Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2020 (Church & State)



Jan 21

Church-State Theocrats Flex Religious Muscles At Florida Rally

After Trump's assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, the President rushed to Miami's "Evangelicals For Trump" rally to keep his flag-waving supporters and donors in line. "God is On Our Side!" declared the President.

Trump's Full Speech

Pastor/Prophet Prays For Trump At Rally

The massive gathering was held at the largest Hispanic congregation in the nation, boasting up to 7 thousand members, including many immigrants and refugees—some illegal. (Trump now loves them and needs their vote.) Pastor and 'Apostle' Guillermo Maldonado assured the illegals that no immigration papers would be needed, nor would there be any risk of deportation during the President's visit.

Pastor Maldonado also goes by the title of 'Prophet,' i.e. God speaks through him, which means the odds are pretty good that any message from heaven will be pro-Trump.

Maldonado's prophetic power is easily debunked by these two Bible verses:

- Daniel 9:24: "Seal up vision and prophecy."

The cessation of miracles following Christ's coming was prophesied by Daniel c. 550 BC.

- 1 Corinthians 13:8: "Where there are prophecies they shall cease."

The cessation of miracles spoken of by Daniel was affirmed by the Apostle Paul c. 50 AD.

The Florida rally was Illegal under the terms of the church's 501(c)(3) tax-exemption:

"The Internal Revenue Service reminds section 501(c)(3) organizations, including charities and churches, that federal law prohibits them from becoming directly or indirectly involved in campaigns of political candidates."

- IRS News Release


“Evangelicals, Christians of every denomination and believers of every faith, have never had a greater champion in the White House—not even close—than you have right now.”

- President Donald Trump

Article & Video

“I really do believe we have God on our side. I believe that. I believe that.”

- President Trump

(Trump's words are no different than any Middle Eastern imam, mullah or ayatollah.)

Article & Video

Praying For War

Religious Celebrities And Their Churches Pray For War


John Hagee & Benny Hinn Pray For War

Preacher Hagee Calls For Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike Against Iran

War-Hawking Theocrats Yearn For End Of World

- "What kick-starts the end-time is Israel's political boundaries being reestablished." - Nate Pyle, Pastor and Author

- "Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 'fulfilling biblical prophecy' to bring about the second coming of Christ." - Cristina Maza, Newsweek

- Preacher John Hagee, founder of 'Christians United for Israel,' delights (in his book, Jerusalem Countdown) in a scenario in which a US-Israeli strike against Iran might trigger an “inferno that could explode across the Middle East, plunging the world toward Armageddon.”

- Hagee and VP Pence persuade Trump to move Israel's US Embassy to Jerusalem where Jesus will “set up His throne on the Temple Mount where He will sit and rule for a thousand years.”

(Not quite. Jesus is already on His Throne according to Acts 2:29-31 & Heb. 8:1; 12:2.)

Fidelity Toward Trump Reaches Heavenly Heights

"President Trump is a test to prove if you are truly saved."

- Jim Bakker, religious TV host

"Only saved people can love Trump."

                                                                     - Jim Bakker

Article & Video

(In 1988 Bakker served five years in prison for conspiracy, mail & wire fraud and fleecing his donors of over $3 million.)

Befare You Join The Evangelicals Banging The War Drums Against Iran, Here Are Some Things You May Not Know About Iran:

     -  Iran has not invaded another country for 150 years, in contrast to the United States that's

          invaded 19 and presently occupies 150.

     -  In 1953, Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, was

          overthrown in a US-British coup for introducing legislation to nationalize Iran's oil industry,

          which would have benefited the Iranian people, not Western capitalists.

     -  Following the '53 coup, Iran's notorious security service, SAVAK, was created, which

          regularly used torture against dissenters, including women. SAVAK was set up by the US

          installed Shah, and was supported and advised by Israel and the CIA. SAVAK was

          responsible for the death of 15,000 Iranians and the affliction of 50.000.

     -  Iran’s defense spending in 2011 was only $13 billion, in contrast to America's $700 billion (54

          times that of Iran, more than the next 17 nations combined).

     -  Iran's nuclear threat today is a result of US corporate profiteering. The US provided Iran with

          its first nuclear reactor in 1953 for $11 billion. It's still in operation today. The operators were

          trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

     -  Iran has signed the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. North Korea and Israel

          have not.

