Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

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Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer

To Everyone

(I Peter 3:15)

How Trump Wrecked Afghanistan And Left It For Biden to Unravel

"I am your retribution."

                                                                 - Donald Trump, CPAC, March 4, 2023

                              Credit: Ebrahim Noroozi / AP

The photo on the left was taken in Kabul after Afghanistan was overrun by the Taliban. The photo on

the right was taken in Washington DC after the US Capitol was overrun by the MAGA mob.

See any similarities? Both were products of Trump.

     Joe Biden is not the first head-of-state to be double-crossed by an outgoing president. Backstabbing incoming and sitting presidents are not uncommon in America: "It's who we are." In 1860, for instance, when Southern states began seceding from the Union to preserve free-market slavery, President Buchanan did nothing. Though he apposed succession, he believed the Constitution forbade him from stopping it, so he left the oncoming Civil War for President Lincoln to deal with.

Short History of Awkward Presidential Transitions

The Presidential Transition That Shattered America

     Later, during he transition of power between President Benjamin Harrison (R) and President-elect Grover Cleveland (D) following the election of 1892, the Republicans falsely claimed that huge amounts of money were leaving the country and the nation was headed for a financial collapse. The frightened public began a run on the banks, setting off the Panic of 1893, resulting in the whole economy  crashing. The chaos was then handed over to President Cleveland to unravel.

Vengeful Lame-Duck President and the Panic of 1893

     In the late 1960s, Presidential contender Richard Nixon secretly scuttled President Johnson’s peace plan to end the Vietnam War, nixing the later’s chance for a second term. When Johnson became aware of it, instead of fighting it, he withdrew from the race, putting Nixon in the White House. President Nixon kept the war going for another five years, resulting in the death of 22,000 more soldiers, bringing the total to 58,000.

Nixon Prolonged the Vietnam War for Political Gain (And Johnson Knew It), According to Unclassified Tapes

     Biden double-crossing is nothing new; Trump was only following in the footsteps of his predecessors.

"There’s nothing new under the sun."

                                                                  - Ecclesiastes 1:9

     Factors leading up to Biden's betrayal were: 1) Trump’s alliance with the Religious Right fascists and 2) the Jan. 6 Insurrection.

     At the outset, the leadership of the secretive, evangelical Council for National Policy (CNP), knew they could not rig the 2020 election like they did in 2016 (which put Trump in office). Therefore, drastic measures were called for. Professor and research scholar, Anne Nelson, in her well-researched book, Shadow Network, recalls how the CNP tried, but failed, to manipulate the 2020 election. She writes:

“In early 2020, CNP members had every reason to feel confident of Trump’s reelection… [but] as the campaign season advanced,

they realized that Trump’s chances were eroding and held a series of strategy meetings… There the CNP strategists laid out a

series of options: If Trump lost the popular vote, they would emphasize the Electoral College. If he lost the Electoral College, they would promote spurious claims of election fraud and support challenges to the electors in Republican-controlled statehouses. After

the November votes were counted, the organization went into overdrive. On December 10 the CNP leadership released a letter

calling on legislators in swing states to throw out over 25 million votes based on false claims of electoral fraud. On January 2,

2021, attorney Cleta Mitchell represented Trump on his call to Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, pressuring him

to alter his state’s vote count. Finally, as a last-gasp effort, a number of CNP members helped to organize the January 6 Stop The

Steal protest on Capitol Hill. Members Jenny Beth Martin [co-founder & national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots], Charlie

Kirk [conservative talk show host & founder of Turning Point USA], and Virginia Thomas [attorney, conservative activist & wife of

Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas] all publicized the event in advance. Bisexual and former CNP member, Ali Alexander

[better known as Ali Akbar, a wordplay from the Allah Akbar suicide shout], was a lead organizer. Trump advisor [and New Age advocate], General Michael Flynn, addressed the protest, saluting his QAnon supporters."

Article & Podcast: The Shadow Network (Council for National Policy) Is Not Going Away

     In the video below, watch as General Flynn delivers a pagan prayer by right-wing medium, Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009), at a pro-Trump church rally. Watch the duped congregation recite the prayer after him. Flynn’s New Age ideology makes him a pagan and a heretic.

