Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

Man’s Quest For Divinity

The Religious Roots of Evolution

(Part I)


“We are now divine”

                                       -  Benny Hinn

  “Man is like vanity”

                                         -  Psalm 144:4

       Which way is man going? Is he ascending upward as Benny Hinn yearns, or is he

descending downward as many stubborn facts seem to indicate? Contrary to Benny's

hopes and aspirations, nature, as we'll see, always points down, not up.

     The Bible says man is a fallen creature (cf. Gen. 3), a being beset with insurmountable

difficulties and living in a broken world he can’t seem to fix or put right. Can anyone scan

the thousands of years of history, with its tragedies, barbarities, disease and killing and not

come to the same conclusion?  

     The unbeliever will often ask: "If God is perfect and all-powerful, why did he create

such a flawed and imperfect world?" Unfortunately, the doubter perceives the world with

Darwinian blinders (rather than Genesis glasses) and the answer is hidden from him. As

we'll see shortly, the root cause of our flawed and imperfect world is not 'mother nature' or

twists of fate, but sin.

     If evolution's "law of the jungle" (the rationale for much of that sin), is not declawed and

eradicated before long, at some point our civilization will collapse. At that time, Darwin's

ghost, coupled with superstition and scientism, will rise up in full fury against the entire

human race.

     You'll recall it wasn't that long ago that "might makes right" capitalism led to the

enslavement of black Africans and the theft of their labor, and the near annihilation of the

American Indian and the seizure of their lands. Nature justified it and demanded it, but in truth it was greed, hoggishness and sin that led to their suffering. And it all started—"In the beginning":

“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ’you

shall not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles

it shall grow for you; and... By the sweat of your brow you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you

were taken, for you are dust and to dust you shall return.'”

                                                                                                                                                                                        - Genesis 3:17ff

                                                      With great agony and sadness of heart, Adam and Eve would never see their garden paradise again.

                                              Life would now be hard, grueling and often dangerous,

                                                  (Important note: The cursedness and falleness of the earth does not exclude our massive universe,

                                                 with its billions of black holes, exploding stars and colliding galaxies, stretching out an unfathomable

                                                   156 billion light-years in diameter. source  It's hard to believe, but sin has affected events 80 billion

                                                  light-years out. This chilling truth shows the enormous impact sin has had on creation and the extent

                                                      to which it has certainly offended a Holy God. We ignore this shocking truth at our eternal peril.)

                                               The Golden Age

                                                   After Creation God planted a Garden eastward in Eden,

                                                         "... and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the LORD God

                                                      made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also

                                                                 in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2: 8-9).

(Note: It would be unwise here to dismiss Genesis as mere myth. For as we shall see, a newly created earth,

minus thousands of years of degradation and degeneration, would have gifted our first parents with an unbelievable world of beauty

and abundance never conceived in the minds of men.)

     One can hardly read these passages in Genesis without recalling the many myths and legends

all over the world of a long-ago Golden Age. From the ancient sages of Rome, Greece and India to the

shamans of the North and South American Indians, we hear again and again of a lost world of beauty,

splendor and abundance that surpasses anything we can even imagine. Such legends, which appear

virtually the same all over the world, must have had a common source. We believe that source to be

humankind's collective memory of a long-ago utopia, and lost because of sin and depravity. Although

they differ in detail due to hyperbole and local color, these legends generally agree on the main points.

     For instance, the Greek Poet Hesiod, around 6 BC, tells of the first generation of Titans (sons

of the gods), when,

      “... peace and harmony prevailed... the earth provided food in such abundance there was no

   need for agriculture... men lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance and eventually died

     peacefully...1 Men lived like gods without sadness of heart… free from toil and grief, miserable

  age rested not on them... legs and arms never failing... for the fruitful earth… bore fruit abundantly

      without [limit]. They dwelt in ease and peace upon lands with many good things, rich in flocks

                                                       and loved by the blessed gods…” 2


The historian Bancroft recalls a similar legend on the other side of the world by the Papago Indians of Arizona:

