Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2014 (Politics & Culture)



June 18

ISIS Trained By American Instructors In Jordan And Turkey

June 16

Another Iraq War?

Right-wing hawks continue to beat 9/11 war drums.

Washington elite pushing for war against the same terrorists we’ve been arming and financing since the Carter & Reagan years.

(Good background)

National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told the Taliban, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood (i.e., Mujahideen) in 1979: “Your cause is right and God is on your side.”

ISIS is killing Christians with American-made assault rifles.

Why do many ISIS killers look Caucasian?


June 14

Nintendo Pushing Gay Agenda On Your Children

Nintendo says it will be more gay friendly in the future.

(Nintendo's public statement)

What’s behind the homosexual agenda?

June 13

U.S. Is Arming Both Sides In The Syria-Iraq Conflict

American banks and military-industrial complex are the victors.

Millions of innocent civilians are the losers.

(Article, map & related links)

June 6

70 Years Ago Today—On D-Day—"America's Greatest Generation" Shipped Out By Air, Land And Sea To Liberate Nazi-Occupied France (And Were Sacrificed For The Bankers)  

The Nazi war machine was built by US corporations, up to and during WWII. General Motors, Ford, John Deere, Alcoa, Dow, Bendix, Bosch, Bud Company, International Harvester, General Electric, IBM and DuPont were just some of the treasonous corporations that backed Nazi Germany.

Elite bankers such as the Rockefellers, Morgans, Harrimans, Warburgs (who were Jewish) and Rothschilds (also Jewish) financed the rise of Nazi Germany. Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W, was Harriman’s point man to Adolf Hitler.

Total WWII casualties were over 73,000,000.

None of the bankers or corporate elite fought for our country, and none went to prison or were hanged for treason.

All wars are bankers' wars, doubt it not!


Recommended Book

June 4

“American Exceptionalism”

Lies, thievery, political cover-ups, assassinations, homosexual marriage, homosexual adoptions, murder of the unborn, illegal invasion of countries that mean us no harm, takedown of democratically elected leaders, bribing dictators, spying on American citizens and churches proclaiming America is a Christian nation make us very exceptional.

May 30

Vice President Biden Inspires Air Force Cadets To Build A ‘New World Order’

“We... have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a New World Order for the

21st Century...” - VP Biden

May 27

Honor Our Vets By Telling Them The Truth: War Is A Racket

“Trample underfoot those with bars of silver. Scatter the people who take pleasure in war.”

- Psalm 68:30

May 24

No Bank Bailouts In Iran

Predatory bankers are hanged publicly or locked up for life.

May 17

The Homosexual Movement And The New World Order

How can 2-5% of the population wield so much political power, bend politicians and the media at will, and amass so much wealth?

The answer: The New World Order. The homosexual movement began not at the bottom, but at the

top—outside the gay culture—with big money.

“... the New World Order prides itself on stability and loyalty to the New Order, and homosexuals are notoriously unstable and unreliable. So, having served their purpose, when the time comes, rank-and-file homosexuals will be systematically eliminated as enemies of the state” -- Author and Investigative Journalist, Randy Engel (referring to the work of Dr. Richard Day, former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood-World Population) (emphasis added)

"You think the churches will oppose us. I tell you they will help us" -- Dr. Richard Day

May 8

Corporate Media Cries Out: “Bring Back Our Girls!”

300 kidnapped Nigerian girls attain much sympathy from the media, but not the 29 Nigerian boys that were burned alive, and thousands of Christians.



First Lady Michele Obama also laments, “Bring Back Our Girls,” but shows no outrage for the thousands of American girls killed by abortion every day.

Funding for Boko Haram kidnappers traced to Britain, Saudi Arabia (both US allies) and

NATO (i.e., USA).

(Pssst: Nigeria is the world's 13th largest oil producer.)

May 2

Afghanistan Opium Profits Soar (Thanks To NATO)

Production up 40,000% since America's ‘War on Terror‘ began. Afghan opium makes up 80% of

world’s heroin supply.

“Afghan heroin has killed more than 1 million people worldwide since ‘Operation Enduring Freedom.’ Over $1 trillion has been invested in transnational organized crime from drug sales”

- Russian Federal Drug Control Service.