General Flynn Recites Pagan Channeler Elizabeth Clare Prophet

     Flynn's also a traitor. He resigned as Trump’s National Security Adviser after he

lied to the FBI regarding his conversations with Sergey Kislyak, Russia's Ambassador

to the US and a key figure in Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. During court

proceedings Flynn pled guilty to lying, but when sentencing was delayed a number of

times, he withdrew his plea. His lawyer, Sidney Powell, requested the case be drop-

ped. But when the DC Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request, President Trump

pardoned him. source  Flynn will hold a ket position in any future Trump Administration.

     Little wonder young people are leaving our churches in droves. When religious

con-artists like Flynn proclaim that Trump Is the “Chosen One” (a grown man who

grabs young girls by the crotch and brags about it), uses religion to rig elections and  

demands recounts when they lose, and stage insurrections when all else fails, who

can blame them? They’re not stupid!

     In the not too far future, the Millennials and Gen-Zers will demand the 1st

Amendment be enforced, and that tax-exempt churches (501c3) stop meddling in our

politics and elections. At that time the Republican Party will begin self-destructing like

the Federalists, Whigs and Know-Nothing nationalists before them. Americans will finally

be rid of those self-righteous, "Family Values" destroyers of civilization for good,

     When the “Stop the Steal” insurrection failed, there was one more option for Trump and his MAGA idolaters: Set a trap for Biden in Afghanistan, blame him for the collapse and win in 2024.

     Prof. Nelson warns us: “As election-watchers look ahead to 2024, they should bear in mind that the Council for National Policy is characterized by three traits: It does not give up; its tactics are infinitely malleable; and it is willing to operate on the very fringes of legality, without regard for public safety or the principles of democracy.” source

A warning to churches: Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist who was indicted for criminal contempt of Congress

for his roll in the Jan. 6 riot, was a member of the Council for National Policy as of 2014. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former

Senior Counselor, was also a member, and may still be. Vice President Mike Pence and CBN celebrity attorney, Jay Sekulow

(Trump's lawyer), are also members. General Flynn was listed as a member on the biography website, ‘zoomInfo,’ as of 2021.

Another interesting member is former US Representative, Bob McEwen, who serves as CNP’s Executive Director source  

McEwen is a former Elder in the Hillsboro, Ohio Church of Christ and a columnist for the Christian Standard magazine.

Congressman Bob McEwen, Distinguished Fellow

Did Ex-Congressman Bob Mcewen Cover Up GOP Candidate's Sexual Misconduct?

     Also of interest is Trump’s “fake news” he continually condemns, which has been strangely silent regarding the CNP's meddling in our elections. Don's fake news not only gave the CNP a free pass, but gifted him with billions of dollars of free publicity during his campaign. Make no mistake, the five corporations that own the “free press” love Trump and profited handsomely during his tenure.

How Donald Trump Rode $5 Billion in Media Coverage to the White House

Remember the Billions Of Free Coverage Donald Trump Got Last Election? He's Getting It Again

Timeline of Biden's Betrayal:

     2017 --- In his August Presidential Address, Trump laid out his open-ended strategy for Afghanistan, saying: “Victory will have a clear definition: attacking our enemies, obliterating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), crushing al-Qaeda, preventing the Taliban from taking over the country, and stopping mass terror attacks against Americans before they emerge.”

     As we'll demonstrate, every one of them failed and was left for Biden to unravel.

Trump Unveils Afghanistan Strategy

     2018 --- During the Doha Negotiations in Doha, Qatar (signed Feb. 2020), the Afghanistan government was excluded. As talks progressed, the Trump Administration caved to the Taliban demand to release Abdul Baradar from a Pakistan prison; Baradar is the Taliban’s co-founder and second in command. Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and Special Rep., Zalmay Khalilzad played key roles in Bandar's release, who is now Deputy Prime Minister of the new Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

     According to a top US General, Afghanistan’s collapse was a direct result of the Doha Agreement.

Top US General Says Afghan Collapse Can Be Traced To The Trump-Taliban Deal

The Guy The Trump Administration Helped Get Out Of Jail Is Now The President Of Afghanistan.