“Peace and happiness was in the world… all the seasons were warm, and no one wore clothing… men shared

a common tongue… and all were brothers." 3


The Transylvania gypsies tell of a time when 'men lived great ages without sickness, when meat and fruits existed in great abundance, and rivers flowed with milk and wine. Men and animals lived happy lives and were without fear of death.' 4

     In India, thousands of miles to the east, the First and Perfect Age is told in the Mahabharata Epic, dated around 200 BC:

“Men neither bought nor sold; there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour... no disease; there was no

lessening with the years; no sorrow, no fear... a time when all people were happy.5

                                                            The Latin poet, Ovid, (43BC-18AD), in his Metamorphoses, also describes early man as,

                                                      "one of heavenly seed engendered, made in the likeness to the gods that govern everything. Then

                                                        sprang up first the golden age... there was no fear of punishment... There was no town enclosed

                                                      yet with walls and ditches deep... no sword or helmet worn. The fertile earth was free, untouched of

                                                      spade or plough, and yet it yielded of itself of everything enough. And men contended well with plain

                                                         and simple food. The springtime lasted all the year... The ground, untilled, all kinds of fruits did

                                                           plenteously afford. No muck or tillage was bestowed on lean and barren land. The streams

                                                                                ran milk... then streams ran wine, and yellow honey flowed.” 6


                                                           Ovid then tells of a mysterious shift in climate and seasons, which greatly reduced the earth's

                                                    bounty, causing the Golden Age to disappear almost without a trace. Warfare, crime and thievery soon


     “And ancient springtime, Jove [perhaps Jehovah?] abridged and made thereof anon. Four seasons: winter, summer, spring and harvest, off and on. First of all began the air with fervent heat to swelt; Then icicles hung roping down; then the cold was felt, men ’gan to shroud themselves in houses... the thicks. And bushy queaches, hollow caves or hurdles made of sticks. Then were furrows drawn, and corn was cast in ground; the simple ox with sorry sighs to heavy yoke was bound. More hard of nature, somewhat bent to cruel wars and rage... Therein all mischief rushed forth: craft, treason, violence, envy, pride, and wicked lust to win.” 7


     Plato (424–348 BC), recounting Atlantis, also describes the end of the Golden Age:

      “For many generations... they were obedient to the laws and well affectioned to the gods... but

             when this divine portion began to fade away... they became base and lost the fairest

                                                            of their precious gifts...” 8


     The ancient Persians have a legend of Ahriman, the 'prince of darkness,' who deceived the

people and destroyed their Edenic paradice. After misleading them into believing he was their creator,

they repeated the lies with "the grossest of deceptions," 9 which spread everywhere.10

     Ahriman appears similar to the Garden serpent (Gen. 3, perhaps Satan), who beguiled Eve, then

Adam, and was then cursed by God: “'Because you have done this you are cursed above all livestock

and all wild animals... You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life..."

     After this, Adam and Eve, under "painful toil..." and "thorns and thistles," would "eat food... by the

sweat of [their] brow... until [they returned] to the ground..."

"So God drove out the man from the Garden... to work the ground from which he had been taken, and at the east of

the garden… He placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword that turned every way, to guard the way

to the tree of life.” - Gen. 3

     The Genesis Curse was now in full force.

     Ovid recounts again that corruption increased greatly upon the earth and man began worshipping giants (cf. Genesis 6:4):

All godliness under foot... Men say that giants went about the realm of heaven to win, to place themselves

as gods and lawless lords therein.     


     As punishment for their sins and idolatry God sent a great flood to destroy the giants and all life on earth:

Jove standing up aloft... he made sea, land and heaven to quake.

I must destroy man and beast and all the mortal kind...

That all... shall have due punishment... that such destruction utterly on all mankind should fall.

With incessant showers, from heaven poured down... the mortal kind to drown.

As soon [with] his hands, the hanging clouds crushed, with rattling noise from heaven the rain full sadly gushed.

Himself... did [give] the earth a blow that made it shake and waters... flow.

Men, beasts, trees... with their gods, [and] churches washed away...

No difference was between the sea and ground. For all was sea: no shore, nor landing to be found.

Some climbed up to tops of hills, and some rowed to and fro in boats,

where they not long before to plough and cart did go.

Over corn and tops of towns waves did overwhelm.