Russia calls for the eradication of Afghan opium fields. NATO says no!

(Article & video)

April 28

   Canadian Rock Band Bills US Justice Dept. $666,000.00 After Discovering Their Music Was Used To Torture Prisoners

April 26

“Glenn Beck For Dummies”

Beck's connections to the New World Order.


Mormon connections to the New World Order. (Beck is a Mormon)

Mormonism denies the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus Christ. Mormonism teaches God the Father is one of many gods and was once a man living on another planet. Mormonism teaches that Jesus was married, that Satan is Jesus' brother, and we'll all become gods someday. These are just some of the things Beck must believe if he is a Mormon.

Beck falsely claims the NWO is a Chinese & Russian conspiracy, but not American & British.

(Beck’s filthy mouth and hellish background music should be a dead give-away.)

April 24

Solid Proof That America Is Now An Oligarchy (i.e., Rule By The Financial,

Corporate Elite)

Is it not the rich who oppress you?”

                                                                        - James 2:6

April 22

Who’s Behind America's Violent Rap Music?

(The same white millionaires behind the corporate prison movement.)

"Before our eyes and ears, a 'web of business relationships that now defines America’s media and culture' has one particular business raking in billions of dollars while another defines the culture of a specific demographic as criminal. Both business are owned by the same people."

- Yasiin Bey, rap artist

US incarceration rates are the highest in the world. America has 5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners.

Incarceration rates have soared 500% since 1970.

April 19

Anti-Semitic Leaflets Handed Out In Ukraine Were Fake

Who Did It? (Answer: Who Benefits?)

(Article & video)

“The false flag would have portrayed Russian-speaking Ukrainians as anti-Semitic, a characteristic that carries sensationalistic weight in a politically correct media – unless, of course, the anti-Semites are working for the United States and attempting to overthrow yet another democratically elected leader targeted for elimination.” - Kurt Nimmo,

(Article & photo)

April 11

Neocon / Corporate Takeover Of Public Radio

National Public Radio, once dominated by the Left (but condemned by the Right as a waste of tax money), is now stage-managed by the Right for their corporate masters.

April 8

“Christian America” Supplying Heavy Weapons To Islamic Terrorists In Syria

April 7

Why Are Our Daughters Having So Much Sex, Getting Pregnant and

Having Abortions?

(Answer: stupid parents)

40% (4.3 million) of US teens are sexually active.

18% of these (.77 million) get abortions.

“Do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”

                                                                                                                             - Lev. 19:29

April 6

69 Years Ago, America Entered World War I, To Fight For The Bankers And CEOs Who Rigged It

As American soldiers ‘fought and died for their country,’ the bankers and corporate bosses refused to fight, and reaped the profits.

“We drifted on to the question of the U.S. entering the war, for which Britain and France so patiently waited. Dr. Page then revealed to us, under seal of secrecy, that he had received from the President that afternoon, a personal communication upon the strength of which he could affirm that, at last, the die was cast. Consequently, it was not without emotion that he found himself able to assure us that the U.S. would be at war with the Central Powers inside a week from that date. The Ambassador’s assurance was correct to the day. We dined on Friday, March 30. On April 2, President Wilson asked Congress to declare a State of War with Germany. On April 6, the U.S. was at war” (Mullins, ‘The Foundations,’ chapter 7.1).

“The cause of the Allies is lost. We owe you [American bankers, munitions makers, manufacturers, speculators, and exporters] five or six billion dollars. If we lose [and without the help of the United States we must lose], we, England, France and Italy cannot pay back this money… and Germany won’t” (‘War Is A Racket,’ Brigadier General Smedley Butler [1935], pp. 43-44).

“It is most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores in the hopes especially of embroiling the United States with Germany… If some of it gets into trouble, better still” (Winston Churchill, British Lord of the Admiralty, 1915).

“The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the Flag follows the dollar, and the boys follow the Flag” (Gen. Smedley Butler).

Total WWI casualties were 23 million (117,000 Americans, 2.4 million European civilians). Total cost was $185 billion, 80% of it borrowed from the bankers.

