Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2020 (Church & State)



Jan 21

“When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped In The Flag And

Carrying A Cross.”

- James Waterman Wise

author and lecturer (1901-1983)

"Fools will become wise when the foal of a wild ass is born a man."

- Job 11:12

Jan 25

Republican Party, Religious Right Hell-Bent On Self-Destruction


     The beast birthed by the Reagan Revolution is now full-grown, ready to devour the nation that raised and nurtured it. Such was evident Jan. 6, 2021 when Trump radicals stormed the nation's Capitol. If it's not yet clear what was going on, it will be in 2024, if Trump decides to run again. He's already mulling a possible 2024 run via his new Patriot Party.

     The super-patriot hard-right and the idolatrous, flag-waving religious right will stop at nothing to put the “Chosen One” back in the White House. According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump's approval among Republicans remains unchanged since the riot—87%. They're still in his pocket.

     Unless we declaw this menace, fascists and strongmen will become commonplace and amass great power. The next strongman may be more competent than the last, and harder to get rid of.

     There's still hope, however. Trump lost the election with 232 electoral votes to Biden's 306, which was confirmed by over 60 court cases presided over by multiple Trump-appointed judges, including three on the Supreme Court. These loyal men and women drove the final nail in the 'rigged election' coffin.

     In addition, hundreds of rioters have already been arrested, in over 20 states. Trump's storm-troopers were quick on the draw but slow on discernment. They rushed headlong into a building where thousands of cameras were watching them, while their smartphones  recorded their every move. (These are the people who want to run your country.) Over 200,000 digital tips have also been collected and analyzed. They'll get every one. Don's rabble-rousers will be rotting in prison while he nips lemonade at Mar-a-Lago, tallying up the last of their donations.

But more to the point...

     It wasn't the 2020 election that was rigged at all, it was the election of 2016 that was rigged (in favor of Trump). It was thrown by the GOP and the 'Council for National Policy,' a secretive pseudo-Christian group with enormous political power and big-money donors.

This is all documented in the book, ‘Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right,’ by author and professor of history, Anne Nelson (2019).

The book's prologue states:

     “The Council for National Policy strategists showed an astute grasp of electoral politics, finding pockets of evangelical voters and identifying the issues that could drive them to the polls. They displayed a special talent for pinpointing the districts and swing states that could win them critical victories. The intricate mechanics of the electoral college and redistricting presented a narrow window to circumvent the popular vote, and they seized the opportunity.” (p. xvi)

     (Question: If Trump is apposed to rigged elections, as he says, why didn't he condemn the 2016 election? According to Nelson, Trump met with the CNP on several occasions and knew what they were doing.)

How Trump’s Alleged "Rigged Election" Incited An Insurrection

A review of the book explains the CNP's inner workings:

     “Nelson followed the CNP through the 2016 election, in which most of its members, initially horrified by Trump, supported Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. But their distaste for Trump was no match for their fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton. The Republicans fell into line as soon as Trump's nomination was confirmed, and the CNP media complex responded to a central command.”

Another reviewer writes:

     "Nelson sought to document the connections between the manpower and media of the Christian Right with the finances of Western plutocrats and the strategy of right-wing Republican political operatives. Many of these connections, she writes, were made possible through the CNP, whose members have included such familiar names as Trump aide Kellyanne Conway, former White House strategist Steve Bannon, the Christian Coalition's first executive director Ralph Reed and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre."

How the CNP captured the Republican Party is also explained

(from the book jacket):

     "In 1981, emboldened by Ronald Reagan’s election, a group of some 50 Republican operatives, evangelicals, oil barons and gun lobbyists met in a Washington suburb to coordinate their attack on civil liberties and the social safety net. These men and women called their coalition the Council for National Policy. Over four decades, this elite club has become a strategic nerve centre for channelling money and mobilizing votes behind the scenes. Its 'secretive' membership rolls represent a high-powered roster of fundamentalists, oligarchs and their allies, from Oliver North, Ed Meese and Tim LaHaye in the council’s formative days, to Kellyanne Conway, Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, and the DeVos and Mercer families today.

     Nelson also traces how the collapse of American local journalism laid the foundation for the CNP’s information war, and listens in on the hardline broadcasting its members controlled. And she reveals how the group has collaborated with the Koch brothers to outfit Radical Right organizations with state-of-the-art apps and a shared pool of captured voter data, outmaneuvering the Democratic Party in a digital arms race."

     (A warning: The CNP is strongly connected to Christian Dominionism, a hard-core movement committed to abolishing the US Constitution and replacing it with Old Testament Law [including the punishments: e.g., execution for adultery, blasphemy, heresy, homosexuality etc.]. Christian Dominionism is sometimes compared with Islamic Sharia Law.)

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity remain silent.

     More still, prior to the Capitol riot, CNP operatives made sure rioters got to Washington on time. As Nelson tweeted the next day...

     "Ginni (Mrs. Clarence) Thomas is on the Board of Govs. of CNP Action (lobbying arm) advisory council, for Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA, which sent 80 bus loads to yesterday’s Washington riot."

After Kirk was caught, he deleted the tweet.

     (Also very Important: The Council for National Policy is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization, which makes it illegal for the CNP [or any other evangelical group] to rig elections on the taxpayers' dime. Perhaps it's time Washington and the IRS began enforcing the law.)

     The myth that the Republican Party and Religious Right are fighting on the side of the angels for truth and justice is now thoroughly debunked.

     They will never recover.

“In their greed and feigned words they make merchandise of you.”

                                                                                                         - 2 Peter 2:3

March 25

Modern-Day Prophets Prophesied Trump Would Win The 2020 Election

Every Single One Failed

And All Of Them Missed The Pandemic

(They’ll Be Back In 2024—with A Vengeance)

"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass,

that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken."

- Deut. 18:22

"There were false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce damnable heresies... bringing swift destruction on themselves. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."

- 2 Peter 2:1-2

     The gift of prophecy was temporary in the 1st Century church. After the New Testament was complete and put to writing, prophecy and other supernatural gifts ceased (I Cor. 13:8-10). Today God speaks only through His Word, the Bible. Anyone claiming to be a prophet today is a liar.

     As you'll see below, it's not the liberals, communists, Muslims or immigrants who'll destroy America, it will be the right-wing religious crack-pots who'll do it. If they're not stopped, and soon, a new Dark Ages will emerge that will last a thousand years.

