized, meaning that

            door locks and security cameras would not be working. It was part of a major elevator modernization, the largest on record, a

            nine-month upgrade inside the central load-bearing cores.59 The cores would have been the ideal place to plant thermite

            charges and explosives. And with many workers and technicians entering and exiting freely (and no locked doors and cameras

            operating), the perfect cover. Strangely, when the attacks began the elevator technicians vacated the building, a violation of

            formal protocol.60 And many of the newly installed safety devices failed to function, trapping employees and tourists in

            plunging elevators.  

     16. Many of the top elites (financial, political and business) were warned not to fly on 9-11; others were warned to stay clear of the

           World Trade Center. A few are listed below:

            - Top Pentagon brass were told to cancel all travel plans on Sept. 11 61

                - Attorney General John Ashcroft (a prominent evangelical) was advised by the FBI to travel only by private jet for the

               duration of his tenure 62  

            - New York Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, vacated his headquarters in Bldg. 7 after being warned of an impending collapse 63

                - San Francisco Mayor, Willie Brown, received a warning from Condoleezza Rice not to fly on Sept. 11 64 66

                - Business leaders scheduled to meet at the WTC that morning showed up in Nebraska with 'Uncle' Warren Buffett 64

            - Israel Shipping Company, Zim American, cancelled a 12-month lease and vacated the World Trade Center just days before     

               the Sept. attacks (though it cost them $50,000 to do so). 49% of Zim was owned by the nation of Israel (Wikipedia entry,

               Zim Integrated Shipping Service                

                - Jim Pierce, nephew of Marvin Bush (President Bush's younger brother) was to arrive on the 105th Floor of the WTC on

               the morning of 9-11, but was moved to another location at the last minute.53)

                - Real Estate developer, Larry Silverstein, owner of WTC 7 and leaseholder of the Twin Towers, was scheduled to meet with

              his associates on the morning of 9-11, at the top of WTC 1, to discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. The

              meeting was cancelled.68 After the attack, the insurance payout on the WTC complex came to $3.65 billion—a quick 2,863%  

              return on an initial investment of $124 million. After a series of court battles to determine if there were two attacks instead of

              one, the final payout came to $4.55 billion 69

     What luck! What quirks of chance! And how true the words of Emerson:

“Shallow men believe in luck. Other men believe in cause and effect.”

     In sum, how could a bunch of rattle-brained fanatics, most of them unable to pass flight school, and half of them hung-over from the night before and unable to fly a kite, engineer such complex skyjackings and bring down the most powerful financial and commercial behemoths in the world? To believe such a thing is complete and utter stupidity and an insult to human intelligence.      

     The American people should be ashamed.

The Pentagon

“The speed, the maneuverability, the way it turned, we all thought in the radar room—all of

us experienced traffic controllers—that it was a military plane.”

- Danielle O’Brien, Air Traffic Controller

     At 9:37 that ill-fated morning, American Airlines Flight 77 supposedly crashed into      

the Pentagon killing 184 people. The attack took place within 30 minutes of the second

attack in New York. It was reported that the youngest passenger on board was a little boy,


     After takeoff, Flight 77 allegedly flew to Ohio, turned around and began flying

Eastward. As it neared the Pentagon it executed some extremely difficult maneuvers,

descending 7,000 feet in 2½ minutes, spiraling 280 degrees and hitting the Pentagon dead

on. Veteran pilots have remarked upon the incredibility, and certainly the impossibility, of

such movements by inexperienced pilots. Flight instructor Rick Garza, who unknowingly

trained two of the hijackers, said: "It was like dumb and dumber. I mean they were

clueless. It was clear to me they weren't going to make it a pilots."70

     The Pentagon is the headquarters of the most powerful military force in the world

and the most secured. With the most sophisticated surveillance surrounding it, no event, however minuscule, could ever take place without being photographed or recorded in some way. Whatever happened at the Pentagon on 9-11 has been documented on hundreds, perhaps thousands, of cameras and video recorders. Nearby businesses caught the event too, but their cameras and

videos were quickly confiscated by the FBI? To date, only two recordings have been released (and they seem to have been tampered


        During a heated public debate between philosopher Jim Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9-11 Truth, and Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic magazine (who's skeptical about everything but the government), Fetzer alluded to Flight 77's data recorders (black boxes) that were examined by Pilots for 9-11 Truth. According the flight recorders, at the exact moment of the crash, Flight 77 was flying 100 feet above the roof of the Pentagon. Pilots' website states in effect:

"The 5 frames of video captured by the parking gate cam is in direct conflict with the Aircraft Flight Data Recorder information  

released by the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). We have contacted the NTSB regarding the conflict between the

official story and the FDR. They refuse to comment.” 72

     Numerous eyewitnesses have corroborated Pilot's claim, one saying he seen a plane banking low over the Pentagon parking lot after the crash. 73 These findings may shed some light on a puzzling statement given to the 9/11 Commission by then Secretary of    

Transportation, Norman Mineta. Mineta had been hunkered down with Vice-President Cheney and others in a bunker following the hijacking. As Mineta stated to the 9-11 Commission:  

“There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, 'The plane is 50 miles out... The plane is 30 miles

out.'  And when it got down to, 'The plane is 10 miles out,' the young man also said to the Vice President, 'Do the orders still

stand?' And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you

heard anything to the contrary?'” 74

     No evacuation order was given. One minute later, the west side of the Pentagon exploded, killing 125 employees. Mineta’s testimony was ignored by the 9/11 Commission.          

