Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2018 (Religion)



Dec. 14

"God's Chosen" Creates Temple Coin With Image Of President Trump And Cyrus The Great (With Trump In Front, Of Course)

Seal of U.S. Government included.

Photo: Mikdash Educational Center

During the 2016 Presidential Election, evangelicals likened Donald Trump to King Cyrus, the Great Persian King, who was called by God—by name, 150 years before he was born (Isaiah 44:28)—to free the Jews from Babylonian captivity. The Hebrews departed Babylon in 457 BC to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem, under the leadership of priest and scribe, Ezra.    

Superstitious believers still look to President Trump as a modern-day Cyrus, who supposedly has been "called of God" to build a third Jerusalem Temple, which would likely trigger nuclear WWIII. To undergird his "calling," Trump quotes King Cyrus, though the quote nowhere exists.

The Trump/Cyrus comparison was more likely a religious dog-whistle, cobbled together by Israel's right-wing Likud Party and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to get Trump elected for Israel's benefit. The Trump presidency will keep evangelical support for Netanyahu strong as he faces numerous legal battles, perhaps impeachment. The Trump/Cyrus coin will also keep the Zionist State flowing in billions of US tax dollars and millions of US weapons, requisite in killing Palestinian men, women and children, many of them Christians. John Fea, Messiah College Professor, depicts the Trump/Cyrus Coin as the “theopolitical version of money laundering, taking scripture to clean up your candidate.”

Only in "Christian America" could such a hellish thing take root.

Background: The Biblical Story The Christian Right Uses To Defend Trump And Why Evangelicals Are Calling Him A “Modern-Day Cyrus.”

Who Is King Cyrus, And Why Did Netanyahu Compare Him To Trump?

Trump's Fake Cyrus quote:

Is Modern Israel a Fulfillment of Old Testament Land Promises?

See: The Middle East Crisis In Biblical Perspective, F. Furman Kearley, Ph.D. (Church of Christ)

Nov. 6

African Refugees Plant Churches Of Christ In Denmark

Africans from the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, converted to Christianity in a refugee camp in Zambia, move to Denmark (in 2012) to plant churches.

July 6

'Christian Standard Media' Partners With National Council Of Churches

'Christian Standard' and 'Lookout' magazines sign agreement with International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL) and the Committee on the Uniform Series (CUS), which is governed by the National Council of Churches.

Unity Cross (below, compared with Gay Pride Flag) taken from Sunday School Lesson No. 3,

Unity Cross

Gay Pride Flag

"Have participants talk about how they face doctrinal and practical conflicts that arise when Christians of different faith traditions seek to minister together, such as the prosperity gospel, same sex marriage, gays and lesbians in the pulpit, etc. How do these controversies affect their Christian life and ministry?" - Teaching Strategy, Lesson 3

"The National Council of Churches Faith and Order Commission is an ongoing, scholarly, ecumenical dialogue among North American Christian theologians and church historians, including Evangelical, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, mainline Protestant, and African-American scholars." - Wikipedia

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness." - Ephesians 5:11

June 4

Trump White House Celebrates 'Ramadan'

President Donald Trump, following in the footsteps of Obama, Bush and Clinton, will honor the Islamic observance of Ramadan, an obligatory month of fasting by Muslims. Ramadan, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, commemorates Allah's first revelation to Mohammed. Penalties for violations are prison time, heavy fines and/or floggings (Wikipedia). A Trump White House statement says Ramadan "reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life."

During the Clinton Presidency, Hillary Clinton likewise honored Ramadan, asserting that "All over the world people are coming together as we have here, praying, rejoicing, honoring family and community, remembering the poor, renewing the spirit, and rededicating themselves to the values that bind you together..."

President George W. Bush honored Ramadan also, referring to "Islam's learned and vibrant culture." President Obama alluded to the month of fasting as "a time when Muslims recommit themselves to their faith, following days of discipline with nights of gratitude of the gifts God bestows. A time of spiritual renewal, and a reminder of our duty to our fellow man, to serve one another, and lift up the less fortunate."