     Perhaps it's time the American people begin demanding the enforcement of the 1st Amendment (i.e., the separation of church and state), to stop religious con-artists from meddling in our politics. If we don't, future authoritarians and strongmen will use them to seize the government and destroy our Republic. Churches and other 501c3 religious organizations are forbidden by the IRS and US Constitution to interfere in political affairs.

     Today, religious celebrities hold sway over 100 million voters, nearly a third of our population. 81% of them voted for Donald Trump and 49% believe he was anointed by God. One female prophet said she saw Jesus crowning Trump in a vision and consecrating him with a purple robe, making him a modern King David—"a man after God's own heart." Another claimed that "prophets have the power and authority to call Trump back into the White House." Such absurdities, if allowed to continue, will destroy the United States as we know it. What our Founders feared and sought to avoid is now upon us.

     Don't believe it?

     Keep reading.

     Following below are some of the quacks and clowns who prophesied Trump would win the 2020 election, and now refuse to believe he lost.

- Johnny Enlow

     Johnny Enlow, pastor-prophet of Daystar Church, prophesied Trump would win the 2020 election with 88 million votes and 45 states, including California and New York. He lost with 74 million votes and 25 states, and Biden took California and New York. Trump's victory will be God's "Trump Card," prophesied Johnny, "to split history into BT (Before Trump) and AT (After Trump), forming a 'Hinge of the Ages.'"

     "Heaven's rescue operation” also saw Trump taking off on a motorcycle from a mountaintop, battling the Deep State, wearing a red, white, and blue scarf.

     Enlow said on 'The Breaker' YouTube program that Trump was the only President recognized in Heaven: “Trump is the President that's been ordained and nominated by the Lord... If you can see what’s in Heaven, who’s sitting in the presidency seat. It ain’t Biden, it's Trump.” After Trump lost, a portent during the Super Bowl revealed that he had won. When Tampa Bay's Devin White intercepted a pass near the end zone with less than 2 minutes to go, the Chiefs chance of winning was virtually zero. This was the sign Enlow was looking for:

     - Devin's jersey was "45."

     - Trump was the "45th" President.

(An earlier omen likened Trump to King Cyrus, the Persian conqueror and liberator of Israel—foretold in Isaiah "45.")

     Enlow's final omen was the Super Bowl's final score. The Buccaneers' 78% of all points scored was a sign that Trump won 78% of all votes cast, before the steal changed it to 47%. "IT WAS A MIRACLE!"

     Johnny Enlow is a QAnon quack, conspiracy theorist and the author of 'The Seven Mountain Prophesy,' advocating a future World Theocracy ruled by modern-day apostles and prophets.


Dominionist Pastor Says God Will Split History Into “Before Trump” And “After Trump”

God Told Enlow Trump Would Get 88 Million Votes And Win 45 States

Articles & Videos:

QAnon Prophet Says Tampa Bay's Win Is Sign Of Trump's White House Return

Johnny Enlow Says Trump Is Sitting In ‘The Presidency Seat In Heaven’

Enlow Prophesies God Will Use Trump As A "Hinge Of The Ages"

The Trump Dynasty (Facebook Video)

- Pat Robertson

     Longtime televangelist Pat Robertson asked God, "Please tell me how the election is going to happen." God answered that Trump would be re-elected and would usher in an era of "assassination attempts, civil unrest, world war and an asteroid strike, all leading to the 'end times.'" Trump's win would also cause Democrats to attack America and lead Islamic nations to "wipe Israel off the map."

     Pat has walked back since Trump's defeat but has not apologized.

     (Note: Robertson's famous 2012 prophecy predicted that Mitt Romney would win the Presidency and serve two terms.)

     Pat is a strong supporter of Christian Dominionism, which teaches that evangelicals should take 'dominion' over all areas of society, including all governments and all nations, ruling them with the iron fist of Old Testament Law. That being the case, Pat serves as a governing member of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive Dominionist brotherhood with enormous political clout and deep-pocket donors. The New York Times describes it as "a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country." Members include former Trump aide Kellyanne Conway, past White House strategist Steve Bannon, Ralph Reed, NRA boss Wayne LaPierre, Iran-Contra gun & drug runner Oliver North, Ed Meese, Tim LaHaye (deceased), Tony Perkins and the billionaire DeVos, Mercer and Koch families.  

     Recent findings have also linked

the CNP to the 2021 January riot.

Charlie Kirk's 'Turning Point USA'—

a CNP affiliate—shuttled over 80 bus

loads of rioters to the event.

     More still, the Council for National

Policy maintains close ties with the

South Korean Unification Church

("the Moonies"), a hub of South

Korean Intelligence. The Unification

Church was founded by the late

Korean billionaire, Sun Myung Moon,

who claimed he was the Messiah, sent from Heaven

to complete Jesus' work.

     Pat Robertson’s net worth is between $200 million and $1 billion (most of it donated money).

Article & Video:

Pat Robertson Predicts Trump's Re-Election, Wars, Assassinations And Other End Time Terrors

Pat Robertson Prophesies Who'll Win The Election

- Kat Kerr

     Pink haired prophetess, Kat Kerr, prophesied that, 1) Trump would win the 2020 election and 2) the next five Presidents would be Republicans. "For the next 24 years we will have God in the White House,” she rumbled.

     Kat also told how she was caught up to Heaven and God saying to her: "I’ve chosen Trump... because I need him. He’s an all-American boy and can’t be bought or controlled. He will know me and he will hear my voice.” Kat sternly warned anyone opposing Trump, however, “You better step back because this is God’s time." America is "My America," and "nothing will stop Me from putting 'My son,' Donald Trump, back in the White House." (Apparently, Don and Jesus are now brothers.)

     Kat Kerr is an associate of the ultra-right, Independent Network Charismatics (INC), who believe God is restoring the office of prophets & apostles to bring "heaven down to earth."

Articles & Videos:

Kat Kerr Says God Told Her The Results Of The Next Five Presidential Elections

God Calls Trump "His Son," And Says He'll Kick Biden Out Of The White House

God Tells Kat Kerr The Results Of The Next Five Presidential Elections

- Pauls White-Cain

     Donald's 5-Star spiritual adviser, Paula White, recalls how she called on angels from Africa and South America to deliver a Trump victory and prayed for “a bold spiritual army” to restore his presidency. (No African angels showed up, of course, but a new African strain of Covid did, which she completely missed.)

     Later when demonic confederacies tried to “hijack what God had already established" (Trump's supposed win), Paula asked God to “take vengeance.”