Mike Pompeo Takes Arrows Over The Afghanistan Collapse

     The Doha Agreement also included the release of 5,000 hardened Taliban prisoners and the closure of five Afghan US military bases. Additionally, after the Afghanistan collapse in 2021 (just after Biden became President), thousands of al-Qaeda, ISIS-K and Haqqani fighters were released from US-run prisons in Afghanistan.

(Note: The ISIS-K suicide bomber that carried out the Kabul airport suicide attack that killed 169 Afghans

and 13 Americans was one of those released.)

Suicide Bomber Carrying Out Kabul Airport Attack Was Released From Prison Days Earlier

Trump Denies Releasing 5,000 Taliban Prisoners, But His Administration Negotiated For Their Release

During the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, the Haqqani and al-Qaeda terror networks were funded and armed by the CIA

     2019 --- In December the “Afghanistan Papers” were leaked, a series of interviews in 2015 between senior military and government officials who knew the war in Afghanistan was unwinnable but kept it from the public. Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump (two Republicans / one Democrat) were silent about the unwinnable war, proving once again that America's 2-Party system operates hand-in-hand.

'Afghanistan Papers' Proved That Bush, Obama and Trump Knew About And Lied About The No-Wn Afghan War

The Only Winner Of The Afghan War Was Opium

Marines Ignore Opium, Taliban's Cash Crop


     2020 --- In March the Doha Agreement hit a snag: Afghan President Ghani objected to his government being excluded from the talks, and disagreed with the results. ”The release of prisoners is not in the United States’ authority,” Ghani protested, “but the authority of the government of Afghanistan.” source  However, on March 10, under pressure from the Trump Administration, Ghani ordered the release of 1,500 additional prisoners at the rate of 100 per day. In May (after thousands of prisoners were released 'and armed') President Trump cut troop strength from 13,000 to 8,600. In response, the US House Armed Services Committee voted in favor of an amendment to restrict Trump from reducing forces below 8,600, but to no avail. On Jan. 15 (the following year) Trump axed troop strength again to 2,500, the lowest number since 2001 (five days before Biden became President). Top Pentagon officials sharply criticized the troop reduction. When Sec. of Defense Mark Esper criticized it, Trump fired him. (Trump does whatever he wants.)

     Other reports emerged at this time of a Russian bounty program paying Taliban fighters to kill US soldiers and supplying them with Russian weapons. Trump did nothing, saying he was never briefed on the reports (probably to protect Putin). The Times and Associated Press, however, said he 'was' briefed. source

Payments Offered To Taliban-Linked Militants To Kill Americans

Russia Offered Bounty On US Troops In Afghanistan

Congress Demands Answers From Trump On Russian Bounties In Afghanistan

     In August, US Intelligence released an assessment that Iran was also paying bounties on US and Afghan solders ($1,000 per soldier). The bounties were paid to the Taliban-linked Haqqanis, those Pompeo and Khalilzad released from prison. source

     On Sept. 3 President Ghani freed the last of the prisoners, as required by the Doha Agreement.

     On Sept. 18 at a press conference, Trump told the nation, “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban.” source

     2021 --- After Biden’s Inauguration on Jan. 20, he extended the Afghan pullout to Sept. 11. Trump immediately denounced it brawling, “We can and should get out earlier…. Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Trump then used it to fundraise off his MAGA idolaters, raking in more than $100 million by June, mainly from low- and middle-class Republicans, most of them retired and on fixed-income. A significant amount of these donations were raised on-line, but unknown to the donors, the apps were programmed to donate every month without the donor’s knowledge.

Trump Campaign Reportedly Cheated Donors Who Thought They Were Making A One-Time Contribution

Trump Raised More Money Online Than Any Other Republican

     At a June rally in Ohio Trump attacked Biden again, warning that the Afghan government would collapse once US forces were gone (just as he planned). Here are his exact garbled words:

“I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t

we think? 21 years? They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other

things… It’s a shame. 21 years, by a government that wouldn’t last. The only way they last is if we’re there. What are we

going to say? We’ll stay for another 21 years, then we’ll stay for another 50. The whole thing is ridiculous.”