     -  During the 8-year Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), the United States armed both sides. 500,000

          combatants and 300,000 civilians were killed.

     -  After 9/11, Iran joined the US in defeating the Taliban.

     -  Iran's top General, Qasem Soleimani, joined the US to defeat ISIS. He was assassinated Jan.

         3, 2020 by President Trump).

     -  Iran has a Jewish population of 25,000, the largest of any Muslim country.

     -  Iran has a Christian population of 300,000-370,000, the largest non-Muslim religion in the


     -  Over 60 percent of Iran's university students are women. Many Iranian females (including

          those married) are professionals.

     -  During WWII, Iranian diplomats rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazis.

     -  Iranian bankers who loot the country are hanged.

     -  Iranians are Persian, not Arabian, and are related to the Jews through Elam, son of Shem

          (Gen. 10:22), son of Noah (Gen. 10:1), making them Semites. Accusations of Iran being

          anti-Semitic is a contradiction and oxymoron.

The MSM will never tell you these things.

Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck always keep the sheep asleep.

Ron Paul Blasts Unconstitutional Assassination Of General Soleimani

Military Capitalism

Cost Of A US-Iran War Could Cost $2 Trillion In The First Three Months, More Than Both The

Iraq & Afghanistan Wars

TV Warhawks On The Right And Left Fail To Disclose Financial Ties To Arms Industry

TV Military Experts Sell War For 'Big 5'

(Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, SCP Partners, General Dynamics, Blackwater)

Big Oil Capitalism

A War In Iran Could Push Oil To $250 Per Barrel

Endless Wars Built On Lies, War Profits, Re-Elections

Winner Of US-Iran War Will Be ISIS

Listen To What Henry Kissinger Says About Politics And Militarism

Kissinger explains in his book, 'Diplomacy,' that individual men can be judged negatively on moral grounds, but governments cannot. When it comes to government action, the only suitable judgement is based on whether or not the government achieves its goals. Kissinger mocks those who object on so-called moral grounds. Quoting Cardinal de Richelieu, Kissinger says: "Man is immortal, his salvation is hereafter... the state has no immortality, its salvation is now or never."

In other words, states do not receive credit in any world for doing what is right; they are only rewarded for being strong enough to do what is necessary. Thus, to escape accountability, the ruling class needs only to invoke the name of the state. This, of course, is the same position held by past rulers who justified theft, deceit, torture, slavery and slaughter in the name of God. This tactic has simply been modernized. Our new rulers have substituted 'the state' for God. And conveniently for them, they are the state... and just not any state; they are the emerging omnipotent, global state (Tragedy And Hope 101, Plummer, pp. 15-16).

Kissinger's thesis, coupled with social Darwinism and Ayn Rand capitalism, is the prevailing view of American politics and warfare. Here is another quote from Kissinger:

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

Kissinger, now 96, will soon discover that Jehovah does not excuse nations, nor their leaders, from theft, deceit, torture and slaughter in the name of God.

"Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord, “for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them—all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger."

- Zephaniah 3:8

"Let the nations be judged before You. Put them in fear, O LORD; Let the nations know

that they are but men."

- Psalm 9:19-20

Sept. 28

The 'Trump 2024 Film: The Religious Right's Latest Attempt To

Re-Elect Donald Trump

As Trump continues plummeting in the polls, frenzied theocrats waste no time honing and polishing their new documentary to keep "The Chosen One" in the White House.

(Note: This is not a plug for candidates Biden and Kamala Harris. The Democratic Party is corrupt and criminal just like the Republican Party. Our 2-Party system exists for one purpose: to keep the left and right fighting forever while the same ruling-elites remain in power forever.)

The Trump 2024 website says:

"Globalism is the movement to bring America under the control of a One-World Government. The Trump 2024 documentary examines this globalist agenda, and the steps President Trump is taking to ensure that globalism will not take further hold of our nation. Hear from the incredible conservatives and faith leaders on the front lines fighting daily to keep America

the greatest country on earth."

Trump 2024 Trailer

Trump 2024 website

Trump 2024 Kickstarter

(For those of you who refuse to believe in the New World Order conspiracy, please pay attention here.)