     Paula is married to rock musician Jonathon Cain, of the rock band Journey, whom she dated while he was married. She's on her third husband.

     Paula White is an ultra-right Dominionist with a net worth of around $5 million. She and Jonathon own a $3.5 million condo in Trump Tower.


Beneath The ‘Wacky’ Paula White Video Is A Dark And Deeply Undemocratic World

Propping Up The President

Charismatic Christians Prophesying Trump's Victory Are Not Backing Down

Pastor Paula White Calls On Angels From Africa And South America To Bring Trump Victory

Paula White Cheerleads A Prayer To Get Trump Reelected

- Lana Vawser

     Australian prophetess, Lana Vawser—"A Prophetic Voice to the Nations"—tells how she was sitting with the Lord and watching the incredible battle taking place across America, when God said to her: "Justice is Mine... these are the days of My Majesty & Divine Justice." Lana also described how the Lord's power and justice would reverse the 2020 election: "With my mighty hand I will overturn the plans of the wicked (i.e., those apposing Trump)... lift up your voice my people and decree that which I have spoken." "The Word of the Lord shook the nation," Lana boomed, "thundering upon the land like a hammer."

     She was then taken up, looked down, and saw "TRUMP" written across America, slowly morphing into "TRIUMPH."

     Lana Vawser is a supporter of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which advocates modern-day apostles & prophets and signs & wonders.


Prophetic Word To Elijah List: "Justice Is Mine," Says The Lord

I Saw The Lord Speak To President Trump, You Won’t Believe What He Said

Prophetess Lana Is Taken Above, Looks Down

And Sees "TRUMP" Written Across America

- Charlie Shamp

     Charlie Shamp, pastor-prophet of Destiny Encounters International, prophesied an attack coming from the enemy during the election. When blackouts and power outages engulf the cities, he warned, "Trump will still triumph," and "the light of God will shine."

     Charlie said also that Trump would win Pennsylvania specifically, and would “open up the floodgates [and] deliver the nation from destruction.” (Biden won Pennsylvania.)

     During the Jan. 6 riot, Charlie tweeted a photo of himself near the steps where rioters were storming the Capitol. His tweet has since been deleted.


The Christian Prophets Who Say Trump Is Coming Again

Blackouts, Riots And Trump

- Tracy Cooke & Kevin Zadai

     Dual prognosticators, Cooke and Zadai, boldly proclaimed on Sid Roth's super-gala: 'It's Supernatural,' that Trump would win in 2020.

     We must "pray and speak with authority and the victory will be won," Tracy told the audience. God is still in control, he added, but "not unless we give permission." (A blasphemous utterance, similar to what some rabbis have said. Paula White utters likewise: “It is illegal for God to do anything on the earth unless he works with someone" (such as herself, a prophet or an apostle).

     Roth concludes the gala with fire and spirit: "I proclaim that Donald Trump is God's choice and he will have a second term. I proclaim that the Republicans will be in control of the Senate. (The Democrats took the Senate.) I proclaim that the truth will come out even if it takes the Supreme Court. (The Court rejected Don's 'rigged election' claim.) Lord, your word is truth."

     Kevin cuts in, saying, "The Lord just told me it would be forbidden in heaven to concede to an election that has been tampered with. A president does not have to concede if there's something going on that is wrong. God loves America." Here is solid evidence that these people believe they are on God's side and above the law.

     (Interesting side note: Kevin Zadai goes by the honorific title of "Dr.," though he's never had a doctoral degree. He was ordained by religious kingpin, Jesse Duplantis (worth $20 million), who also goes by "Dr.," though he's never had one either.)

     Sid Roth supports the New Apostolic Reformation and has a net worth of around $800,000.

Dual Prophets Share Latest Prophetic Election Updates  

(The Show Ends With A Lion's Roar)

- Jeremiah Johnson

     In his book, 'Trump and the Future of America,' Johnson recalls a vision of Trump running the Boston Marathon (symbolizing the election). As onlookers hiss and spit on him, he approaches the finish line and falls down. Two women, representing the praying church and baby boomers, emerge from the crowd and come to his aid. A supernatural rush of wind then rises to help the women push Trump across the finish line.

     After the the election loss, Johnson apologizes for being wrong, but warns those mocking him that they'll face punishment for "eternity."

     Jeremiah is another NAR supporter and uses Charisma News to peddle his apparitions (including three visits from Jesus). Charisma also champions the visions of Stephen Powell, who claims God spoke to him in 2017: "I have chosen Donald Trump... even on the world stage. I have assigned My angels to assist him... I will put My fear on entire nations."

     Powell is another false prophet who believes (with Johnny Enlow and a few others) that God speaks to the world though ball games. (Watch the Facebook video below.)


What the Lord Is Saying About President Trump

Minister Prophesies Trump Comeback

Jeremiah Johnson Ministries Calls For Immediate Intercession For President Trump

Jeremiah Johnson Says He Was Visited By Jesus—Three Times

Prophet Jeremiah Johnson Receives Death Threats After Apologizing For 'Wrong' Prophecy

About President Trump

Jeremiah Johnson's Angelic Encounter

God Uses Ball Game Lingo To Speak To His Prophets

- Francis Myles

     Francis Myles is a senior pastor of Lovefest Church in Tempe, Arizona.

     During Trump's first term, God spoke to Myles as he recounts on theJim Bakker Show: "There's going to be an overwhelming number of white liberals who talk like they hate the President. But in the secrecy of the ballot box, [God will] work a miracle... and cause the eunuchs to throw off the spirit of Jezebel... and vote massively for the President.” Myles tells also how “a sacrifice has been made in the demonic world, and the new strategy is going to make Donald Trump bloody, the bloodiest President in American history. They are going to make him the scapegoat for all the blood shed in America until 2020... The goat is bloody, but it’s not his blood... It has been put on him by those who want to make the goat look guilty for things the goat did not do. The innocence in the goat's eyes is the innocence of Trump. His desire is to serve his country. He is a patriot at the very core of his being... He loves America.”          Francis explains to all Trump supporters that if they will pray for the President, he will win the election by “divine restraining orders.”

     Francis Myles is a Christian Dominionist with a net worth of around $900,000.

Jesus Showed Myles Two November Surprises Coming

Pastor Warns Of Demonic Sacrifice

- Kris Vallotton

     Kris Vallotton is a senior associate leader of the 11,000-member Bethel Church and cofounder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

     In December 2019 Vallotton predicted that Trump would have a second term, saying, “I believe the Lord’s going to give him another term. I believe it because… the Lord wants it. Cause the Lord wants it.”