April 3

Corporations Rule Washington

While the U.S. plunges into ever increasing debt, Caterpillar shifts its profits overseas (though federal law prohibits it), exempting itself from $2.4 billion in taxes.

Caterpillar should be “given an award.” - Senator Rand Paul (R)

Caterpillar bulldozers in Israel were used to destroy Palestinian homes, farms, greenhouses, orchards, wells, sewer & water lines and roads... Caterpillars are also used to bury Palestinians alive.

Caterpillars are sometimes donated by US taxpayers.

Caterpillar tanks in WWII Germany were used to kill American soldiers.

Caterpillars were sold to the Soviet Union during the communist bloodbath.

Mar. 24

The UK Is Generating Electricity And Heating Hospitals With Aborted Fetuses

Since 2012, human fetuses have been used as “clinical waste fuel" to  heat hospitals.

-  -

Defending Civil Rights Is Now ‘Big Business’

Multi-millionaire cofounder of the ‘Southern Poverty Law Center,’ Morris Dees, began his career defending the Ku Klux Klan.

(SPLC's bank account pushing $224 million)

Mar. 23

Another Wacky Conspiracy Theory?

The following 10 facts will prove an ongoing medical / pharmaceutical conspiracy

Mar. 20

Feminism's Betrayal Of Women: 10 Cases

‘Second Wave’ feminism was staged-managed in the '60s by top-down ruling-class males (i.e., Republicans) who cared nothing about women.

Mar. 19

Pit Bull Mauls Little Boy, Will Require Years Of Reconstructive Surgery

National outrage results in legal defence fund—for the dog.

Mar. 18

Military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Causes Blowback

53% of military sexual assaults are ‘male-on-male.’ A GI in Afghanistan is more likely to be raped by a male soldier than killed by the Taliban. In 2012, 14,000 military homosexual assaults

were reported.

Mar. 14

Illegal Aliens Now Outnumber America's Unemployed

Mar. 7

BBC Admits Neo-Nazis Are Behind Ukraine “Revolution”

Ukrainian fascists, many of them snipers shooting Ukrainians on both sides (i.e., protestors and police), are backed by Western democracies.

Mar. 6

'I Am A Ukrainian' Video Found To Be Bogus

The video (filmed before the revolt began), pushes the lie that the Ukraine revolution was a ‘grass roots’ movement. The video is linked to the U.S. State Dept. and Council on Foreign Relations. Prince Moulay Hicham, member of the wealthy Moroccan Royal Family, funded the video, while CFR member Larry Diamond marketed it.

Ukraine’s merging with the West (if Western backed fascists can pull it off) will make it easier for the Pentagon to surround Russia with more missiles, the reason for Russia’s incursion into Crimea (70% of Crimeans are Russian) to secure Russian Naval bases.

Mar.  4

Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun

As Washington and the media divert attention from Ukraine to Obama/Russia haggling, newly installed Prime Minister (former banker) announces Naftogaz (Ukraine’s $200 billion oil/gas consortium) will soon be on the ‘auction block’ for Western looters.

-  -

American Teen Sues Parents For College Tuition

Daughter refuses to obey parents' rules, leaves home and files suit, demanding $650 a week, high school tuition back pay, college tuition and legal fees.

If successful, say experts, it “could open the floodgates of kids fighting with parents, moving out and suing them to keep paying.”

(Judge ultimately rules against daughter.)

Feb.  28

Ukraine To Be Sucked Dry By New World Order

Ukraine snubbing Russia and siding with the West. Banker installed Prime Minister Yatsenyuk (former Central Banker) will now be handing over wealthy, resource rich Ukraine to EU, IMF and Wall Street looters. Russia is correct in preserving East Ukraine and Crimea (70% Russian).

Washington has spent $5 billion in Ukrainian meddling.

Feb. 23

The New World Order—No Wacky Conspiracy Theory

The NWO is a fact, documented in the Congressional Record and quoted frequently by the

Left / Right International Elite.

Feb. 22

Homosexuals Adopting Children—Occasionally Infants—To Abuse And Pervert

(and sometimes filming them in the act)

Feb. 21

Global Death Culture Gaining Ground

‘LA Times’ joins Belgium, Britain and Netherlands in promoting child euthanasia.