Sea-nymphs wandered under waves, the towns and groves [to] see.

And dolphins played among the tops and boughs of every tree.

The fleeting fowls sought long for land to rest upon, into the sea with weary wings were driven to fall anon.

Waves on highest tops of mountains did rebound, the greatest part of men were drowned.

As such escaped the flood, forlorn with fasting overlong, did die for want of food.

He broke the clouds... and sturdy blasts chase the flood that earth might see the sky,

the heaven and earth; the seas’ raging fury to cease.

The rainbow... bedecked in sundry hue, to maintain moisture in the clouds, great waters thither drew.  

Then hills did rise above the waves... the ground did seem to grow.

And after long and tedious times the trees did show their tops.

The world restored again... 11


     The resemblance of these legends with the Book of Genesis can hardly be coincidental:

          1.  Before the Fall -- No fear of death or divine punishment: moral innocence; no disease, no warfare; bountiful food without

                     toil or tilling; no fear of animals nor animals of humans

               2.  Before And After The Fall -- Men made in God’s Image; life spans a thousand years; a single language; youthful strength

                     in old age; continuous spring time; corruption by Ahriman (Satan)

               3.  After The Fall -- Men planting and cultivating by the sweat of their brow; work animals used; warfare; corruption and

                     baseness; giantism; slavery and oppression

               4.  During The Flood -- Worldwide inundation; quaking of heaven and earth; destruction of humans, land animals and birds;

                     water covering hills and mountains

               5.  After The Flood -- Ceasing of rain and subterranean up-gushing; mountaintops appear; earth restored                    

               6.  Post-Flood Conditions -- Rainbows; seasons of hot and cold; men living in caves and hurdles; many languages; giants

                    still roaming the earth

“The words of the Lord are flawless.” (Psalm 2:6)

Human Progress, A Closer Look

“One of these days I'll be so complete I won't be a human. I'll be a god.”

                                                                                                                            - John Denver (deceased), Newsweek, 1976

                                                    Denver’s quest for godhood is sure proof humanity is devolving. Contrary to his evolutionary fantasies,

                                              in nature we see 1) universal disintegration, never regeneration; 2) extinction, never new kinds; 3) genetic

                                              loss [i.e., mutations], never genetic gains; and 4) weaker offspring over time. Downward devolution is the


                                                    However, we must admit, it's hard to deny a rather convincing argument for progress in our world, in

                                              particular, human progress; for instance, 1) man's ability to fly in airplanes, 2) his ability to orbit the earth in

                                              space, 3) instantaneous communications to any point on the globe, and 4) man's ability to split and

                                              harness the atom. How can these things be if man is devolving? To untie this gordian knot we must look to

                                              ancient history (especially that which hasn't been censored or varnished) and the Bible, to make sense of

                                               it all. A handful of examples will suffice:

                                                      1.  God created humanity with perfect intelligence right from the beginning. Although that intelligence

                                               was greatly marred after the Fall, much of it remained (and still does, though in retreat). (Later, we'll look

                                               at some ancient architectural and engineering wonders that prove beyond doubt that our earliest

                                               ancestors were extremely intelligent and vigorous, much more than we.)

     2.  Modern man has benefited from thousands of years of accumulated knowledge, advantages our ancestor never had; e.g., scientific knowledge, state-of-the-art technology, modern medical advances and ingenious engineering and construction systems, all of which were conceived and put to use by our primeval forerunners. In other words, modern man stands on the shoulders of ancient man. (Important note: Around 600 BC, the Hebrew prophet Daniel prophesied [12:4] that “knowledge [would] increase [i.e., accumulate],"12 preceding the "time of the end.")

     3.  Pre-Flood knowledge was most likely collected and preserved by Noah and his sons for the benefit of the post-Flood world.      source source  This knowledge would have kick-started progress and civilization following the Flood.

     Evidence for this is strong:

                 - Josephus (AD 37-100) mentions "discoveries. inventions and astrological knowledge" preserved by Noah.13

                 -  Berosos (3 BC) speaks of the antediluvian King Xisuthros (c. 2900 BC) and his history of the world before the Flood.14

                 -  One Babylonian King writes that he “loved to read the writings of the age before the Flood.” 15

                 -  Ashurbanipal, founder of the great Nineveh library, refers to “... inscriptions of the time before the Flood” (Fraser, ‘Folklore

                    in the Old Testament’).

