Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2020 (Religion)



Jan. 16

Church-State Theocrats Flex Religious Muscles At Florida Rally

After the murder of Iranian General, Qasem Soleimani, President Trump rushed to Miami's "Evangelicals For Trump" rally to keep his flag-waving supporters and donors in line. "God is On Our Side!" blurted the President.

Video: Trump's Full Speech

President Trump Attends "Evangelicals For Trump" Rally

Pastor-Prophet Prays For Trump At Rally

The massive gathering was held at the largest Hispanic congregation in the nation. (Trump now loves them and needs their vote.) King Jesus International Ministry boasts up to 7 thousand members, including scores of immigrants and refugees—some illegal. Pastor and "Apostle," Guillermo Maldonado, reassured the illegals that no immigration papers would be needed, nor would there be any risk of deportation during the President's visit. Maldonado also goes by the title, "Prophet," i.e. God speaks through him. This means the odds are pretty good that any message from heaven will be pro-Trump.

Maldonado's claim of prophetic vision is easily debunked with two Bible verses, one from the Old Testament and one from the New:

     - Daniel 9:24: "Seal up vision and prophecy." The cessation of miracles after Christ's coming was prophesied by Daniel, c. 550 BC.

     - 1 Corinthians 13:8: "Where there are prophecies they shall cease." The cessation of miracles spoken by Daniel was affirmed by the Apostle Paul, c. 50 AD.

These two passages alone render any pro-Trump prophet a crackpot liar.

The Evangelicals For Trump rally was Illegal under the terms of the church's 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status:

"The Internal Revenue Service reminds section 501(c)(3) organizations, including charities and churches, that federal law prohibits them from becoming directly or indirectly involved in campaigns of political candidates." - IRS News Release

This makes Trump & King Jesus Ministry law-breakers.


“Evangelicals, Christians of every denomination and believers of every faith, have never had a greater champion in the White House—not even close—than you have right now.” - President Donald Trump

Article & Video

“I really do believe we have God on our side. I believe that. I believe that.” - President Trump

Trump's words are no different from any Middle Eastern imam, mullah or ayatollah.

Article & Video

Praying For War:

Religious Celebrities And Church Folk Pray For War

John Hagee & Benny Hinn Pray For War

Preacher Hagee Calls For Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike Against Iran

Warhawk Theocrats Yearn For End Of World

     - "What kick-starts the end-time is Israel's political boundaries being reestablished." - Nate Pyle, Pastor and Author

     - "Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 'fulfilling biblical prophecy' to bring about the second coming of Christ." - Cristina Maza, Newsweek

     - Preacher Hagee, founder of 'Christians United for Israel,' delights in his book, Jerusalem Countdown, a scenario in which a US-Israeli strike against Iran might trigger an “inferno that could explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.”

     - Vice President Pence, with similar views, persuades Trump to move Israel's US Embassy to Jerusalem where Jesus will “set up His throne on the Temple Mount where He will sit and rule for a thousand years.”

(Not so, Jesus is already on His Throne; see Acts 2:29-31; Heb. 8:1; 12:2.)

Faith-Based Fidelity Toward Trump Reaches Heavenly Heights:

-  "President Trump is a test to prove if you are truly saved." - Religious TV Host, Jim Bakker

Article & Video

"Only Saved People Can Love Trump"

(In 1988 Bakker served five years in prison for conspiracy, mail & wire fraud and fleecing his  donors of over $3 million.)

Before You Bang The War Drums Against Iran, Here Are Some Things You May Not Know

About Iran:

     - Iran has not invaded another country for 150 years, in contrast to the United States who's invaded 19 and presently occupies 150.

     - In 1953, Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, was overthrown in a US-British coup for introducing legislation to nationalize Iran's oil industry (which would have benefited the Iranian people, not Western capitalists).

     - Following the '53 coup, Iran's notorious security service, SAVAK, was formed, which regularly used torture against dissenters, including women. SAVAK was set up by the US installed Shah, and was supported and advised by Israel and the CIA. SAVAK was responsible for the death of 15,000 Iranians and the injury of 50.000.

     - Iran’s defense spending in 2011 was $13 billion, in contrast to America's $700 billion (54 times that of Iran, totaling more than the next 17 nations combined).

     - Iran's nuclear threat today is a result of US corporate profiteering. The US provided Iran with its first nuclear reactor in 1953 for $11 billion. It's still in operation today. The operators were trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

     - Iran has signed the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. North Korea and Israel have not.

     - During the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), the United States armed both sides. 500,000 combatants and 300,000 civilians were killed.

     - After 9/11, Iran joined the US in defeating the Taliban.

     - Iran's top General, Qasem Soleimani, joined the US to defeat ISIS (until he was murdered by President Trump).

     - Iran has a Jewish population of 25,000, the largest of any Muslim country.

     - Iran has a Christian population of 300,000-370,000, the largest non-Muslim religion in the country.

     - Over 60 percent of Iran's university students are female. Many Iranian women today (including those married) are professionals.

     - During WWII, Iranian diplomats rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazis.