                                                                              Another paradox concerned Andrews Air Base just minutes away. Why were no fighter

                                                                        jets scrambled to intercept the aircraft, which had been in the air 40 minutes, off course

                                                                        and aimed right at the Pentagon?

                                                                               Our readers might also remember the thick black smoke hovering over the Pentagon.

                                                                        However, it wasn't the Pentagon that was smoking, but smoldering dumpsters. Congress

                                                                        had had just evacuated the Capitol Building and were conspicuously assembled in plain

                                                                        view of the Pentagon. This suggests the dumpsters were fired for 'special affect.’75 Soon

                                                                        these same Congressmen would give President Bush full authorization to invade

                                                                        Afganistan and later Iraq (neither had anything to do with 9-11), with very little debate and

                                                                        no declaration of war. Very few Congressman dared apposing war at this time.

                                                                               Curiously also, a number of witnesses reported feeling a shockwave and smelling

                                                                        cordite (i.e., explosives) after the crash. A shockwave, however, is caused by an

                                                                        explosion, not an impact.76   

     During the cleanup, very few airplane parts were identified and no airplane reconstruction was conducted, though airplane

reassembly is common protocol in crash investigations. E.g., one might recall Pan Am Flight 103, which crashed en route to New

York from London in 1988, and how its reassembly was shown daily on TV.77 You may also remember TWA Flight 800, in 1996, which

exploded mid-air and plunged into the ocean near New York, resulting in one of the largest diver-assisted salvaging operations ever

performed.78 Why wasn't Flight 77 reconstructed? Was it perhaps because no wing parts were found, no fuselage, tail section, seats, luggage or engines? If Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, where was the plane? And if there was no plane, what happened to the passangers (and the little boy)? It's also interesting that DNA testing was carried out at the site, but revealed no Arabs were purportedly on board.79  

     Some type of aircraft, a plane, missile or drone (or perhaps a bomb)—destroyed the west side ot the Pentagon. Whatever it was, Mineta’s testimony confirms that VP Cheney and his officials knew it was coming and did nothing.

     An interesting side issue is the $2.3 trillion that was missing from the Pentagon, announced on Sept.10 by Def. Sec. Donald Rumsfeld. In the horror and confusion of the following day, it was forgotten about and buried by a compliant Press. Prior to 9-11,

Rumsfeld 'promised change' to keep a lid on Pentagon spending. But after 9-11 it was thrown to the wind; President Bush immediately pledged—and Congress approved—over $48 billion in new military apending.80 Also interesting is the following report by Insight


"The Department of the Army, headed by former Enron executive Thomas White, had an excuse [for not making a full

accounting of the $2.3 trillion]. In a shocking appeal to sentiment it says it didn't publish a "stand-alone" financial statement

for 2001 because of "the loss of financial-management personnel sustained during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack."

     This suggests that remote controlled Flight 77 or a guided missle may have been pre-programed to destroy this particular

section of the Pentagon where analysts were tracking down the missing $2.3 trillion.  

     The Pittsburg Post Gazette reported similarly:

"One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office,

called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their

desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck."

Remote Controlled Boeings on 9/11       

     In summary, many obscurities still haunt the Pentagon attack: 1) The impossible      

maneuvers by inexperienced flyers. 2) The off-course aircraft, in the air 40 minutes with no

interceptions. 3) Hundreds of videos and photos documenting the event but only two

released to the public. 4) Flight data readings that confirm the aircraft was atop the

Pentagon at the time of the crash. 5) No evacuation order given to the Pentagon, though

Cheney and others knew an aircraft of some kind was on its way.


     Within a year—with great pomp and solemnity—the Pentagon was repaired and

mended. Adjacent to the restored section now sets a Memorial and private chapel in

remembrance of the victims.

     Which means the matter is officially closed, and we may never know the whole story.

     The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Part II


(Note: Several sources have been removed by their owners and replaced with equivalent sources by P&R, as of Jan. 2023.)