                 -  An antediluvian king list fragment found in the temple library of Nippur at the turn of the century testify of pre-Flood



     Antediluvian knowledge utilized after the Flood would have given humanity the appearance of progress, though much of that knowledge was lost due to worldwide suppression and destruction (likely by elite rulers), and additional factors like incestual recklessness.  

     Don't believe it? Keep reading.

                 -  The destruction of the great libraries of old would have resulted in the loss of thousands of years of accumulated

                    knowledge,17 much of it pre-Flood.

                 -  Worldwide incest would have given rise to many genetic disorders and defects (physical and mental), chiefly among the

                    ruling elites and upper classes (such as Charles Darwin, father of evolution, who married his first cousin Emma). From

                    such mental disorders mounted social chaos, warfare and revolutions, all destroyers of civilization. Though not well known,

                    in more modern times, incest was one of the factors leading to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and World War I, which

                    resulted in enormous destruction, suffering and mayhem. source

                 -  The non-maturation (i.e., not ready for use) of the world's vast oil, gas and coal deposits (products of the Flood) delayed

                    the generation of electric power for thousands of years, impeding the development of metals, alloys, plastics and paper,

                    materials necessary for civilization. Had they had these resources, they would have used them.               

                 -  The modern utilization of these natural resources has given us pleasant, more enjoyable lives, but has also made us

                    physically and mentally weak. Calculators and computers, for instance, have caused laziness and slothfulness, while TVs,

                    radios and social media have made us muddle-headed and easy to propagandize (e.g., teaching children they can can

                    change their sex by thinking about it and letting men use women's bathrooms).

                    Still not convinced we're devolving? Check out the links below:

Modern Men Are Wimps According To New Book

1912 Eighth-Grade Standard Exam Stumps 21st-Century Students

                -  God’s confusion of human language after the Flood would also have stifled human progress. As the Triune God said in

                   Genesis 11:6: “If as one people speaking the same language, they have begun to do this (i.e., the erection of the Tower of

                   Babel), then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they

                   will not understand each other” (Gen. 11: 6-7). Here, we see two great truths: God’s Image reflected in man’s incredible

                   abilities, and those abilities stifled by God because of sin.             

                -  And finally, six thousand years of sin, depravity and violence, which have taken a heavy toll on humanity and our world.

     Perhaps history is not just a record of human progress and development, but a greater tug-of-war between the Image of God that exalts man, and the Curse that checks him. As we've seen (and will see again), the Bible has an extraordinary way of clearing up many of the world's mysteries and paradoxes. Evolution keeps them hidden.

     In the general scheme of things, man is conceited and arrogant, and will never accept that he is devolving and degenerating (Mark 7:21, Jeremiah 17:9, Gal. 5:17 ). As we'll see next, man believes he's evolving forever and soaring toward the heavens.


Evolving Toward Godhood

“God is the goal of evolution”

                                                     - M. Scott Peck, American Psychiatrist


     A cursory look at science and history will assert that evolution is not, and never has been, based on scientific observation. Evolution is simple religion sowed in faith and hope. The idea that it began as a scientific theory by Charles Darwin in the early 19th Century is false; evolution preceded Darwin by 2,600 years, most likely with Anaximander and Thales, who as far as we know, were the first to adopt it. Thales, for example, said all things...

“originated by natural processes...all matter is alive...all things [are] full of gods.”18     

     Anaximander described all life forms evolving in successive changes:

"All beings are derived from other, older beings by successive transformations."  source

     Plutarch (45-127AD ), Platonist philosopher and priest of Delphi, spoke of Anaximander's erroneous creation/evolution hybrid with these words;

"Anaximander the Milesian, affirmed the infinite to be the first principle, and that all things are generated out of it,

and corrupted again into it."

- Plutarch, quoted by Benjamin Franklin Cocker,

Christianity and Greek Philosophy

Anaximander's hybrid echos our modern 'theistic evolution' myth.

     These early thinkers believed (as many do today) that humans arose from mud and pond slime. This being so, how high could they go? Could they become gods?