     After Trump looses, he apologizes for being "completely wrong," but says he'll wait "until the official vote count is complete." Following the failed vote count, Vallotton again concedes: "I know what it’s like to contend for a word to come to pass; I have done it all my life and taught others to do the same. But I also know that there are times to admit you're wrong" (which makes you a false prophet, according to Deut. 18:22 above).

     Nevertheless, Vallotton's followers remain unmoved and believe God's Word will come true and Trump will prevail as President.

     Kris Vallotton is a Christian Nationalist and supports the New Apostolic Reformation.

     Bethel Church has an income of around $22 million.


Polarizing Televangelist Gets It Wrong

Short quotations:

"Prophetic words must be enforced." - Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo Answers The Question:

Did The Prophets Fail By Forecasting Trump Would Win The Election

- -

“You are hearing the voice of the next President.”

- Mark Taylor, while watching a 2011 Trump interview. (Trump didn't run in 2012.)

- -

"The Lord our God has sealed this election in the Heavenlies... we're gonna hear church bells all over the United States."

- Michele Bachmann (GOP), former US Representative and 2012 Presidential candidate

Facebook Video:

- -

"In a dream [Trump] asked me to be his [spiritual] running mate.”

- Robert Henderson, global apostolic chief and pastor of Radiant Church, Waco, Texas

Robert Henderson To Be Donald Trump's Spiritual Running Mate

- -

"Trump is going to win"

- Prophetess Tracy Eckert, Executive Pastor and co-founder of Storehouse church

"A Lot Of Crazy Stuff Going On." - Tracy Eckert

- -

"The Lord said to me: 'I'm not only shaking the earth, but the heavens... Donald Trump is going to serve four more years... whatever we bind, God will bind, and whatever we loose, God will loose'"

- Kent Christmas, founding pastor of Regeneration Nashville Church, Nashville, TN

Facebook Video:

- -

At 4:30 AM the Lord said to me: 'I am going to give your President a second win.'"

- Denise Goulet, Las Vegas prophetic voice

Trump Attends Las Vegas Church Service

- -

"Trump is going to be a trumpet... he's going to be in office for 2 terms."

- Kim Clement, South African pastor, prophet and musician (died Nov. 2014)

"i Will Raise Up Trump To Be A Trumpet," Says The Lord, "and Bill Gates To

Open Up The Gate Of A Financial Realm For The Church.

- -

"God is going to play the Trump card... he will win."

- Chuck Pierce, President of Global Spheres apostolic & prophetic ministry


- -

"You cannot ignore the signs and wonders that match the word of God... and then match the prophetic utterances of 'proven prophets'... the rebirth of this nation."

- Televangelist Kenneth Copeland

Facebook Video:

- -

"I told the Lord: 'Joe Biden doesn't need to be President.' And just like that, God said: 'He won't.' After the election, the Democratic Party will go underground... like the throne of Pergamon, the throne of Satan that disappears will show back up in Berlin."

- Robin Bullock, Pastor, Christian musician and “Celtic guitar god” (Baltimore City Paper)

Jesus Shows Robin Bullock Who Will Win The US Election And What's Next

- -

"The Lord told me to watch the L.A. Dodgers, to watch Amy Coney Barrett and watch the

reelection of Donald Trump." - Jeremiah Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson Ministries

- -

"God's Hand Is Moving In America."

- Hank Kunneman, senior pastor, Lord of Hosts Church

New Prophetic Word On The Election

- -

"I ask oh God that you would take your strong iron rod and smash the clay pot of delusion

that Biden won the election." - Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Article & Video:

"Smash The Delusion, Father, That Joe Biden Is Our President"

- -

"Trump is going to win Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania,

the greatest red wave you ever seen." - Mike Lindell, MyPillow founder & CEO

(Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania all went to the Democrats.)

Trump Prophesies Were 100% Wrong

(Lindell appears at 1 min. 20 secs.)

After Trump looses the election, Lindell tweets the President to declare Martial Law in Minnesota,  take possession of the ballots and overturn the election. (Strange that those who claim to follow Romans 13 ["Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities"] would try to overturn

a lawful election.)

- -

‘Prophet’ Jeff Jansen Says The Military Will Remove Biden And ReinstateTrump

By The End Of April

Article & Video:

Military To Remove Biden From The White House

- -

"Prophets have the power to call Trump back into the White House...”

- Robin Bullock, Pastor & 'Celtic guitar god'

Article & Video:

Robin Bullock Claims Prophets Have The Power To

Call Trump Back Into The White House

- -

Additional Article:

The Second Coming Of Donald Trump

Additional Videos:

Trump Prophecies That Failed

CBN Interview With 'Prophet' Mark Taylor

- -

     Prof. James Beverley, of Tyndale University (Toronto), tracked over 500 Trump prophecies by over 100 prophets over a 15-year period. His conclusion:

“My research shows that the prophecies are usually vague, sometimes totally wrong, and, with rare exception, fail to be properly critical of Trump.”

     “It will never be pretended that any persons employed in [government] service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven... It will forever be acknowledged that these [state] governments were contrived merely by the use of

reason and the senses.”

- John Adams, Second President

of the United States (1797-1801)

Sept. 1

Did Trump Wreck Afghanistan And Set A Trap For Biden?

The photo on the bottom left was taken in Kabul after Afghanistan was overrun by the Taliban. The other was taken in Washington DC after the US Capitol was overrun by the Trump mob.

See any similarities?

Both were products of Trump.

Disclaimer: This writer is not a Democrat or a Republican, nor did he vote for Biden or Trump. He’s a pro-life, New Testament Christian unaffiliated with the 2-Party system, both of which are corporate owned and right-wing (limousine liberals & country club conservatives). The 2-Party system is a red herring that keeps the nation divided and fighting continually, while the same career politicians (most of them lawyers and multi-millionaires) remain in office election after election (which is why we can’t get rid of them). The two parties are a laughingstock. On one side are the cross-dressers and sexual deviants, bathroom police who don’t know there’s a difference between a man and woman, and inhumane killers getting rich off abortions. On the other are the gun-slinging Trump worshippers who believe he’s “God’s Chosen,” milksop Republicans  dancing whenever he cracks the whip, and MAGA super-patriots hell-bent on self-destruction. Russian and China are laughing—and ready to strike.

     Joe Biden was not the first president to be hamstrung and trapped by an outgoing president. Crippling incoming and sitting presidents have occurred throughout our history.