This is the babbling idiot many of you want to put back in the White House.

Trump & Co. Engineered The Afghan Pullout. Now They're Criticizing It

Biden & Trump Battle Over Who’s To Blame For Afghanistan

     On July 8 President Biden extended the final pullout date to Aug. 31. In a White House statement Biden commented on Trump’s enormous and dangerous troop reduction and the few options he left for him:

“Shortly before [Trump] left office… he drew US forces down to a minimum of 2,500. Therefore, when I became President,

I faced a choice: follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies’ forces out safely, or ramp

up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict… I was the fourth

President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not,

and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.”

     Had Biden chosen the stay in, you can bet he’d be hammered by Trump and his MAGA idolators the same they're hammering him for getting out. source

     By Aug. 12, nineteen days before the final pullout, Taliban forces captured 18 of the 34 Afghan provincial Capitols. Three days later when 300,000 US-trained and armed Afghan soldiers surrendered their weapons without a fight, Kabul and all of Afghanistan fell. The Taliban then seized billions of dollars of left behind US firearms, military aircraft and armored vehicles, which will now be sold or used to rule Afghanistan with an iron fist. source

For Sale: U.S.-Supplied Weapons Now In Afghan Gun Shops

     Afghan President Ghani, fearing execution, fled with only the cloths on his back (including bags of millions of US dollars),  lamenting that he only wanted to prevent "a flood of bloodshed.” The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan saw it differently, demanding that Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) arrest him and place him in custody for ”stealing public wealth.” source  On Aug. 16 Biden addressed the nation once more to deflect blame for the Afghan disaster:

“I do not regret my decision to end America’s war fighting in Afghanistan… I cannot and I will not ask our troops to fight on

endlessly in another country’s civil war, taking casualties, suffering life-shattering injuries, leaving families broken by grief

and loss. This is not in our national security interest.” source 

     Afghanistan's downfall (in which Biden was double-crossed) leads all the way back to the Trump Administration and the Doha Agreement, negotiated by Afghan Envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, and Sec. of State, Mike Pompeo. According to The Independent (Aug. 29), the Doha Agreement bound Biden to the “withdrawal of US troops… setting the stage for the chaos in the country.“ A former State Department official likewise asserted: “Trump let the Taliban set the tone and the direction of the talks.” Trump’s former National Security Advisor, General HR McMaster, also admitted: “The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.… Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo] signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban.” source source

'We Defeated Ourselves,' Trump's National Security Adviser Says Pompeo Signed 'Surrender Agreement' With The Taliban

     Since the pullout, many fear that thousands of Afghan allies and interpreters left behind will be executed (hanged from cranes, stoned or beheaded). One American who fears this is former Pence aid, Olivia Troye, who blames Trump Administration racists and bigots (such as Stephen Miller) for crippling the special visa system that would have gotten them out. District Judge Tanya Chutkan expressed a similar view, saying that Pence was “fully aware” of Trump’s racist and xenophobic officials. (Darwinian racism is deeply ingrained in the Republican Party.)

Pence Aide Blames Stephen Miller For 'devastating' Visa System For Afghans

Former Pence Aid Says Trump And Stephen Miller Fought Against Taking Afghan Refugees With 'Racist Hysteria'

     Not surprisingly, Stephen Miller (sounding just like Trump) blamed Biden for abandoning our Afghan allies:

“The sole reason that anyone is stranded in Afghanistan is because Joe Biden stranded them there in the single most

imbecilic act of strategic incompetence in human history… All the desperate lying liars in the world can’t change

that one inescapable fact.”

Ex-Pence Aide: Trump And Miller Stymied Afghan Refugee Efforts

Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden In 2008 Was Left Behind After US Evacuation

     Mike Pence, falling in line with Miller, also pinned the blame on Biden: “[Biden’s] disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was a foreign policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.” Other Trump buffoons tell us they would have conducted a more orderly withdrawal.