(Note: As incredible as this sounds, evolution toward godhood [apotheosis] was a chief element in the ancient Mystery Schools, and continues today in nearly all secret societies, such as the Masonic Lodge (particularly in the higher degrees). Lodge members often include preachers, Sunday School teachers, elders, deacons and numerous church members. The Eastern Star, a female organ of Masonry, likely consists of the same. Eastern Star and Freemasonry both deny the Deity of Jesus Christ. source)

     The Eleusinians, elements within the Mystery Schools, claimed that men could be...

“elevated… above the human sphere into the divine, and [be] assured of his redemption, by making him a god…" 19


The Dionysians set forth a similar idea:

“Men became identified with… god himself. They became filled with his spirit and acquired divine powers.” 20


     Hundreds of years later, apotheosis gained ground in Rome with the rise of emperor worship. During the rule of Julius Caesar the Roman Senate struck coins with the words, “Caesar God,” and erected a statue of him with the inscription: “He is a demigod.” Julius protested: “I am not Rex, but Caesar,” and had it removed.

                                                                         We must watch our politicians too, especially those who may not have Caesar's

                                                                     soundness of mind. It's not uncommon these days to see on magazine covers and AP

                                                                     reviews, Washington elites with "halos" encircling their saintly faces. Republicans seem to

                                                                     like them as much as Democrats. But unlike Caesar,

                                                                     though, they refuse to have them removed.

                                                                            In his book, Codex Magica, author Texe Marrs

                                                                     documents with images and photos, a number of

                                                                     politicians and government figures sporting their 'crowns

                                                                     of glory,' including George W. Bush, Tom DeLay and

                                                                     Richard Pearl.21 "Saint Sarah" Palin's 'glory crown' was

                                                                     seen all over the world on the cover of Newsweek

                                                                     magazine.22 President Obama’s aura (on the right) was

                                                                     captured by the Associated Press.23 Donald Trump has

                                                                     sported one too (on the left). With such gods living among

us, why go to church? (One cannot but wonder why the media keeps doing this. Must we watch them

too?) Religious celebrities have found the godhood racket helpful too, particularly in attracting new

converts and boosting revenue.

                                                  Former Mormon President, Spencer Kimball, for example, once encouraged us with these words:

                                                        “In each of us is the potentiality to become a God, he has in him the seeds of Godhood…”24


                                                     Masonic author and philosopher, Manly Hall, cheers us likewise:

                                                                                                        "Man is a god in the making." 25     

                                                     An enlightened Rosicrucian heartens us with these words:

                                                     "The highest expression in one life becomes the lowest expression in the next life, and thus we

                                                     gradually climb the ladder of evolution toward Divinity... We have already lived through a mineral,

                                                         a plant, and an animal-like existence before becoming human, and beyond us lie still further

                                                                                evolutions where we’ll approach the Divine more and more.” 26


                                                    New Ager Ken Wilbur agrees:

If men and women have ultimately come up from amoebas, then they are ultimately on their way towards God." 27     


     One final citationand one very thought-provokingfrom the Devil himself:

“…your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God…”

                                                                                         - Gen. 3:5

     How interesting that Satan, that great deceiver and "serpent of old" (Rev. 20:2), would be the first to utter that great lie to Eve,  then Adam, and then to the whole world, that men can become gods. As we've seen, the grand lie has continued throughout history and continues today.  

Evolution Or Devolution

“The universe... does not live for itself; it gives life to others as it transforms.”

                                                                                                                - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“The heavens will vanish like smoke... its inhabitants will die like flies.”

                                                                                                                    - Isaiah, 51:6

     Darwinian progression, if scrutinized enough, will always contradict itself. Warfare, colonialism, slavery, cutthroat communism,  cutthroat fascism, cutthroat capitalism, abortion and homosexuality are all Darwinian characteristics that contradict progress. War, for example, destroys civilization and upends progress; those who've fought them tell us they turn good menon all sidesinto murdering savages. General Omar Bradley, senior officer during WWII and later Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, described war as a “wrenched debasement of all pretenses of civilization."