     In 1860, for example, when Southern states began seceding from the Union to preserve ‘free-market slavery,’ President Buchanan did nothing. Although he apposed succession, he believed the Constitution forbade him to stop it, so he left the coming Civil War for Lincoln to deal with.

     After the election of 1892, during the transition of power between Benjamin Harrison and new President Grover Cleveland, defeated Republicans falsely claimed that large amounts of money were leaving the country and the nation was headed for a financial crash. The frightened public began a run on banks and gold, setting off the Panic of 1893. As the panic ensued, Wall Street financiers rushed to Washington to counsel the President, who ignored them. The entire economy collapsed 10 days before Harrison left office, leaving it for President Cleveland to unravel.

     In the late 1960s, presidential contender Richard Nixon secretly scuttled President Johnson’s peace plan to end the Vietnam war, nixing the later’s chance for a second term. When Johnson became aware of it, instead of fighting it, he withdrew from the race, putting Nixon in the White House. President Nixon kept the war going five more years (for the war capitalists), resulting in the death of 22,000 US soldiers.

     Biden’s Afghan trap was nothing new, Trump was only following in the footsteps of his predecessors—“It’s who we are!”

“There’s nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Key factors leading up to Biden’s trap:

          ⁃   Trump’s alliance with the Evangelical Right

          ⁃   Backstabbing Afghanistan

          ⁃   The treasonous Jan. 6 coup

          The leadership of the secretive, evangelical Council for National Policy (CNP) knew early on they could not rig the 2020 election like they did in 2016 (which put Trump in office). Thus, drastic measures were called for. Professor and research scholar, Anne Nelson, who described in her book—‘Shadow Network’—how

the CNP rigged the 2016 election, explains below how they tried and failed to

rig the 2020 election. She writes:

          “In early 2020, CNP members had every reason to feel confident of Trump’s

reelection… [but] as the campaign season advanced, they realized that Trump’s

chances were eroding and held a series of strategy meetings… There the CNP

strategists laid out a series of options: If Trump lost the popular vote, they

would emphasize the Electoral College. If he lost the Electoral College, they

would promote spurious claims of election fraud and support challenges to the

electors in Republican-controlled statehouses. After the November votes were

counted, the organization went into overdrive. On December 10 the CNP

leadership released a letter calling on legislators in swing states to throw out

over 25 million votes based on false claims of electoral fraud. On January 2,

2021, attorney Cleta Mitchell represented Trump on his call to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, pressuring him to alter his state’s vote count. Finally, as a last-gasp effort, a number of CNP members helped to organize the January 6 “Stop the Steal” protest on Capitol Hill. Members Jenny Beth Martin [co-founder & national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots], Charlie Kirk [conservative talk show host & founder of Turning Point USA], and Virginia Thomas [attorney, conservative activist & wife of Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas] all publicized the event in advance. Former CNP member, Ali Alexander [who goes by ‘Ali Akbar,’ a wordplay off the “Allah” Akbar suicide shout], was a lead organizer. Trump advisor [and New Ager], General Michael Flynn, gave an address at the protest saluting his QAnon supporters."

          In the video below, watch as General Flynn invokes a pagan oracle by right-wing spiritualist medium, Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009), at a MAGA pro-Trump church rally. Listen as the congregation repeats the oracle after him.

          Invoking a pagan prayer at a church service makes Flynn a heretic and apostate. He’s also a renegade. Here’s why: Flynn resigned as Trump’s National Security Adviser after reports he lied to the FBI about his conversations with Sergey Kislyak, Russian Ambassador to the US and a key figure in Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. During court proceedings Flynn pled guilty to lying, but after sentencing was deferred a number of times, he withdrew the guilty plea. His lawyer, Sidney Powell, then requested the case be dropped. When the DC Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request, President Trump pardoned him.

          Little wonder young people are leaving our churches in droves today. When religious hucksters like Flynn and others proclaim Trump as “God’s Chosen” (a grown man who grabs girls by the crotch and brags about it), rig our elections, demand recounts when they lose, and stage riots when all else fails, who can blame them? They’re not stupid.

          Not many decades hence we'll see the Millennials and Gen-Zers enforcing the 1st Amendment, declawing the evangelicals and routing those destroyers of civilization. We are incapable.  

          After the “Stop the Steal” protest failed, there was perhaps one last option on the table for Trump to utilize: Set a trap for Biden in Afghanistan, blame him for its collapse and win in 2024.

          Prof. Nelson adds this warning: “As election-watchers look ahead to 2024, they should bear in mind that the Council for National Policy is characterized by three traits: It does not give up; its tactics are infinitely malleable; and it is willing to operate on the very fringes of legality, without regard for public safety or the principles of democracy.”

          Important side note: Steve Bannon, Trump’s former oafish strategist, who was indicted for criminal contempt of Congress for his roll in the Jan. 6 riot, was a member of the Council for National Policy as of 2014. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former Senior Counselor, was also a member, and may still be. Vice President Mike Pence and Trump lawyer / CBN celebrity, Jay Sekulow, are also members. General Flynn is listed as a CNP member on the biography website, ‘zoomInfo,’ as of 2021. The most interesting member is former US Representative, Bob McEwen, who serves as the CNP’s Executive Director. McEwen is a former Elder in the Church of Christ and a columnist for the Christian Standard magazine.

          Surprisingly also, Trump’s “fake news” has been strangely silent about the CNP meddling in our elections. The Press not only gave the CNP a free pass, but gifted Don with billions of dollars of free advertising the same time he was assailing them. Make no mistake, the six corporations that own the “free press” love Trump and profited handsomely during his reign.

          It may be worth noting also that the Council for National Policy’s secular, left-leaning sister, the Council on Foreign Relations (discussed below), gave Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates over $200,000 during the 2020 election. It seems only 2-Party candidates are eligible for Deep State cash and big media coverage.

The main events leading up to Biden’s trap:

          2017 — In his August Presidential Address, Trump laid out his open-ended strategy for Afghanistan, saying: “Victory will have a clear definition: attacking our enemies, obliterating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), crushing al-Qaeda, preventing the Taliban from taking over the country, and stopping mass terror attacks against Americans before they emerge.”

          As we’ll see, every one failed and was left for Biden to resolve.

