Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2020 (Politics & Culture)



Oct. 26

President Trump Mocks His Loyal Supporters And Calls Them Disgusting

“I don’t like shaking hands with people... I don’t have to shake hands with these disgusting people.”

During a meeting, Trump said one benefit of the Covid pandemic was that he no longer had to shake hands with his supporters.

Trump Calls His Supporters Disgusting

“Look at these people, it’s literally a little bit sad.”

Trump mocks supporters running to great him.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters.”

If Trump was found guilty of shooting someone, his supporters would blame the Deep State

for rigging the trial.

When Trump Says He Could Shoot Someone And Not Lose

Any Voters, His Faithful Cheer

“That guy’s got a serious weight problem... Go home, start exercising... get him out, please.”

Trump fat-shames a veteran (by mistake) at a New Hampshire rally while the crowd applauds. After realizing his mistake, Trump thanks him for his service but does not apologize. Veteran says he loves him anyway.

Trump Fat-Shames Veteran

“Get the baby out of here.”

Trump mocks a mother and her crying baby at a 2016 rally.

"I Was Only Kidding, Get The Baby Out Of Here"

“Michigan, you better vote for me! I got you so many damn car plants... This election is not about me, it’s about you.”

Trump brags at a Michigan gathering how he delivered so many auto plants to their state, though none have opened under his watch. 12 new Chrysler factories are slated for North America, but only one is under construction in Michigan. Eight of the twelve will go to Mexico. One Michigan plant closed in 2017. Fans cheered, "Four More Years!"

Wikipedia: List Of Chrysler Factories

Fact Check

Michigan Better Vote For Me

“I would have said no, we don’t have to bother.”

Trump tells a roaring North Carolina crowd that he wouldn't have bothered with their rally if he had been doing better in the polls. They cheer anyway.

Later, Trump tells North Carolinians to vote twice to test the system.

Article & Video

“Why should I go to that cemetery?... It’s filled with losers... and suckers."

During a 2018 visit to the American Aisne-Marne Cemetery near Paris, Trump insulted and dishonored over 1,800 US Marines that were killed in France during WWI. According to a senior Defense Dept. official and four others with firsthand knowledge, the President thought his hair might get ruffled in the rain. Trump denied it after it was reported.

Former US Rep. Tom Rooney later remarked, "When the losers-and-suckers thing happened, I asked a Trump supporter friend of mine if that bothered him, and he said: ‘Nope.’"

Trump also wants to keep wounded veterans out of military parades.

Trump Dishonors US Marines Killed In WWI

"He's the head of [North Korea]... and I mean he's the strong head. Don't let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention... I WANT MY PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME."

Trump praises North Korea's murdering dictator, Kim Jong Un (the kind Trump likes), and says he wants the same 'snap attention' from "his people."

Later he said he was only kidding.

In his first five years as absolute ruler, Kim ordered the execution of 340 citizens, 140 of them senior government and military officials. A top education official was put to death by a firing squad, and a defense minister was executed—in public—by anti-aircraft artillery.

Trump Wants Americans To Snap To Attention When He Speaks

A strange paradox is taking place in Trump's regime. As 'Dear Leader' further distances himself from middle America as an elite moneyed aristocrat, his conservative base remains working class, beer-bellied good-ole-boys, and half-dressed dishevelled dancing girls shouting "Four More Years." They're now completely seduced into voting against their own best interests election after election. The billionaires have won again.

Radio jock, Howard Stern, who hosted Trump on-air for years, recently loathed: "The people Trump despises the most love him the most... Go to Mar-a-Lago and see if there’s anyone there who looks like you. He'd be disgusted.”

*  *  *


"We are violating every aspect of life by turning everything into a ripoff because we have adopted the view that insatiable individualistic greed must run the world. We are living in a very dangerous age in which insatiably greedy men are prepared to sacrifice anybody’s health and tranquility to satisfy their own insatiable greed for money and power... I am aghast at what selfishness, and the drive for power have done to our society."

