Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)




June 21

Evolution And Pop Culture

Evolution is promoted by video games, movies, TV programing, comic books, music,

novels and public schools.

Video Includes Fascinating Quotes From H.G. Wells [War Of The Worlds], Gene Roddenberry [Star Trek],  

Professors, Psychologists And Murderers

June 10

The Creation Of The Solar System

Hard proof the Solar System could not have evolved.

Our Solar System: Evidence Of Creation

May 31

What Must I Do To Be Saved... Nothing???

Alleged salvation contradictions debunked.

May 25

Grand Canyon: Monument To The Biblical Flood

The Grand Canyon And The Great Flood

May 14

The Teleological Argument: Reasons For The Existence Of God

Rebuttals and counter-rebuttals

The Teleological Argument

The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of God

"Many investigators feel uneasy about stating in public that the origin of life is a mystery, even though behind closed doors they freely admit they are baffled.”

  - Paul Davies, secular physicist

I think that when you consider the beauty of the world and you wonder how it came to be what it is, you are naturally overwhelmed with a feeling of awe, a feeling of admiration... and you almost feel a desire to worship something.”

- Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist

“The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God.”

                                                                                - Psalm 19:1

April 30

Devolution (The Biblical View) Is A Biological Fact

The ‘trade secret’ of population geneticists is that humanity is getting weaker, smaller, slower and dumber, and will ultimately suffer “gene death.”

Genetic Entropy And The Mystery Of The Genome

Eighth Grade exam from 1912 confirms humanity is devolving.

“... the earth will wear out like a garment... ”

                                                                                           - Isaiah 51:6

April 19

Is The Universe Billions Or Thousands Of Years Old?

How Old Is The Earth?

Does It Matter?

Mar. 29

Evolutionists Reluctantly Admit: 'We Are Alone In The Universe'

Fermi’s Paradox: Logical evidence ET does not exist.

Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)

The Privileged Planet: Scientific Evidence ET Does Not Exist

Statistical Evidence ETs Are Demons In Disguise

Recommended Book: 'Close Encounters,' by Clifford Wilson


         Recommended Book: 'Alien Intrusion,' by Gary Bates

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him...”

- Psalm 8:3-4

Mar. 15

Creation Dialogue In Ohio School District APPOSED BY PARENTS

"Anytime you promote... the beliefs of one religion over all other religions... in a public school classroom, that's a problem."

- ACLU spokesman

But evolution is a religion too, one that violates the laws of science...

     - The Law of Cause and Effect says the cause of the universe was greater than the universe,

        more powerful than the universe, prior to the universe and outside the universe.

        (Evolution says the universe came into existence by itself.)

     - The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says nature is devolving, becoming more chaotic and


        (Evolution says nature is ordered, advancing and progressing upward.)

     - The Law of Biogenesis says life can only arise from pre-existing life.       

        (Evolution says life arose from non-life.)

     - The Law of Probability says macro-evolution is mathematically impossible, its chances

        being one in one followed by 2 billion zeros.

        (Evolution claims to have beaten these odds.)

     - The Law of Information Conservation says complex and coded information (e.g., DNA, RNA)

        can only arise from an intelligent mind.

        (Evolution says DNA and RNA arose by itself.)

        Evolution Is A Religion, One Built On Faith, Hope And Trust

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

- Romans 1:20

Mar. 13

Evolution Or Devolution?

Did ancient man surpass modern man in strength, stamina, size and intellect?

An enormous man-made stone wall has been discovered in southern Russia. The wall contains massive stones, some weighing up to 3,000 tons, twice as big as a locomotive. The stones have flat, polished surfaces, right angles and sharp corners. One appears to have carved writings and another bored holes. Several are placed in straight lines, cut and dressed to fit tightly together with staggered joints. Others have large cut openings.

Sometime in the ancient past, these gigantic stones were cut and lifted from the earth, transported up the mountainsides and stacked 130 feet. How did they do it?

“There Were Giants In The Earth In Those Days...”

                                                                                     - Gen. 6:4

(Article & photos)

Gigantic Megaliths Of Ural Mountains In Russia

Gornaya Shoria ~ The Largest "Man-Moved" Stones On Earth

Megalithic China, Yangshan Quarry

Mar. 10

Enormous Water Reservoir Discovered Inside The Earth, Containing Three Times As Much Water As All The Oceans Combined  

(Article & photos)

Massive Underground Ocean Beneath The Earth's Crust

“In the six hundredth year of Noah's life... the same day were all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT

DEEP burst forth..."

- Gen. 7: 11-12

Mar. 7

Soft Tissue Discovered In Dinosaur Fossils

Soft tissues indicates dinosaurs lived only a few thousand years ago, not 160 million.

Dinosaur Still-Soft Biological Tissue (ABC '60 Minutes')

Scientist Fired After Discovering Soft Tissue In Dinosaur Fossil

Feb 11

Scholars Try To Cover-Up Evidence That Evolution Contradicts Science

"Thou shalt not doubt Darwin" is the first and greatest commandment of the New World Order.


Creation-Evolution Debate (Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye) Draws Worldwide Attention

Live streaming brought in more viewers than the State of the Union Address and Super-Bowl combined. People from 190 countries watched the debate live.

Full Debate: Creation vs Evolution

Post-Debate Discussion: Ken Ham And Dr. Georgia Purdom


Bow-Tie Nye (The Science Guy) 'Tells Big Lie' In Creation-Evolution Debate

This is the guy your kids watch in Public Schools and Public Television.

(Christian Apologetics)