          2018 — During the Doha Negotiations in Doha, Qatar (signed Feb. 2020), which the Afghan government was excluded, the Trump Administration caved to the Taliban demand to release Abdul Baradar, Taliban’s co-founder and second in command, from a Pakistan prison. Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and Special Rep., Zalmay Khalilzad played key roles in the release. Baradar is now Deputy Prime Minister of the new Taliban government in Afghanistan.

          According to a top US General, Afghanistan’s collapse was a direct result of the Doha Agreement.

          The Doha Agreement also included the release of 5,000 hardened Taliban prisoners and the closure of five US military bases. When Afghanistan collapsed in 2021 (just after Biden became President), thousands of al-Qaeda, ISIS-K and Haqqani fighters were released from US-run prisons in Afghanistan.

          Note: The ISIS-K bomber that carried out the Kabul airport suicide attack that killed 169 Afghans and 13 Americans was one of those released.

          Note: During the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, the Haqqani and al-Qaeda terror networks were funded and armed by the CIA.

          2019 — In December the “Afghanistan Papers” were leaked, a series of interviews in 2015 between senior military and government officials, who knew the war in Afghanistan was unwinnable but kept it from the public. Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump (two Republicans / one Democrat) were quiet about the unwinnable war, proving once again that our 2-Party system operates hand-in-hand with the war-capitalists.

          2020 — In March the Doha Agreement hit a snag. Afghan President Ghani objected to his government being excluded from the negotiations. ”The release of prisoners is not in the United States’ authority,” protested Ghani, “but the authority of the government of Afghanistan.”

          However, on March 10, under pressure from the Trump Administration, Ghani ordered the release of 1,500 more prisoners at the rate of 100 per day.

          In May (after thousands of prisoners were released and armed) Trump cut troop strength from 13,000 to 8,600. In response, the US House Armed Services Committee voted in favor of an amendment to restrict the President from reducing forces below 8,600, but to no avail; on Jan. 15 (the following year) Trump axed forces again to a bare minimum of 2,500, the lowest number since 2001 (five days before Biden became President). Top Pentagon brass sharply criticized the troop reduction. When Sec. of Defense Mark Esper criticized it, Trump fired him.

          Reports emerged at this time of a Russian bounty program paying Taliban fighters killing US soldiers, and supplying them with Russian weapons. Trump done nothing, saying he was never briefed on the matter (probably to protect Putin). The Times and Associated Press, however, said ‘he was’ briefed.

          In August, US Intelligence released an assessment that Iran was also paying bounties ($1,000 per man) for US and Afghan solders killed, mainly to the Taliban-linked Haqqanis—those Pompeo and Khalilzad got out of prison.

          On Sept. 3 President Ghani freed the last of the prisoners, as required under the Trump/Taliban deal.

          On Sept. 18 at a press conference, Trump announced: “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban.”

          2021 — After Biden’s Inauguration on Jan. 20, he extended the pullout date to Sept. 11. Trump immediately denounced it saying, “We can and should get out earlier…. Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Trump then used it to fundraise off his duped followers.

          By June, Dear Leader was raking in more than $100 million from his minions, mainly from low- and middle-class Republicans, many of them retired and on fixed-income. The majority of donations were pulled in by automatic on-line giving, already checked and set to repeat every month without the donor’s consent or knowledge—until they looked their bank accounts. (This is the man many of you want to return to the White House.)

          At a June rally in Ohio, Trump mocked Biden again, saying the Afghan government would collapse once US forces were gone (just like Don planned). Here are his words: “I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things… It’s a shame. 21 years, by a government that wouldn’t last. The only way they last is if we’re there. What are we going to say? We’ll stay for another 21 years, then we’ll stay for another 50. The whole thing is ridiculous.”

          On July 8 President Biden shifted the final pullout date to Aug. 31.

          In a White House Statement Biden commented on Trump’s troop reduction and the few options left for him: “Shortly before [Trump] left office… he drew US forces down to a minimum of 2,500. Therefore, when I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies’ forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict… I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.”

          Had Biden chosen the latter, you can bet he’d be criticized by the Trump cult the same way they’re hammering him now for choosing the former.

          By Aug. 12, nineteen days before the final pullout, Taliban forces captured 18 of 34 provincial Capitols. Three days later, when 300,000 US-trained and armed Afghan soldiers laid down their arms without a fight, Kabul and all of Afghanistan fell. The Taliban then seized billions of dollars of US firearms, military aircraft and armored vehicles, which will now be used to rule Afghanistan with an iron fist.

          US-backed President Ghani, fearing execution, fled with only the cloths on his back—but with bags full of millions of US tax-dollars—lamenting he only left to prevent "a flood of bloodshed.” The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan saw it differently, demanding Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) detain him for ”stealing public wealth.”

          On Aug. 16 Biden addressed the nation again and deflected blame for the Afghan disaster: “I do not regret my decision to end America’s war fighting in Afghanistan… I cannot and I will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly in another country’s civil war, taking casualties, suffering life-shattering injuries, leaving families broken by grief and loss. This is not in our national security interest.”

          Afghanistan’s collapse (Biden’s trap) leads all the way back to the Doha Agreement, negotiated by Khalilzad and Pompeo. According to ‘The Independent’ (Aug. 29), the Doha Agreement “bound” Biden to the “withdrawal of US troops… setting the stage for the chaos engulfing the country.“ A former State Department official likewise asserted: “Trump let the Taliban set the tone and the direction of the talks.” Trump’s former National Security Advisor, General HR McMaster, confessed as well: “The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.… Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban.”

          Since the pullout, many fear that thousands of Afghan interpreters and allies left behind will be executed by the Taliban (hanged from cranes, stoned or beheaded). One of these is former Pence aid, Olivia Troye, who blames Trump Administration racists and bigots (such as Stephen Miller) for crippling the special visa system that would have gotten them out. District Judge Tanya Chutkan expressed a similar view: Pence, she said, was “fully aware” of Trump’s racist and xenophobic officials.

          (Darwinian racism is deeply entrenched in the Republican Party.)

          Not surprisingly, Stephen Miller (sounding a lot like Trump) blamed Biden for deserting the interpreters: “The sole reason that anyone is stranded in Afghanistan is because Joe Biden stranded them there in the single most imbecilic act of strategic incompetence in human history… All the desperate lying liars in the world can’t change that one inescapable fact.” Mike Pence, falling in line with Miller, pinned the blame on Biden too: “[Biden’s] disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was a foreign policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.” Other Trump babblers, of course, say they would have conducted a more orderly withdrawal.