(Important side note: Despite Darwinism's "debasement of civilization," evolution has always been useful to the ruling elites whenever certain political & economic concerns have been sought after. During the era of British Colonialism, for instance, Darwinism was an important asset of the British Crown and Bank of England; that is, their "might makes right" ethic alleviated any moral compunctions they might have had during the looting and plundering of their colonial territories. Darwinism also provided moral justification for the City of London's massive drug operations when they forced opium into China during the Opium Wars. Englishmen believed heartily in evolution and put it into practice with sword and cannon.)  

                                                              Although warfare has been with us throughout time, the bloodiest wars took place in the 20th

                                                        Century; over 330 wars and a death toll of 200 million, and for the first time in history, two World    

                                                        Wars so horrendous and hellish that after WWII the United Nations was formed to end all wars.

                                                        Since then there have been 250 wars, 60 in the last dozen years or so.28 If man is evolving

                                                        morally and intellectually, why are we still fighting destructive, wasteful and needless wars?

                                                              If one considers the implications of Darwinism, especially as it relates to warfare, several

                                                        inconsistencies arise. On one hand you have evolution's "might makes right" ethic that demands

                                                        war, and on the other you have man's upward progression that should have eliminated wasteful

                                                        wars long ago. Which will it be? Evolution has no answer. The Bible doesSIN.

                                                             “Where do wars and fightings come from among you? Do they not come from your desires

                                                            or pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and

                                                                                                         cannot obtain. You fight and war."

- James 4:1-2

     History tells us that all wars, big or small, offensive or defensive, are wars for wealth, fame and dominance. Darwinism demands it. Warfare is here to stay because Darwinism is here to stay.

     Abortion is another contradiction of human progress. How can thousands of innocent, unborn babies, torn limb from limb every day or burned alive in their mothers’ womb, usually with both parents' consent, be deemed a stamp of progress? (For those of you who do not believe abortion is murder, you may want to visit Abortion Truth and look at some of their photoslike the one below. Perhaps you'll change your mind.) Since 1973, 2,000-4,000 abortions have been performed every day in "Christian America" (though in decline), totaling 63,500,000 as of 2019-21 (a fifth of our population). source  On a yearly basis, 200 million abortions are performed worldwide.

     Ponder the possibility, if you will, that some of these little ones might have grown up to be prominent doctors (perhaps discovering a cure for cancer), top scientists (maybe wiping out world hunger and poverty), top-line engineers

(perhaps developing new forms of technology or low-cost energy) or brilliant inventors like Ford,

Whitney, Bell, Tesla and Gutenberg (whose inventions have made our lives less burdensome

and much more enjoyable).

     Consider too the loss of over sixty million taxpayers, entrepreneurs, blue- and white-collar

workers, public servants and armed forces, all necessary for a vibrant economy and a strong

national defense. And too, how will Social Security and Medicare fare in the future, which are

already in trouble? Is it not true that more people need to be "putting in" than "taking out?"

     And who would've thought just a few decades ago "those lowly, wretched immigrants," so

hated by the Darwinian right, would now be needed to offset the workers we've aborted. Elated

US companies are now recruiting them by the thousands as cheap laborers, gradually lowering

the pay for everyone else. source

     When we legalized abortion in 1973 we didn’t think it all through did we? You can be sure of

one thing, when God Almighty settles this scoreWE WILL!!!

                                                                           Evolution falsifies itself in other ways also, such as anthropology and ancient history.

                                                                         As we've previously noted, there's strong evidence throughout the earth that ancient man

                                                                         was much more vigorousmentally and physically (and with less fickle emotion)than

                                                                         we are today. The ancient sea maps, the Piri Re’is in particular, were well-known among

                                                                         Eastern European and Turkish sailers at least 200 years before Columbus sailed the

                                                                         Atlantic in 1492. This map (shown on the left) shows not only parts of Eastern South

                                                                         America, but Antarctica (partly blocked), with coastlines, mountains and riverswith no

                                                                         ice. Many researchers have come to believe that the map is a copy of a much older map

                                                                         by perhaps thousands of years.30

                                                                               Seismographic surveys have confirmed the accuracy of these charts, which had to

                                                                          have been drawn spherically, which required a knowledge of surveying, navigation,

                                                                         trigonometry and astronomy.