The words of Trump, Obama, Bush and Hillary are more proof that our 2-party system is a

total fraud.

Islam is now a permanent fixture in the USA, though Muslim Americans make up only 1% of

the population.

Article & short video

Article & short video

Trump Hosts Iftar Dinner During Ramadan

(Note: Extending good will toward Muslims is a good thing and should always be encouraged. But a U.S. President observing a festival to honor Muslims [who represent only 1% of the population] seems out of proportion. Washington gives Muslims everything they want and many thing they don't ask for.)

Feb 6

Occult Symbolism & Sexual Deviance Big Winners At ‘Stuper Bowl’ 2018

                     U.S. Bank Stadium, Minneapolis                        

                                        Credit: Darb02

Timberlake’s half-time ritual included pyramids, all seeing eye, thousand points of light (New Age), a sunburst, depictions of divination, sadism, fornication, buggery, masturbation, homosexuality and freemasonry, all in one setting.

After the Eagles' win, 100,000 Philadelphians took to the streets setting fires, flipping cars, destroying light poles, shouting filthy language and looting & trashing the city. One proud Philadelphian dropped his pants to tout an Eagle tattoo. Fans cheered.

Article & short video clip

Super Bowl Security turned Minneapolis into a Military Police State, with hundreds of National Guardsmen swarming the city, including countless Secret Service operatives, ICE and FBI agents, Security Contractors, County Sheriff’s Reserves, and over 10,000 civilian volunteers.

(Wonder why all these Security people didn’t stop the rioters?)

Article w/ maps & photos

Half-Time Zombies

2018 Super Bowl Halftime Exposed

Stuper Bowl Pushes One World Religion: “We’re All On The Same Team!”

Professional Sports Are All Fixed

“… we will distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions… we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sports of all kinds: these interests will distract their minds… Growing more disaccustomed to opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone will offer them new directions…”

- Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol 13, 1903

Jan 19

Soaking The Rich To Give To The Poor, Penny-Pinching Republicans, And The Old Testament Welfare System

The Old Testament welfare system commanded the rich to give to the poor, and established a system that prevented the wealth of Israel from being concentrated into the hands of the wealthy few.

Lev. 19:9-10… “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God.” [Notice how the poor were required to work.]

Deut. 14:28-29… “At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, so that… the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.”

Lev. 25:25-28… “If your brother becomes poor and sells part of his property, then his nearest redeemer shall come and redeem what his brother has sold. If a man has no one to redeem it… [and] does not have sufficient means to recover it, then what he sold shall remain in the hand of the buyer until the Year of Jubilee. In the Jubilee it shall be released, and he shall return to his property.”  

[The wealth of the nation would never become concentrated in the hands of the rich under this system.]

Exodus 23:10-11… “For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it… Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.”

Deut. 15:1-11… “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite… They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed… there need be no poor people among you [i.e., made poor by predatory capitalism], for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you… For the Lord your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. (Today America borrows from 38 nations [$6.2 trillion. The total national debt is $22 trillion.])  

If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhanded and freely lend them whatever they need. Be careful not to harbor this wicked thought: “The seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near,” so that you do not show ill will toward the needy among your fellow Israelites and give them nothing. They may then appeal to the Lord against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.

Although these laws were obligatory to Israel alone, the moral and righteous nature of these statutes apply to all governments and peoples today. While fraud and laziness undermine economical safety nets in various nations today, fraud and laziness likely undermined the Hebrew nation also. (Human nature does not change.) Nevertheless, the landed rich were commanded to help the poor.

There’s nothing inappropriate in governments giving a tax-supported hand-up (and occasionally a hand-out) to the poor and impoverished. Many of the unemployed would work if they could find decent employment. In America, the government has allowed giant corporations to ship good paying jobs overseas where workers are paid less than a dollar per hour. If the government can bailout predatory banks and greedy corporations with trillions of tax-dollars, the government can feed and clothe the poor and hungry. Any government that takes 50% of your income in taxes is obligated to provide relief when you're out of work, stricken with illness, or too old to work.

Pay no attention to the penny-pinching Republicans and their stooges, the Religious Right.