     As I've documented elsewhere, Trump is NOT fighting the New World Order (NWO), Trump IS the New World Order. So are Biden and Harris; Biden through the Council on Foreign Relations, of which he is a member, and Harris through her sister, a CFR member. Senator Harris is already surrounded by CFR people and will continue to be as Vice President.

     Trump is connected to the NWO through the evangelical Council for National Policy (CNP) (of which VP Pence is a member), and by extension, the Council on Foreign Relations, both which overlap with dual-members.

     During Trump's first term he wasted no time placing NWO operatives in his Cabinet, from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council for National Policy, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones, the Atlantic Council, Kappa Beta Phi (Wall Street secret society), Knights of Malta (Catholic equivalent of Protestant Freemasons), Export Council (pro-NAFTA), New York Council of Churches, militant Zionists and Wall Street bankers. Biden will do the same (that's why he was picked).

     In effect, it matters little who wins in November, the NWO agenda will continue as before: the same wars, the same toppling of foreign governments, the same socialist bailouts of banks and corporations, the same Darwinian racism, the same 9-11 lie, the same sexual perversions in high places and the same killing of the unborn. Either way the NWO will get their man (and maybe this year, their woman).

"Do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and

over them both are others higher still."

- Ecclesiastes 5:8

     Pay no attention to the anarchists and radicals on the left and Trump's gun-toting QAnon merry-pranksters on the right. They're distractions, diversions and controlled opposition, nothing more.

Council On Foreign Relations Membership

Kamala Harris, Another Establishment Candidate

Some Of Trump's Picks Have Troubling Links To Globalism

President Trump & The Establishment: Renovating The Swamp

     As we examine Trump's "incredible faith leaders fighting on the front lines to keep America great," all will become clear.

Here they are:

- Paula White

     As head of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board, Paula White (thrice married, twice divorced, several affairs—like Trump) claims to be the President's personal pastor, which contradicts 1 Timothy 3:2 & Titus 1:6, which says a pastor must be a man, not a woman. White also claims to be a

prophetess, which contradicts 1 Corinthians 13:8 & Daniel 9:24, which says prophecy was temporary and ceased in the 1st Century. (For the first time in US history, a woman claiming to be a prophet is advising a U.S. President, the very thing our Founding Fathers feared and sought to avoid with the 1st Amendment.)

     Paula White also denies the Trinity, claims Jesus was not the only Son of God and died on the cross to rescue people from financial hardship (a common theme among millionaire prosperity preachers).

     Paula and her husband receive $5 million annually from their church.               

Paula White, Wikipedia

9 Things You Should Know About Prosperity Preacher Paula White

Paula White: The Pastor Who Helps Trump Hear "What God Has To Say"

Fascinating side note:

     Trump is now saying God speaks to him too. At a rally in Minnesota, the President told the crowd that God talked to him about the economy and told him He’s going to help him rebuild “the greatest economy in the history of the world.” The audience cheered.

     Later, Ohio prophet Frank Amedia appeared on the Jim Baker Show and told the audience: 'Trump is now receiving downloads from God.'

     And unbelievably, Miriam Adelson, wife of billionaire casino tycoon, Sheldon Adelson (Trump's Patron-in-Chief), says she wants to add a "Book of Trump" to the Bible. Trump and his religious base have yet to correct her.

     Don't take my word for it, take theirs...

God Tests Trump On The Economy

Trump Receives Downloads From God

Trump Says God Will Help Him Rebuild The Economy

Trump’s Beginning To Understand Downloads From God

Miriam Adelson Hopes There Will Soon Be A ‘Book of Trump’ Added To The Bible

"A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely...

and my people love to have it so."         

- Jeremiah 5:30-31

- Robert Jeffress

     Robert Jeffress leads the massive 14,000 member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.           Although Jeffress is known as a man with many talents and abilities, he's known also as an occasional verbal bungler, "quick to speak, slow to hear" (the reverse of James 1:19). For example, during the 2016 election Jeffress called Christians refusing to vote for Trump "fools," adding, "I think the Bible has a word for people like that" (which it doesn't).

     Jeffress also warned during the Trump impeachment inquiry: “If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a civil war like fracture in this nation from which our country will never heal.” (Important: During times of turmoil and upheaval, reckless predictions such as this can have self-fulfilling, dangerous and long-term consequences.)