                                                                               Although evolutionists adamantly deny such knowledge could have existed back then,

                                                                         they're at a loss as to how these maps were drawn. Perhaps this is why history and

                                                                         science documentaries suggest aliens from outer space drew them from flying saucers.

                                                                         Evolution dupes everyone.    

                                                                              Author and Professor Charles Hapgood, who for many years meticulously analyzed

                                                                         these maps with his students, rated the probable age of the Piri Re'is map. He reports:


“The ancient voyage to the Princess Martha Coast… may have been made as recently as about 1,000 B.C. While this may

go a little way to relieve the historian of the problem of accounting for the mapping of that particular coast, it does nothing to help

him in the Ross Sea area, for there it seems that the mapping would have had to have been done at least 6,000 years ago.” 31


     6,000 years? According evolutionists these were the days of hunter-gatherers who had not yet fashioned the simplest wood and stone tools. Are we to believe that grunting, bumbling brutes, dragging their knuckles on the ground, constructed great sea-faring vessels and navigated all over the world, and with mathematical acumen, accurately surveyed and mapped the coasts of South America and Antarctica? The very notion is preposterous!

     And what about all other ancient wonders scattered throughout the world; for example, the massive engineering and architectural marvels built (supposedly) without advanced technology or modern machinery? Engineers today scratch their heads in despair, sadly admitting they cannot duplicate them.      

     Consider the giant megaliths of Stonehenge32 and the massive pyramids, temples and Sphinx of Egypt.33 Until the dawn of the

                                                                     20th Century, the Giza pyramid was the tallest man-made structures ever built, erected

                                                                     thousands of years ago with such precision it staggers the mind. And note the ancient city

                                                                     of Machu Picchu34 rising 8,000 feet (well over a mile high) in the mountains of Peru. This

                                                                     mountain-top metropolis was constructed with thousands of enormous blocks of

                                                                     stonesome weighing up to 200 tonstransported up the mountain-sides and accurately

                                                                     placed in walls and stairways. By some means (we haven’t a clue how) they built large

                                                                     terraces at dizzying heights into the face of a 90-degree cliff.35 How did they do it?

                                                                            In Baalbek, Lebanon over three thousand years ago, 70-foot-high stone columns of

                                                                     enormous weight were transported 700 miles from Egypt. They were cut and lifted from the

                                                                     quarry, hauled to the Mediterranean coast and shipped to Lebanon and carried over hill

                                                                     and vale. These massive works of art were then fitted into the base of the Bacchus, Venus

                                                                     and Jupiter Jupiter temples and can still be seen today.36 More still, the enormous

                                                                     stones of the Jupiter temple (seen on the

right) are 70-foot long, the weight of eight locomotives and as big as a two-story house,

the biggest weighing over 1,600 tons.37 How were these gargantuan stones cut and

lifted from the earth, moved uphill over a half-mile, over rough and winding terrain,

precisely dressed and placed 23 feet in the air so perfectly a needle cannot fit between

them? Such feats of brainpower and physical strength stagger the mind.

     Yet, these enormous megaliths pale significantly to the ones in Mount Shoriya,

southern Siberia, where some of blocks weigh up to 4,000 tons. The unbelievable stone

walls, some constructed on mountain tops, are built in layered courses, tightly fitted

together with staggered joints and cut openings. A few triangular stones and what looks

like concave recesses in others can also be seen. Others are artistically dressed and

balanced atop one another in pillar form. One of them is engraved with a face and others

have flat, 'straight as an arrow' surface, while a few more are worked into giant spheres.

A large stone staircase can also be seen. The most breathtaking is an entire mountain

resembling a pyramid, made not only of earth, but stones as big as locomotives. What

was it for. What was its purpose. Who built them. It's all documented in the video below.

Perhaps "there were giants in the earth in those days" (Gen. 6:4).

     Author and creationist Dennis Peterson in his book, The Mysteries of

Creation, has cataloged more prehistoric marvels, but on a much smaller scale.

Evolutionists refer to them as ‘out-of-place’ artifacts. They are listed below:

             (Note: Dates are given in 'evolution time,' some long before

                                            man started evolving.)

