Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

The                        are Still Missing

Evolution's Greatest Hoax

"The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, be truly enormous.

Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly

does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest

objection which can be urged against my theory."

- Charles Darwin,

On the Origin of the Species

     Most of us as children remember the story of Alice In Wonderland. In one part Alice says to

the Queen, “There is no use trying, one cannot believe in impossible things.” The Queen, however,

disagrees: “Why, sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

     Those who continue to believe in evolution, in spite of the many evidences to the contrary, are

like the Queen, still living in a place where, “once upon a time, long-long ago, in a land far-far

away," human beings arose from slime and grime.     

     Transitional fossils (missing links) are usually given as proof of Wonderland. But as we shall

see, examining a few of those missing links will give us a better understanding of how the land of

wonder works.

Homo Habilis

     In the early 1960s, transitional fossils were sought after by scholars wanting to bridge the

gap between the extinct gracile australopithecines and homo erectus (a close relative of homo

sapiens, i.e., early human). Paleoanthropologists Louis Leakey and wife Mary, for example, while

digging in Sub-Sahara Africa, found a number of man-like fossils which were designated homo

habilis (i.e., the first humans). They consisted of hand, foot and scull bones, and several teeth.1

     Their son Richard made a similar discovery in 1972, skulls dating to about 3 million years. At

3 million years they pre-dated their ancestors by about a million years. Richard thus admitted:

“It simply fits no previous models of human beginnings... either we toss out this scull or we toss out our theories...” 2

     Homo habilis was eventually classified a female ape.

     Biology textbooks written 30 years later still referred to homo habilis as a missing link. The 1993 Saunders college textbook, ‘Biology,’ for example, states:

   “The first hominid to have enough human features to be placed in the same genus as modern

humans is Homo habilis.” 3

     Another textbook makes a similar claim :

“This period of speciation also produced Homo habilis, the first member of our genus.” 4


     These claims are either careless mistakes or deliberate lies. A mistake can be corrected but a lie suggest a deeper problem: dishonesty, or perhaps religious fanaticism. Waiting thirty years for a correction is inexcusable; textbooks are to educate, not indoctrinate.

Piltdown Man

     The Piltdown Man was cobbled together from bones buried in a gravel pit by a practical joker. They included a human scull, a jawbone of an orangutan and some teeth from a chimpanzee. The bones looked ancient because they had been stained, and the teeth looked human too, because they had been shaped by a file.

     Piltdown Man was one of the "missing-links" used at the Scopes Monkey Trial to prove evolution.

                                                                            Neanderthal Man

                                                                                  The bones of Neanderthal discovered around 1829 appeared to be stooped-over,

                                                                            bow-legged "cave men." They turned out later to be ordinary humans with rickets and

                                                                            arthritis. Since rickets are caused by a lack of sunshine, perhaps the Bible can shed

                                                                            a little light: During the Genesis Flood there would have been much volcanic and                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                            earthquake activity worldwide, giving rise to warm ocean water leading to almost

                                                                            universal cloud coverage for perhaps hundreds of years. This would have blocked

                                                                            radiation from the sun, causing enormous snowfalls and bringing on the Ice Age. The

                                                                            unfortunate Neanderthals would have been forced to live in dark caverns and caves

                                                                            (hence, cave-men) to keep warm most of their lives, depriving themselves of what

                                                                            little sunshine there was outside; hence, the rickets.

                                                                                  (Important side note: In Poland in 1909 a Neanderthal skeleton was found in a

                                                                            suit of chain armor that was not yet fully rusted, indicating he was only a few

                                                                            thousand years old, not a half-million.5)

Peking Man

     Peking Man initially consisted of a single tooth unearthed in China when project funding was about to run out. The Rockefeller Foundation, hearing about it, offered $80,000 if more evidence could be found. A scull cap soon popped out of the ground, later assigned to a monkey.

     Interestingly, fused soil was found at the site, which requires heat exceeding 1800o F. This suggested an elaborate furnace operation of some kind. Do monkeys and ape-men plan, design and build complex furnaces? Though modern textbooks mention ‘traces of primitive campfires,’ the ash pit was twenty feet deep.