Biden Handcuffed By Trump’s Taliban Deal In Doha

     Biden’s State Dept. spokesman, Ned Price, disclosed also that President Biden inherited a crippling visa system that lacked staffing, didn’t have a coordinating official and had a process hampered by massive regulations. Another official added, “There was no plan to evacuate our diplomats to the airport… when we got in on Jan. 20 we saw that the cupboard was bare.” Others stated that Trump Administration officials were slow in briefing them on key details and contexts of the Doha Agreement. Still others protested that there was no procedure for bringing troops, contractors, diplomats and other Americans home safely. source  The many snags that prevented a safe departure of thousands of Afghan interpreters, allies and US citizens out of Afghanistan was undoubtably Trump’s doing, not Biden’s.

     In spite of the innumerable obstacles, Biden was quick to “add resources and make the right changes, and shaved more than a year off the average processing time, increasing the number of visas from 100 to 813 per week.” source

     However, perhaps hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies are still trapped in Afghanistan with no assurance from the State Dept. that they’ll get out anytime soon—if ever. source  One State Dept. spokesman lamented: “The United States has pulled every lever available to us to facilitate the departure of these charter flights,” but to no avail. source  A massive calamity may be fomenting in Afghanistan, due to the obstacles perpetrated by the Trump Administration. Meanwhile, His "fake news" outlets remain silent.

     2022 and onward --- At another White House communiqué, President Biden reminded the nation that Trump's exit from Afghanistan took place when the Taliban was “at its strongest militarily since 2001” (thanks to the thousands of prisoners released by Pompeo and Khalilzad). Had we pushed back on the agreement and remained in Afghanistan, Biden stated further, the Taliban “would have again targeted our forces,” and “would have meant US troops taking casualties. Once that agreement with the Taliban had been made, staying with a bare minimum force was no longer possible.source

     After Biden's exit, Trump and his MAGA idolators wasted no time calling for Biden’s resignation: “Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States,” wailed Donald. source  Marching in step with the President was Trump houseboy, Rep. Matt Gaetz, who tweeted the Taliban government was "more legitimate” than the Biden government. Another houseboy, Shawn Hannity, gave Don the whole floor to brag about his good relations with the Taliban, praising them for being "smart, good negotiators and good fighters.” (They’re also good women beaters, rapists, murderers, beheaders and suicide bombers.)

     Donald praised his Jan. 6 roughnecks likewise, calling those who beat police over the head with the American Flag, “a loving crowd,” who had “a lot of love.” He even called the insurrection a “lovefest between the Capitol Police and the people... the crowd was unbelievable... and I mentioned love... the love, the love in the air, I have never seen anything like it… The Capitol Police were very friendly… you know, they were hugging and kissing.” (This is your man MAGA idiots,)

What Donald Trump Said About The Capitol Rioters

Trump Praises The Taliban And Criticizes Biden

     Another Trump idolator, Tucker Carlson, who never misses an opportunity to degrade and demean non-white immigrants (whose elected governments we’ve overthrown, plundered and destroyed source source), said concerning the Afghan refugees: “First we invade, and then we are invaded.” source  But neither Carlson, Gaetz, Miller or Hannity will ever tell you that the majority of killers, rapists and terrorists in the United States are home grown, right-wing and white; and as we’ve pointed out previously, aided and abetted by the gun-worshipping conservatives and religious right.

Far-Right Groups Are Behind Most U.S. Terrorist Attacks, Report Finds

Far-Right Terrorism Problem In The United States

     For those of you who contend that Trump's Jan. 6 rioters were unarmed and nonviolent, please take note that it’s now confirmed that many of the insurrectionists were armed with guns and other deadly weapons. As NBC and FactCheck reported: “Before and after the storming of the Capitol… police seized a dozen firearms, including an assault rifle and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people… Other weapons included a crossbow, stun-gun and 11 Molotov cocktails,” including a pipe bomb.

     At least 65 demonstrators have been charged with using weapons against the police, which makes the Jan. 6 riot a seditious, armed insurrection against the United States, punishable by fines, prison time or death.

     The House Investigation of the Capitol riot also disclosed that a number of White House staff and Republican members of Congress attended a number of meetings with protest organizers who claimed they were promised a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office if the riot got out of hand.     

Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated In Dozens Of Planning Meetings With Members

Of Congress And White House Staff Who Promised Them A "Blanket Pardon" If They Got Into Trouble

What Donald Trump Has Said About The Capitol Rioters

     Relating to the possible dangerous outcome of the Capitol riot, the Center for Strategic and International Studies has stated that, “One cannot commit sedition or insurrection to overthrow a government, or delay the execution of any law of the United States (such as a Senate electoral count), while still claiming to uphold and defend the Constitution.” The CSIS gives notice to the insurrectionists that, “Charges of insurrection, or the incitement of insurrection, involves fines and imprisonment… In addition, individuals charged with insurrection are ineligible to hold public office in the United States. Those charged with seditious conspiracy can be fined and could serve up to 20 years in prison.” As U.S. Code § 894 (Art. 94) makes clear: “Any person subject to this chapter who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death…”

     All patriots, left and right, must demand that all Capitol rioters found guilty of "attempted mutiny, mutiny or sedition" be punished to the fullest extent of the law. As Romans 13:4 says, the government...

“is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s

minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.”

Capitol Protesters Were Armed With Variety Of Weapons

Understanding Insurrection And Sedition

10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny Or Sedition

     In Closing --- The Shadow Government that controls both political parties is heavily infested with groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, a private, non-partisan (though left- leaning) body of wealthy power-brokers laboring for Transnational Governance---a New World Order.      

     Those of you who scoff at the idea of a NWO conspiracy may want to watch the videos below, which shows President George HW Bush announcing the New World Order (at the 7:53 timestamp) in 1990, shortly before the 1st Gulf War. This was 11 years to the day before the 9-11 attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. One year later, in 1991, Bush again announced the New World Order, on Sept. 11. Coincidence? Both videos are below.


     In both videos President Bush praises the NWO, extolling it as “a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the law of the jungle… a world where the strong respects the rights of the weak.” However, at the end of the  short-lived Gulf War we're shown how the NWO “respects the rule of law” and “protects the rights of the weak.”

     Beginning on the eve of February 26, after a cease-fire is announced, more than a thousand retreating Iraqi soldiers, and over 350 unarmed Iraqis (plus women and children), are cut down without mercy by the US military. After the slaughter, over a thousand Iraqis are reportedly buried alive by American troops using tanks and earthmovers. This massacre was a gross violation of the Third Geneva Convention (Common Article 3) and UN Resolution 660. This inhuman slaughter of retreating, mostly conscripted, Iraqi soldiers (many of them married with children) is today known as The Highway of Death. source  This is Bush's New World Order.

The Other 9/11: George H.W. Bush's 1990 New World Order Speech

     The Council on Foreign Relations (funded mainly by the Rockefeller family) and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), were founded in 1919 by the Anglo-American Round Table to promote a closer union between the United States and Great Britain, ultimately returning the US to British control. The Biden Administration appointed thirty-three CFR members to his cabinet, Obama ninety and Trump sixteen (Including Zalmay Khalilzad, who negotiated the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners including Taliban co-founder, Abdul Baradar). source  Virtually every US President in the last 100 years has assigned CFR members to his Cabinet. Trump, however, was the first to appoint CNP members to his cabinet, namely four, as of 2018. source source

     Other Deep State groups in Trump's swamp:

                  - The Bilderbergers (International oligarchs)

                  - Trilateral Commission (US, European and Japanese oligarchs)

                  - Goldman Sachs (International bankers, money creators, inside traders and Steve Bannon's former employer). Goldman

                    supports both political parties, and in 2008 received a $34 billion taxpayer bailout from the Bush Administration)

                  - Rhodes Scholars (Anglo-American elites working to return America to Great Britain)

                  - Knights of Malta (Secret Society: Catholic equivalent of Protestant Freemasons)

                  - Zionists ("Israel first, America second")

                  - Carlyle Group (Multinational private equity firm in which the Bin Laden family was heavily invested prior to 9/11. Afterward,

                    the Bin Ladens liquidated their holdings and were secretly flown out of the US by President Bush while all other flights

                    were grounded)

                  - New York City Council of Churches (The Religious Left)

                  - Import-Export Bank (A US government-owned bank which creates money out of thin air and loans it to communist China at

                    low interest)

                  - Skull & Bones (Chapter 322 of The Order, whose members operate within the CFR)

     These are the “swamp creatures” Trump said he was going to empty out. (For more on the Trump swamp, including names, see my May 15, 2018 News-Hooks post: 'Trump's Wall Is Now In Place.') Trump’s connection to the Rogue Government demolishes the QAnon conspiracy theory that he's fighting the Deep State. He's owned by the Deep State, just like his predecessors.