     - Iranian bankers who loot the country are hanged.

     - Iranians are Persian, not Arabian. The Iranian people are related to the Jews through Elam, son of Shem (Gen. 10:22), son of Noah (Gen. 10:1), making them Semites. Accusations of Iran being anti-Semitic is a contradiction and oxymoron.

The MSM will never tell you these things.

Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck will keep the sheep asleep.

General Soleimani On Peace Mission With Saudi Arabia When Assassinated (Ron Paul)

Military Capitalism: Cost Of US-Iran War Could Reach $2 Trillion In The First Three Months Alone

War Capitalism On The Right; War Capitalism On The Left: TV Warhawks Fail To Disclose Financial Ties To Arms Industry

TV Warmongers Praising Soleimani Assassination Fail To Disclose

Ties To Arms Industry

TV Military Experts Sell War For "Big 5": Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, SCP Partners, General Dynamics, Blackwater

Big Oil Capitalism: Iran War May Push Oil To $250 Per Barrel

Endless Wars Built On Lies, War Profits, Reelections

The Winner Of Any US-Iran War: ISIS

Article & Video

Henry Kissinger On Politics And Militarism:

     In his book, 'Diplomacy,' Kissinger explains that individual men can be judged negatively on moral grounds, but governments cannot. When it comes to government action, the only suitable judgement is based on whether or not the government achieves its goals. Kissinger mocks those who object on so-called moral grounds. Quoting Cardinal de Richelieu, Kissinger quips: "Man is immortal, his salvation is hereafter... the state has no immortality, its salvation is now or never." In other words, states do not receive credit in any world for doing what is right; they are only rewarded for being strong enough to do what is necessary. Thus, to escape accountability, the ruling class needs only to invoke the name of the state. This, of course, is the same position held by past rulers who justified theft, deceit, torture, slavery, and slaughter in the name of God. This tactic has simply been modernized. Our new rulers have substituted "the state" for God. And conveniently for them, they are the state... and just not any state; they are the emerging omnipotent, global state. (Tragedy And Hope 101, Plummer, pp. 15-16)

Kissinger's thesis, coupled with social Darwinism and Ayn Rand capitalism, is the prevailing view of American politics and warfare.

Here's another quote from Kissinger:

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

Kissinger, now 96, will soon discover that Jehovah does not excuse nations, nor their leaders, from theft, deceit, torture, slavery, and slaughter in the name of God:

"Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord, “for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them—all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger." - Zephaniah 3:8

"Let the nations be judged before You. Put them in fear, O LORD; Let the nations know that they are but men." - Psalm 9:19-20

March 27

Sacrificing Humans For Capitalism

Shall We Terminate Grandma And The Kids During The Pandemic To Keep Trump's Economy Rolling. Yes, Say Many Conservatives.

Question: If you're over 60 would you be willing to "die for the Dow" to keep the economy going? Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (Texas Republican) says he would, and you should too. Numerous Americans seem to agree, especially those under 60.

Texas Governor Says He And Other Seniors Are Willing

To Die From Covid-19 To Save Economy

Brit Hume (Fox News) says it’s “entirely reasonable” to expect that grandparents would be willing to die to protect the economy. “We don’t shut down the economy to save every single life that’s threatened by a wide-spread disease. We just don’t,” says Hume

Article & Video

Glenn Beck is also willing to fall on the sword for the economy. Beck says older Americans should boldly return to work: “Even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the country.”

Article & Video:

Indiana Congressman, Trey Hollingsworth, is another who's willing to let Americans die for the economy. Favoring the economy over health, says Hollingsworth, "is the lesser of two evils, and we intend to move forward in that direction. In the choice between the loss of our way of life, and the loss of life, it is always the government's position to say, 'we choose the latter.'"

- Rep. Hollingsworth

Article & Video:

Putting People At Risk Is The 'Lesser Of Two Evils' - Rep. Trey Hollingsworth

Fox News Commentator (and Oprah Winfrey comic), Dr. Oz, Goes To The Other End Of The

Range - The Young - And Suggests Schools Should Reopen Because Only 2-3% Of The Children (that's 2,000,000) Might Die. "Any life," says Oz, "is a life lost, but to get every child back into school is a theoretical risk on the back side, a trade-off some folks would consider. We could get industry back, supply lines, things we can do without putting the nation at risk.”

Article & Video

Children Dying To Reopen Schools Could Be A 'Trade-Off' - Dr Oz

Patrick, Hume, Beck, Oz and Hollingsworth echo the pre-Columbian pagans who sacrificed humans to their gods in exchange for a good crop. Trump's religious supporters have remained silent.

This is the direction we're going. Watch the conservative right, they're now showing their true colors. They'll sacrifice you and your children in a heartbeat to bring back their profits.

“Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions taken depend on ideas lying around. Our basic function is to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available, until the politically impossible becomes

the politically inevitable.”

- Milton Friedman, free market capitalist,

adviser to President Reagan

"Those who desire to get rich fall into temptation and a trap, and into many foolish and

harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction."

- I Timothy 6:9