- Carrol Quigley (1910-1977),

professor of history, Georgetown University

"Surely the lowborn are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie. If weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a puff of wind."

- Psalm 62:9

March 26

Euthanasia For Capitalism

If you're over 60 would you "die for the Dow" to save America and keep the Trump

economy going? Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (Texas) says he would, and that you should also.

Surprisingly, many Americans agree with the Governor (most likely, those under 60).

Fox News' Brit Hume says it’s “entirely reasonable” to expect that grandparents would be willing to die to protect the economy. “We don’t shut down the economy to save every single life that’s threatened by a wide-spread disease. We just don’t.”

Article & Video

Glenn Beck is also willing to "Fall On The Sword."

Beck says older Americans should boldly return to work: “Even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the country.”

Article & Video

Gov. Patrick, Hume and Beck remind us of the pre-Columbian pagans who sacrificed humans to the gods to guarantee a good crop.

Texas Governor Says He And Other Seniors Are Willing

To Die From Covid-19 To Save Economy

April 7

"Never Let A [Covid] Crisis Go To Waste"

- Rahm Emanuel,

former Chief of Staff (Obama)

With shrewd use of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, forced his hand (the Enabling Law) through parliament, giving him full crisis dictatorial powers with no end date; an open-ended State of Emergency. Premier Orban is right-wing and ultra-nationalist, and his power grab will be difficult to undo. He can dissolve parliament by fiat, rule by decree and has canceled all elections. He's also enacted a five-year prison sentence for spreading rumors and fake news. The penalty for exiting the corona quarantine is eight years. George Soros is even denouncing him. Bush and Obama both condemn him. President Trump, of course, praises and applauds him, as you'll see in the video.  

Hungary's Covid-19 austerity is justified by Orban's view that the community—not the individual—is the basic political unit, which is anti-democratic, anti-Christian and totalitarian.

Orban's Fidesz Party has also consolidated legislative and executive power, reined in civil liberties, restricted freedom of speech and press, weakened the Constitutional Court and Judiciary, and made wide use of nepotism, cronyism and religion.

Orban's government is also meddling in the affairs of other nations, such as Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Brazil, creating unwarranted instability.

As models for his new government, Orban cites Turkey, India, Russia and China.

Remember, the New World Order is right-wing and capitalist.

Watch your government through this crisis fellow Americans and fellow Christians.

The right will seize your liberties just like the left.

Hungary’s Viktor Orban Given Dictatorial Power, Citing Urgency Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Viktor Orbán (Wikipedia)án

Hungary's Fidesz Government (Wikipedia)

President Trump And Dictator Orbán Praise Each Other At White House

Jan 16

Media Lockdown Hides $6 Trillion Handout To Wall Street

New York Fed Headquarters, Lower Manhattan

As Democrats and Republicans were tearing at each other's throats over the murder of Iranian General Soleimani, the New York Federal Reserve quietly shifted $6 trillion in repo handouts to Wall Street trading houses ($215 billion per day). No MSM outlets or newspapers reported it, and none of the Democrat debaters even mentioned it. Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck are also keeping the sheep asleep. The bailouts began last September and will probably extend through April.

“The manager also discussed expectations to gradually transition away from active repo [bailout] operations next year as Treasury Bill purchases supply a larger base of reserves. The calendar of repo operations starting in mid-January could reflect a gradual reduction in active repo operations. The manager indicated that some repos might be needed at least through April, when tax payments will sharply reduce reserve levels.”

- Fed minutes

From 2007 to 2010, $29 trillion ($29,000,000,000,000.00) also flowed from the Fed to Wall Street banks, trading houses and foreign derivative counterparties, suggesting that today's handouts (not President Trump) are what's driving the Dow and S&P to new heights. More still, with added cash from Trump's corporate tax breaks, company titans are executing stock buy-backs, further propelling the market. Wall Street gamblers and the 1% have never had it so good.

"You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves for

the day of slaughter."

- James 5:5