Interesting side note regarding Skull & Bones: In 2004 two Skull & Bones members, George W. Bush and John Kerry,

were the Republican and Democrat nominees for US President. In the first video below are two short interviews with

Bush and Kerry by Tim Russert on Meet The Press. Russert pressed each of them on their membership in Skull & Bones,

but they refused to discuss it, saying it was a secret. Needless to say, the  2004 election would produce a Skull & Bones

president no matter who won. (This is how the Rogue State operates.) In the second video (in 2008), Russert is pressured

by Jack Blood of Deadline Live to answer a few awkward 9-11 questions. He backs off and is then pressed to invite

certain 9-11 Truthers on Meet The Press to answer a few questions, and is strangely cut off. Within two months Russert

is dead. Every journalist in the country got the message: Stay away from Conspiracy Radio.



     The intermixing of politics and secrecy has no place in a Democratic Republic. In time, the intermixing leads to dual loyalties, depravity and corruption.

     Take a Royal Arch Mason, for example, perhaps a Judge, Sheriff or juror. In the Lodge he must take a secret oath to conceal the secret affairs of any Royal Arch associate—“murder and treason not excepted,” source  or "whether he be right or wrong." source  Such secrecy of public servants should be illegal for a number of reasons: A Judge, for instance, will take a “public oath," vowing that he will not show partiality at the bench, but if he’s a Mason, particularly a Mason of high rank, he'll take a 'private oath' in the Lodge vowing that he will show partiality, under pain of a number of blood-curdling penalties. Virtually all secret societies require similar oaths and vows.     

     How can a public servant under such circumstances serve his country and community with any kind of trust and honor? A common fool can see the contradiction. At a certain time in the future the American people will have no other course but to demand that any public figure divulge his or her membership in any secret society. If they refuse they must be banned from public office. This is not too much to ask. Churches should do likewise, since Freemasonry denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, which makes it an anti-Christ society (see I John 2:18, 22, 4:2-3 & II John 1:7).

Freemasonry and Christianity: A Comparison

     Another brave American who tried to expose Skull and Bones (and paid with his life) was British-American professor and author, Antony Sutton. Sutton penned a number of articles on Skull and Bones from 1983 to 1985, the last one entitled “How the Order Creates War and Revolutions.” He later compiled his articles into one volume called “America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones,” the last edition published in 2002, the year of his death. Interestingly, Sutton’s death occurred on June 17, 2002, exactly 17 years after his final article in 1985, and 170 years—to the day—from when Skull & Bones was established, on June 17, 1832 (17, 17, 170, 17). Another coincidence?

Anthony Sutton (article and video)

     President Biden has been a CFR associate for many years. Though he's not a member, he does serve as an occasional speaker and writes for the CFR’s flagship publication, Foreign Affairs. VP Kamala Harris is also an associate, but her sister Maya is a member. Donald Trump is not a CFR member, but has spoken to the Council On National Policy a number of times. This, of course, indirectly connects him to the CFR, whose members at times overlap the CNP. The CNP also has connections to South Korean Intelligence and its secretive hub, the Unification Church (also known as the Moonie cult). The CNP has taken millions of dollars from Moonie founder, Sun Myung Moon, as has many big guns of the Religious Right. CFR and CNP affiliates also have dual memberships with the Freemasons, the Catholic Knights of Malta, the John Birch Society and its Intelligence gathering network, Western Goals (now defunct).

The John Birch Society Exposed

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations

Membership Roster, CFR

BOOK: Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States

BOOK: Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right

The Council on Foreign Relations, the Biden Team, and Key Policy Outcomes


     As elections draw near keep your eye on Trump—“The Chosen One”—and the Council for National Policy, the most secretive religious brotherhood you’ve never heard of. The CNP will stop at nothing to put Trump back in the White House.