          In contrast to the never-ending bloviators, Biden’s State Dept. spokesman, Ned Price, said Biden inherited a crippling visa system that lacked staffing, didn’t have a coordinating official and had a process hampered by massive regulations. Another stated, “There was no plan to evacuate our diplomats to the airport… when we got in on Jan. 20 we saw that the cupboard was bare.” Others contended that Trump Administration officials were slow in briefing them on key details and contexts of the Doha Agreement. Still others insisted there was no procedure for bringing troops, contractors, diplomats and other Americans home safely.

          As is evident, the countless snags and hurdles that impeded the safe departure of thousands of interpreters, allies and US citizens out of Afghanistan was Trump’s doing, not Biden’s.

          In spite of the encumbrances, Biden was quick to “add resources and make the right changes, and shaved more than a year off the average processing time, increasing the number of visas from 100 to 813 per week.”

          Despite the successful results, however, hundreds (perhaps thousands) of endangered American citizens and Afghan allies are still trapped in Afghanistan, with no assurance from the State Dept. that they’ll get out anytime soon—if ever. A State Dept. spokesman recently lamented: “The United States has pulled every lever available to us to facilitate the departure of these charter flights,” but to no avail.

          Although Trump’s “fake news” is being quiet about it, a massive tragedy may be unfolding in Afghanistan.

          Presently —  During another White House Statement, President Biden reminded the nation that our exit from Afghanistan took place when the Taliban was “at its strongest militarily since 2001” (thanks to the thousands of prisoners released by Pompeo and Khalilzad). Had he pushed back on the agreement and stayed, Biden said, the Taliban “would have again begun to target our forces,” and “would have meant US troops taking casualties. Once that agreement with the Taliban had been made, staying with a bare minimum force was no longer possible.”

          After the exit, Trump and his stooges wasted no time calling for Biden’s resignation: “Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States,” Donald howled.

          Marching in lockstep with Trump was houseboy, Rep. Matt Gaetz, who tweeted the Taliban government was "more legitimate” than the Biden government.

Another water boy, Shawn Hannity, gave Don the floor to brag about his good relations with the Taliban, praising them for being "smart, good negotiators and good fighters.” (They’re also women beaters and rapists, forced marriage crusaders, murderers, beheaders and suicide bombers.)

Donald saluted his Jan. 6 head-knocker likewise, calling those who battered police over the head with the American Flag, “a loving crowd,” having “a lot of love.” Calling the armed insurrection a “lovefest between the Capitol Police and the people,” he added, “the crowd was unbelievable. And I mentioned the word love. The love—the love in the air, I have never seen anything like it… The Capitol Police were very friendly… you know, they were hugging and kissing.” (This is your man, Republicans!)

          Another Trump minion, Tucker Carlson, who never misses an opportunity to castigate non-white immigrants coming to America (whose countries we’ve invaded, destroyed and plundered), said regarding the Afghan refugees: “First we invade, and then we are invaded.” But please take note, neither Carlson, Gaetz, Miller or Hannity will ever tell you that the majority of head-banging, scrapping and gun-toting killers in America are home grown, right-wing and white Anglo-Saxon, and as we’ve already pointed out, are aided and abetted by the Religious Right, i.e. the Council for National Policy.

          For those of you who hold to lie that the Jan. 6 rioters were unarmed and nonviolent, please take note that it’s now confirmed that many of the insurrectionists were armed with guns and other deadly weapons. As NBC and FactCheck reported: “Before and after the storming of the Capitol… police seized a dozen firearms, including an assault rifle and thousands of rounds of ammunition, from seven people… Other weapons included a crossbow, stun-gun and 11 Molotov cocktails.” A pipe bomb was also discovered the next day. At least 65 demonstrators have been charged with wielding weapons against the police, which makes the Jan. 6 riot a seditious, armed insurrection against the United States of America, punishable by fines, prison time, or even death.

          The ongoing House Investigation of the Capitol riot has divulged a number of protest organizers attending meetings with White House staff and Republican members of Congress, claiming they were promised a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office if the riot got out of hand.

          Considering the grave nature of the January 6 insurrection, the Center for Strategic and International Studies states that, “One cannot commit sedition or insurrection to overthrow a government, or delay the execution of any law of the United States (such as a Senate electoral count), while still claiming to uphold and defend the Constitution.” The CSIS further warns: “Charges of insurrection, or the incitement of insurrection, involves fines and imprisonment… In addition, individuals charged with insurrection are ineligible to hold public office in the United States. Those charged with seditious conspiracy can be fined and could serve up to 20 years in prison.” As U.S. Code § 894 (Art. 94) also makes clear: “Any person subject to this chapter who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death…”

          All patriots, left or right, must demand of the government that all Capitol rioters found guilty of mutiny, attempted mutiny or sedition be punished to the fullest extent of the law. As Romans 13:4 says, the government “is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.”

          In Closing — The Shadow Government behind the Biden and Trump Administrations—indeed our whole visible government—is heavily infested with groups like the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a private non-partisan (but left-leaning) body of wealthy power-brokers pushing for Transnational Governance, i.e., a New World Order.

          For those of you who scoff at the idea of a New World Order (NWO), you may want to take a look at President George HW Bush announcing the New World Order at the outset of the 1st Gulf War. The date of the was Sept. 11, 1990—11 years to the day—preceding the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. Coincidence? (Below is a clip of his 1991 NWO speech.)

          Read how President Bush praises the NWO as “a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle… a world where the strong respect the rights of the weak.” However, at the end of the short-lived conflict (if you were watching the news) we were given a glimpse at how the NWO “respects the rule of law” and “protects the rights of the weak.” On the night of February 26–27 (1991) over a thousand retreating Iraqi soldiers, women and children included, with 350 unarmed Iraqis who surrendered, were cut down mercilessly and murdered by the vastly superior US military, a gross violation of the Third Geneva Convention (Common Article 3) and UN Resolution 660. This inhuman massacre is today known as the “The Highway of Death.” Look it up.

          The Council on Foreign Relations and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), were founded in 1919 by Anglo-American Round Table elites promoting a closer union between the United States and Great Britain, ultimately returning the United States to Great Britain. The CFR was funded by the Rockefeller family in New York City.

          The Biden Administration presently has thirty-three CFR members, Obama had ninety and Trump had sixteen (Zalmay Khalilzad being one of them, the special Representative who negotiated the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners and Taliban co-founder, Abdul Baradar).

          Nearly every US President in the last 100 years has had CFR members in his Cabinet. Trump, however, was the first to have CNP members in his, namely six, as of 2018.