Feb. 18

The Truth About Feminism

Second-wave feminism was hijacked by New York Republicans in the '60s to get women into the workforce for cheap labor, increase tax revenue and get their kids into government schools.

-  -

Public Schools Prepare Students For Police State

Students forced into active shooter drills with real shooters, blank ammo, mock killings and fake blood & dead bodies. Drills are sometimes carried out suddenly, without prior knowledge

or warning to students or parents.

(Article & video)

Feb. 15

“Dark Money” Links Between U.S. Chamber of Commerce And Big Business

The Chamber of Commerce (non-profit, locally funded) typically supports the Republican Party, and is one of the largest lobbying groups in America, spending more than all others combined. “Our members range from mom-and-pop shops and local chambers to leading industry associations and large corporations," says Chamber spokesman.

(Contributions, however, suggest Big Business is running the show, donating the most and getting back the most. Chamber of Commerce refuses to disclose donors.)

-  -

Media Finally Admits: “Financial Markets Are Rigged”

(Article and Video)

Feb. 12

More Americans Have Been Killed By Police Since 9-11 Than The Iraq War

Cops are killing more of us than the terrorists they're protecting us from.

A US citizen is eight times more likely to be killed by a policeman than a terrorist.


Who’s Behind The Outrage Against Russian Anti-Gay Laws?

10 things you may not know about Russia’s anti-gay laws & LGBT rights.

Feb. 6

Don’t Be Fooled By Right-Wing Obama Hatred

(Obama’s policies began with Bush and the GOP)

The engineered Obama hatred will put another Republican in the White House and continue the same policies of the preceding administration.

Feb. 3

As War Hawks Push For More War, Military Graveyards Are Bursting At The Seams

(Pentagon pushing cremations to save space and money)

Veterans may soon be forced to pay for their final resting places.

(Article & video clip)

Jan. 30

US Sponsoring Russian Female Goon Band, P***y Riot

Western billionaires & NGOs bankrolling Russian punk bands and homosexual/feminist nihilists to sow moral filth in former Soviet Union.

                                                         Credit: Denis Bochkarev

Jan. 23

Americans Can Fulfill Their Dreams By Killing The Unborn Says President Obama

(Official Presidential Statement, anniversary of Roe v. Wade)

Jan. 20

National Reconnaissance Office Launches New Spy Satellite

Logo below shows giant octopus engulfing the earth


Other U.S. PSYOP Logos (linked below) show Illuminati Pyramid, Knight Templar (Masonic), Vipers Covering The Earth, Hooded Monk (Catholic), Space Alien, Horned Minotaur (Human Sacrifice), Cloaked Wizards, Dragon Clutching The Earth, And The Devil.

Jan. 18

1.5 Million Americans Are Going Without Unemployment Benefits, While $1.5 Billion Is Given To Egypt, $400 Million To Palestinian Authority, And $3.1 Billion To Israel (One Of The Richest Nations On Earth)

Jan, 17

Ladies, Be Careful Who You Shack With

A 4-year-old boy is nearly beaten to death by his mother's live-in boyfriend, who is a reserve

Police Officer and former Deputy Sheriff.

(The boy remains in critical condition)

Jan. 14

Freemasons Now Running British Legal System

Scotland Yard discovers organized crime figures using Freemasonry to corrupt police.

Jan. 13

Obamacare Insurance Bailout, Dead Ahead


Jan. 9

Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines (eg. Gardasil, Cervarix) Warns Parents & Young Girls: It’s A Giant Deadly Scam (44 Girls Have Died)

Merck markets products as “essential to one’s survival.”

                                            Credit: Sandra Rugio

Merck vaccine sales soar to an annual $20 billion.

Jan. 8

        Glenn Beck Says: “America Is Rising”

        (40 signs it’s going the other way)

Jan. 2

‘Fertility Treatment’ Coverage Now Available To Homosexual Couples

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D) charges that denying fertility coverage to couples that cannot reproduce violates California’s non-discrimination laws.

Jan. 1

Racism Escalating In “Democratic Israel”

US taxpayer aid to Israel in 2015 was $3,110,000,000, plus another $3,100,000,000 in military aid.

Since it became a nation in 1948, American taxpayers have given Israel $124,000,000,000.