     -  The oldest metallurgical factory known to man, discovered near Mt.

            Ararat, Turkey, the resting place of Noah’s Ark. The site reveals as many

            as 200 furnaces that produced weapons and ornaments, from

            manganese, gold, tin, iron, copper, lead and zinc. Some are of alloy

            composition. They date around 4,500 BC, right after the Flood

     -  Small metallic tweezers, dating 3,000 years

     -  Metallic spheres dating 8 billion years, very hard with no corrosion and

           cannot be scratched

     -  Metallic objects unearthed in Egypt, dating 4,000 years with evidence of ‘electroplating’

     -  2,000 year-old metal swords from China, with no signs of rust or corrosion

     -  An intricate gold chain found in a lump of coal dating 100 million years

     -  A gold thread discovered in granite dating 60 million years

     -  A small metallic cube of nickel and steel discovered in an Austrian coal bed (pre-Flood) showing marks of ‘machining’

     -  A metal hammer with no rust discovered in solid rock dating 135 million years. It was analyzed by Battelle Labs and found to

           contain chlorine (but no carbon, a requisite for steel hardening). A number of metallurgists reported that it could not have been

           produced under our present atmospheric conditions, which most likely points to a pre-Flood artifact. (Some suggested that

           aliens from outer space left it behind.)

                                                 -  An elaborate metallic vase blasted out of solid rock in Massachusetts (Scientific American, 1851),

                                                     which was made of an alloy of silver and possibly zinc. Containing intricate figures of flowers inlaid

                                                     with pure silver, notes the article, the artwork is "exquisite." The rock that contained the vase was so

                                                     old that the editor of Scientific American said it must have been made by the founder of metallurgy,

                                                     Tubal-Cain (the eighth generation from Adam  source):

                                                                 ”... and Zillah... bore Tubal-cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.”

                                                                                                                                                                                          - Gen. 4:22

                                                             Befuddled with the find, Reader’s Digest raised the question in May of 1975: "When did

                                                      civilization begin? The new findings have made a shambles of the traditional theory.”

     The idolatry of Darwinism has turned ancient history into a mesh of confusion and chaos. The Bible, in contradistinction, untangles our history, gives meaning to the present, and gives hope for the future.

Part II


1 Wikipedia entry, GOLDEN AGE;      

2 Ibid.

3 Rehwinkel, THE FLOOD; Concordia Publishing, p. 132

4 Ibid. p. 140

5 Wikipedia entry, GOLDEN AGE;

6 Rehwinkel, THE FLOOD; Concordia Publishing, p. 147

7 Ibid, p. 148

8 Ibid, p. 146

9 Urquhart, MODERN DISCOVERIES AND THE BIBLE; pp. 173ff. (quoted in Rehwinkel; p. 142)

10 Myths Encyclopedia, PERSIAN MYTHOLOGY;

11 Rehwinkel, p. 148ff.

12 Ibid, p. 147ff.

13 Whiston, JOSEPHUS, THE COMPLETE WORKS; Nelson Publishers, pp. 1.2.3ff

14 Rehwinkel, pp. 142-3


16 The Antediluvian Patriarchs and the Sumerian King List;


18 Wikipedia entry, THALES;

19 Nilsson, THE RELIGION OF ELEUSIS; p. 42ff;, (Underlining added)

20 Hoyle, DELPHI; p. 76,

21 On line version,



24 Mormon President Spencer W. Kimball, SALT LAKE CITY TRIBUNE; September 18, 1974

25 Manly P. Hall, THE LOST KEYS OF FREEMASONRY; Macoy, p. 54-55,92

26 Rosicrucian Fellowship Online Pamphlets, THE PROCESS OF EVOLUTION;

27 Hunt, The Atman Project, Cited from OCCULT INVASION; p. 20

28 Wikipedia entry, LISTS OF WARS BY DATE;

29 Abortion Truth,

30 Wikipedia, PERI REIS MAP;


32 Wikipedia entry, STONEHENGE;

33 Wikipedia, entry, Pyramids;

34 Wikipedia entry, MACH PICCHU;


36 Wikipedia entry, BAALBEK;


Webb Telescope Image

The Golden Age