     The mixing of politics and religion is exactly what our Founding Fathers feared and sought to avoid by giving us the 1st Amendment. The Founders wanted to avoid the religious wars that plagued Europe for hundreds of years.  

     Don’t be deceived, the wrecking ball that destroyed Afghanistan will destroy America. If right-wing Darwinian wreckers win the White House again, you can bet that Donald Trump will have his duped patriotic suckers waving the Flag and singing God Bless America as our nation (as we know it) disappears into the dustbin of history. As Isaiah put it:

“All the nations before [God] are as nothing… less than nothing and worthless… He brings princes to naught and

brings down the rulers of this world to nothing” (Isaiah 40:17,23).

     Consider another warning from President George Washington:

“The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best

Institutions may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances, be made subservient to

the vilest of purposes. Should those who are entrusted with the management of this government, incited by the lust of

power and prompted by the supineness or venality of their Constituents, overleap the known barriers of this Constitution

and violate the unalienable rights of humanity: it will only serve to shew, that no compact among men (however provident

in its construction and sacred in its ratification) can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express

myself, that no wall of words, that no mound of parchment, can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent

of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other." source

- April 30, 1789

     Consider this warning from Washington, regarding the quack patriots of his day:

"Let that Party set up a broomstick and call it a true son of Liberty… or give it any other epithet that

will suit their purpose… and it will command their votes in toto.” source

- George Washington, 1799

     A warning from Isaiah:

“Hell hath enlarged itself and opened her mouth without measure: into the abyss go the nobles

and masses with all their brawlers and revelers.”

                                                                                                                                                   - Isaiah 5:14

     The Day of Judgment is fast approaching. That Terrible Judge—the Celestial God-Man⏤the One Who appeared in human flesh, without sin, is the only conceivable Being capable of Judging the world in Perfect Righteousness. Crucified for our sins, He “was dead,” but now is “alive forevermore… and has the keys of death and hell” (Rev. 1:18). This Heavenly Magistrate is Infinite, Holy and Absolutely Just⏤"the Justifier” (Romans 3:26) of all who believe in Him (cf. John 3:16) and obey the Gospel (cf. Acts 2:38). You know his name, most of you have taken it in vain.

     To be saved from your sins and the Day of Judgement, you must:

          - Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:24; Acts 16:31)

             - Repent of your sins (Acts 3:19; Luke 13:5)

          - Confess Christ publicly (Mat. 10:32-33; Romans 10:9-10)

          - Be immersed (baptized) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins

            and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Matt. 28:18-20)

          - Live faithfully until death (Rev. 2:10; James 1:12)

     Becoming a Christian is the most important decision you will ever

make and will determine where you spend eternity. Those who refuse

God's Grace and Mercy will have only themselves to blame on that

Great and Terrible Day. All are invited, none will be excused, and few

will be acquitted (Mat. 7:14).

"All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord.. For kingship belongs to the Lord , and he rules over the nations. Before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, and shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation; they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it."  

- Psalm 22:27,28 29-31

(Disclaimer: This writer is not a Democrat or a Republican, nor did he vote for Biden or Trump. He’s a pro-life

[from conception, see James 2:26] anti-homo New Testament Christian, unaffiliated with the 2-Party system, both of

which are corporate owned, right-wing and Darwinian capitalist [limousine liberals & country club conservatives]. The

2-Party system is a con-job that keeps Americans fighting without end while the same career politicians [most of them

lawyers and multi-millionaires] remain in office election after election. On the left are the cross-dressers and sexual

deviants, bathroom police who don’t know the difference between a man and woman, and inhumane killers of the unborn.

On the right are the gun-toting Trump worshippers who believe he’s “God’s Chosen,” milksop Republicans who jump

at his every command, and MAGA cowboys & super-patriots hell-bent on self-destruction. Russian and China are

watching and ready to strike.)

Flynn Sitting Next To Putin In Moscow Preceding The 2016 Election


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President George H.W. Bush's 1991 State Of The

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President George H.W. Bush's 1990 State Of The Union Address

Strange Things Happen When 9-11 Is Discussed Publicly

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