Other Shadow Networks in the Trump swamp:

                 The Bilderbergers (International oligarchs)

                 Trilateral Commission (Western and Japanese oligarchs)

          ⁃  Goldman Sachs (International bankers, money creators, insider traders, and a former employer of Steve Bannon; Goldman donates to both political parties, and in 2008 received a $34 billion taxpayer bailout from the Bush Administration)

          ⁃  Rhodes Scholars (Anglo-American elites working to restore the US to British control)

                 Knights of Malta (Catholic equivalent of Protestant Freemasons)

                 Zionists (Israel first, America second)

                 Carlyle Group (Multinational private equity firm which the Bin Laden family was heavily invested at the time of 9/11.                      After 9/11 the Bin Ladens liquidated their holdings and three days later were secretly flown out of the country by                    President Bush, while all other flights were grounded)

                 New York City Council of Churches (Part of the Religious Left)

          -   Import-Export Bank (US Government-owned bank which creates money out of thin air and loans it to communist                    China at low interest)

                 Skull & Bones (Chapter 322 of ‘The Order,’ operates within the CFR)

(These are the “swamp creatures” Trump was supposed to drain. For more information on these groups, scroll

down to my May 15, 2018 post.)

          Trump’s connection with these groups totally debunks the QAnon conspiracy theory that he was fighting the Deep State; he was hand-in-hand with them, just like his predecessors.

          Important side note: In 2004 two Skull & Bones affiliates, George W. Bush and John F. Kerry (one on the right and one on the left) were running for US President. Both had won their Party’s nomination, which guaranteed a Skull & Bones President. In the video below you’ll see two brief interviews of Bush and Kerry with ‘Meet The Press’ moderator, Tim Russert, who pressed both of them on their Skull & Bones membership. Both refused to discuss it, saying it was a secret society. Within 4 months Russert was dead. Every journalist in the country got the message. Another coincidence?

          The intermixing of politics and secret societies should have no part in a representative Democracy. In time, such commingling leads to dual loyalties, vice and villainy, and is contrary to the spirit of the US Constitution [perhaps the 4th Amendment]. For instance, a Royal Arch Freemason, whether a Judge, Sheriff or jury member, must take an oath to keep the secrets of all Royal Arch companions concealed—“murder and treason not excepted.” This is quite perilous and dangerous for a number of reasons: A Judge, for example, will take a “public” oath that he will show no partiality at his bench, but if he’s a mason, particularly of high rank, will take a “private” oath that ‘he will,’ under pain of a number of blood curdling penalties. Other secret societies have similar vows and oaths.

          How can such a person serve his community and nation with any kind of honor? A common idiot can see the contradiction. The law of our land should require that any candidate running for public office be obliged to acknowledge membership in any secret society or be banned from seeking office.

          Another brave American who tried to expose Skull & Bones—and perhaps also paid with his life—was British-American professor and author, Antony Sutton, who penned a number of articles on The Order from 1983 to 1985, the last entitled “How the Order Creates War and Revolutions,” in 1985. He later compiled all his articles into one volume, namely:                “America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones,” the last edition published in 2002, the year of his death (perhaps by foul play)

          Interestingly, Sutton’s death occurred on June 17, 2002, exactly 17 years after his final article was published in 1985, and 170 years—to the day—from the date Skull & Bones was founded on June 17, 1832 (17, 17, 170, 17). Another coincidence?

          President Biden has been a CFR associate for years. Though not a member at present, he does serve as an occasional speaker, and  writes for the CFR’s flagship publication, ’Foreign Affairs.’ VP Kamala Harris is also an associate, and her sister Maya is a member.

          Donald Trump has no membership in the Council for National Policy per se, but does speak at CNP gatherings from time to time. This, of course, connects him with the Council on Foreign Relations, whose members at times overlap the CNP. The Council for National Policy links also with the South Korean intelligence hub, the Unification Church (also known as the messianic Moonie cult). The CNP has taken millions of dollars from Unification Church founder, Sun Myung Moon, as has many on the Religious Right. Both CFR and CNP affiliates have dual memberships with the Freemasons, the Catholic Knights of Malta, the John Birch Society and its Intelligence gathering network, Western Goals (now defunct).

          As elections draw near, keep your eye on Trump—“The Chosen One”—and the Council for National Policy—the most secretive religious brotherhood you’ve never heard of. The CNP will stop at nothing in putting Trump back in the White House. The mixing of politics and religion is what our Founders feared the most and sought to avoid with the 1st Amendment.

          Don’t be deceived, the wrecking ball that destroyed Afghanistan may turn up here someday, if the Darwinian New World Order get its way. If so, you can bet that Donald Trump (or someone smarter and stronger than he) will have his sucker patriots waving the Flag and singing God Bless America as our nation (as we know it) disappears into the dustbin of history.

“All the nations before Him are as nothing… less than nothing, worthless… He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.” - Isaiah 40:17,23

A warning from George Washington:

          “The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institutions may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances, be made subservient to the vilest of purposes. Should those who are entrusted with the management of this government, incited by the lust of power and prompted by the supineness or venality of their Constituents, overleap the known barriers of this Constitution and violate the unalienable rights of humanity: it will only serve to shew, that no compact among men (however provident in its construction and sacred in its ratification) can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no wall of words, that no mound of parchment, can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other." - George Washington, April 30, 1789

Remember this one (also from Washington) after elections begin:

          "Let that Party set up a broomstick and call it a true son of Liberty… or give it any other epithet that will suit their purpose… and it will command their votes in toto.” - George Washington, 1799

Here’s one from Isaiah:

          “Hell hath enlarged itself and opened her mouth without measure: into the abyss go the nobles and masses with all their brawlers and revelers.” - Isaiah 5:14

The Day of Judgment is fast approaching. That Awful Judge—the Celestial God-Man—Who appeared in human flesh—without sin—is the only One worthy to Judge the world in Perfect Righteousness. Crucified for our sins, He “was dead,” but is now “alive forevermore… and has the keys of death and hell” (Rev. 1:18). The Heavenly Magistrate is Infinite, Holy, Eternal, absolutely Just and cannot be bought. He’s the “Just and Justifier” (Romans 3:26) of all who have believed in Him (cf. John 3:16) and obeyed the Gospel (cf. Acts 2:38). You know his name, most of you have taken it in vain.

All are invited, none will be excused, and few will be acquitted (Mat. 7:14).

Moonie Wedding

Credit: Cristinadeargentina