2 9-11 Research:  

3 Criminal Defence Lawyer:

4 Controlled Demolition Inc.;

5 Griffin, Christian Faith And The Truth Behind 9-11; p. 41

6 Ibid.

7 Wikipedia:

8 The New York Times:

9 Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth;

10 You Tube: “9-11; Ground Zero Molten Metal Confirmed”;

11 World Trade Center Locked Stairwells / Evacuation Problems;

12 9/11 Truth and the Collapse of Steel Framed Buildings;

13 American Free Press, 8/23/04, p. B-6

14 It is known that structural steel begins to soften around 425 °C and loses about half of its strength at 650 °C. This is why steel is stress relieved in this temperature range. But even a 50% loss of strength is still insufficient, by itself, to explain the WTC collapse... The WTC, on this low-wind day, was likely not stressed more than a third of the design allowable... Even with its strength halved, the steel could still support two to three times the stresses imposed by a 650 °C fire." (Eagar and Musso, 2001). Extracted from Stephen Jones’ paper:

15 You Tube;

16 2012 Patriot:

  17 9-11 Scholar’s Forum:

18 Wikipedia:  Jim Hoffman;

19  Police Chief Magazine:

20 9/11 Firefighters: Bombs And Explosions In The WTC:

21 Architect and Engineers for 9011 Truth, Vancouver Omni TV With Richard Gage:

22 Watch It With Your Own Eyes:

23 You Tube, Bringing The Truth Home (Part 5):  (Video has been removed.)

24 You Tube, Bringing The Truth Home (part 6):  (Video has been removed.)

25 Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, The Reality Report W/richard Gage, Video;

26 Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, 9-11 Blueprint For Truth, Video Trailer;

27 Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, The Reality Report W/richard Gage, Video:


29 Wikipedia entry, Benjamin Chertoff:

30 American Free Press, Critics Of 9-11 Truth Lack Credentials: Nov. 28, 2011

31 American Free Press; 2/4/08, p. 11

32 New York Times, Feb 14 1975, Trade Center Hit By 6th Floor Fire:

33 Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to 'Popular Mechanics' and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory:

34 ’Engineers Shocked By Towers' Copse:

35 Sunday Times, 10/7/01; ABC News, 2/18/02: See also,

36 Sunday Times; 10/7/01 and ABC News; 2/18/02. See also,

37 The 9/11 Commission Report did state that two boxes each from Flights 77 (The Pentagon) and 93 (Shanksville, Pennsylvania) were recovered, though one recorder from Flight 77 was too damaged to yield any data. On April 18, 2002, the FBI allowed the families of victims from Flight 93 to listen to the voice recordings, and in April 2006, a transcript was released as part of the Zacarias Moussaoui trial.

38 Humphrey, 9-11: The Great Illusion; p. 14-15

39  Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America:

40 Ibid; Se also Devvy Kidd, News With Views at:


42 911, 9/11 Commission: The Official Coverup Guide:

43 Amazon: “the Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense On 9/11″:

44, The Carlyle White House:

45 9/11 War Games;

46 Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made In The USA; Preface to the Second Edition, pp. ix-x

47 Coto Report, The 46 Drills Of 9/11 By Webster Tarpley:

48 Boston 9-11 Truth:

49 Bush: 'I Don't Have Anthrax':

50 UCLA, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Anthrax Missing From Army Lab;

51 Wikipedia entry, 2001 Anthrax Attacks:

52 What Really Happened, 9/11 Security Courtesy Of Marvin Bush:

53 25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About 9-11:

54 Wikipedia entry, Fritz Thyssen:

55 How The Bush Family Made Its Fortune, The Dutch Connection:

56 Wikipedia entry, Brown Brothers Harriman And Co:

57 Skull And Bones Membership List:

58 Brasscheck TV, The Mafia, The Cia And Bush Sr, Roots Of The Savings & Loan Scandal:

59 Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, The Reality Report With Richard Gage Video:

60 USA Today, Elevators Were Disaster Within Disaster:

61 Newsweek, Bush: We're At War; 9/24/01

62 Ashcroft Flying High, CBS News:

63 Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?:

64 The Daily, Willie Brown Got Low-key Early Warning About Air Travel:

65 So where was Warren Buffett the morning of 9/11 and what was he doing:

66 Condoleezza Rice's Testimony before the 9/11 Commission:

67 Israeli Company Mum About WTC Pullout:

68 People Who Avoided The Airlines And The Twin Towers:

69 Silverstein Makes A Huge Profit Off Of The 9/11 Attacks:

70 Saudi Hijacker 'was Key Link To Bin Laden’:

71 The Suppression of Video Footage of the Pentagon Attack:

72 Forums:,891002,891086   

73 All You Need to Know about 9/11 to Prove it was an “Inside Job”:

74 National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States:

75 What Didn’t Happen At The Pentagon:

76 Witnesses at Pentagon on 9/11 Report Smelling Cordite:

77 Pan Am 103 Wreckage Reconstruction:

78 TWA 800 Wreckage Reconstruction:  

79 Physics 9-11:

80 CBS Reports Pentagon Cannot Account For $2.3 Trillion;

Was 9-11 Rigged?

9-11 Cross

(Watch at 4 min.)

Watch It With Your Own Eyes 22

Building 7, Controlled Demolition 28