     They were intelligent, industrious, hard working human beings, nothing less.6


     Ramapithecus was cobbled together from the bones and teeth of thirty different animals. Additional examination showed it to be a baboon.7

Cro-Magnon / Heidelberg Man  

     Once hailed as primitive links between man and beast, Cro-Magnon and Heidelberg Man are now classified as fully human. Curiously, however, Cro-Magnon’s brain and body was much bigger than modern humans, suggesting not evolution, but devolution, the Biblical view.

     Cro-Magnons kept astronomy records and were excellent three-dimensional cave artists. Their drawings even showed females wearing dresses and wearing their hair tied up .8

Java Man

     Java Man, discovered by Eugene Dubois, was a mountain of confusion. Among items found were

sculls, a thighbone and a few teeth scattered over a seventy-feet area. Two of the teeth were

assigned to an orangutan, a femur to a gibbon and a thighbone to a human. Two of the sculls looked

human, but when experts suggested the other bones looked human too, Dubois did the proper and

honorable thing—he hid the fossils.

     Java Man was another piece of evidence used at the Scopes Monkey Trial.

     In 1926, Java Man II was unearthed, consisting of a single scull bone that turned out to be a

kneecap of an elephant.9

Lady of Guadeloupe

     Discovered in Caribbean limestone dating around 25 million years, this Lady lived 22 million years

before humans started evolving. Since limestone is a water-laid sediment, it’s more likely this poor

woman drowned in the Biblical Flood 45 hundred years ago, and was entombed in the sentiments as

the waters receded.10

Nebraska Man

     Nebraska Man was fabricated from a tooth of an extinct pig.11

Southwest Colorado Man

     Colorado Man was fabricated from a tooth of a horse (New York Times, 29 Dec. 1926, pp. 1–2).


     Flipperpithecus was fashioned from the rib of a dolphin.12

Orce Man

     Orce Man, the oldest missing link in Eurasia, was fabricated from the scull os an ass.13

                                                                      "An empty-headed man will be wise when the colt of a wild ass

                                                                                                  is born a man." - Job 11:12

                                                            Such absurdities taught in our public schools are the lowest of the low, and a complete waste

                                                       waste of time and money. After 150 years of probing the earth and over 100 million fossils now

                                                       catalogued, evolutionists still cannot claim one single missing-link. The lack of transitional forms

                                                       can only mean one thing: man did not evolve from the chimp or ape, but was created in the very

                                                       Image of the Majestic Creator.  

                                             "God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him.”

                                                                                                                                                           - Genesis 1:27

     In the early chapters of Genesis, the foundation of our beliefs and hopes lay, namely, Creation,

sin’s intrusion into God's perfect Creation, the Curse, man’s Fall and the promise of a Savior. If

Genesis falls, everything falls with it.

     The first book of Holy Writ shows us our place in the cosmos and why the world is like it is; e.g.,,

why man suffers, never ending hardship, evil, depravity and in the end, death. Without this

understanding we grope in darkness for purpose and reason for our existence, and most importantly,

why we need a Savior.      

     Genesis also empowers us to counter error (inside and outside the church), and to remove the

cultural stumbling blocks that beset so many potential converts. Genesis is a powerful weapon, we

dare not ignore it.

       For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God,

                                   for pulling down strongholds.

                                                                     - II Corinthians 10:4


1. Wood, The Age of Australopithecines; NATURE, Nov. 3,1994, p. 31-32 (Quoted in Lubenow, BONES OF CONTENTION; p.300)

2. Ibid.

3. Solomon, Berg, Martin and Villee, BIOLOGY (Third Edition); 1993, p. 477

4. Campbell, BIOLOGY (Fourth Edition); 1996, p. 659

5. NATURE; April 23, 1908, p. 587; (quoted by Ferrell in THE EVOLUTION HANDBOOK; pp. 527-528)



8. Taylor, IN THE MINDS OF MEN; p. 219ff; Ferrell, THE EVOLUTION HANDBOOK; pp. 528-29

9. Brown, IN THE BEGINNING; pp. 11-12, 57-58; Ferrell, EVOLUTION HANDBOOK; p. 530ff; and Huse, THE COLLAPSE OF EVOLUTION; p.135ff

11. Taylor, IN THE MINDS OF MEN; pp. 215-217

12. Nebraska Man entry at WICKIPEDIA:

13. Flipperpithecus entry at CONSERVAPEDIA:

14 The TalkOrigins Archive, CREATION ARGUMENTS: ORCE MAN:

Missing Links