     Trump quickly tweeted the warning to his followers, prompting those of his own Party to denounce him.

     Robert Jeffress is a member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board and White House Faith Initiative.

Robert Jeffress

Pastor Jeffress Rallies For Trump in Texas

- Mike Lindell

     Mike Lindell, founder and CEO of MyPillow Inc., stated after Trump was elected: “God gave us grace.” Lindell said also that Trump was "the greatest president in history" and that the day he met him "it felt like a divine appointment." During a CBN interview Lindell cautioned the nation: "If Trump is not re-elected its doom."

     Comparing Lindell's credibility with his business ethics might shed a little light on his boot-licking: In 2016, Lindell's company was fined $1 million for deceptive advertising, claiming MyPillow could help with various medical ailments without proof. Prosecutors from nine California counties filed charges.

     Lindell protested, "We did nothing wrong" (much like Trump does), though a disclaimer now appears on MyPillow's website.

     Trump wants Lindell to run for Minnesota Governor.

Full Of Fluff? My Pillow Ordered To Pay $1M For Bogus Ads

CBN Interview With Trump 2024 Producers,

Paul Crouch Jr. & Mike Lindell

- Samuel Rodriguez

     Samuel Rodriguez is an evangelist, author and TV personality. Much good can be said about the man. In 2013 he was nominated for Time Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential People. In 2019 he received an honorary doctorate from William Jessup University where he gave the keynote commencement address. And in 2015 he was named one of Newsmax’s Top 100 Christian Leaders in America.

     Unfortunately, Rodriguez is also a member of the infamous International Coalition of Apostles, a subset of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which claims the office of prophets and Apostles have been restored (contrary to scripture, noted above).

     The NAR is a branch of the greater Christian

Dominionist Movement, which claims a 'Divine Mandate' to

take dominion over all US social and government

institutions: the family, education, government/military, the

media, arts/entertainment, business and religion. Commonly

known as the 'Seven Mountain Mandate,' it will ultimately

extend throughout the whole world.

     After dominion has been achieved and fully

implemented, all societal ills will disappear supernaturally,

paving the way for the "great transfer of wealth" from the

ungodly to the godly. The Kingdom of God will be ushered

in (the New Order) and the return of  Christ will be


     Below are a few politicians (all Republicans) with NAR connections you might recognize:

     - Rick Perry (Sec. of Energy, Trump Admin; former Texas Governor; secret Bilderberger


     - Sarah Palin (former Alaska Governor; VP nominee, 2008)

     - Michele Bachmann (US Rep, 2007-15; Pres. candidate, 2012)

     - Sam Brownback (US Ambassador for International Religious Freedom; former Kansas


     - Ted Cruz (US Senator, Texas; GOP Pres. nominee runner-up, 2016; Mormon)

     Samuel Rodriguez was a leading participant in Trump's 2017 Inauguration.

Samuel Rodriguez

Samuel Rodriguez, The New Apostolic Reformation And The Apostolic Government Of The Church

- Jack Hibbs

     Hibbs is the founder and senior cleric of the 7,000 member Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Southern California. Hibbs is heard throughout America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia.

     Like Rodriguez, Hibbs is highly esteemed in NAR circles, speaking at their conferences, attacking liberals and plugging Trump (illegal under 501c3 status).

     In a sermon during Trump's 2016 campaign, Hibbs mocked those refusing to vote for either candidate, saying: "It's almost as if Christians are taking stupid pills... you're going to have to take it up with God, because God expects you to choose one of those two." (Hibbs here is using a common debating trick called the 'fallacy of bifurcation or false-dilemma,' presuming there are only two options when in fact there is a third—not voting [which in this case is more ethical and moral]. Such tactics are used in right-wing churches all over America to scare members into voting for Trump or face Divine Judgment [another example of why the 'separation of church and state' is so important and must be enforced]).

     In 2020 Hibbs attended a Florida church meeting with Trump, who requested support from the churches (illegal under 501c3 status).

Video: Hibbs' stupid pills comment at 41:40)

Hibbs Appeals For Trump On Facebook

     Calvary Chapel, of which Hibbs' church is an affiliate, was founded in Southern California during the upheavals of the '60s, the counterculture becoming its base. Calvary has since grown to 1,700 churches in all 50 states (a massive voting block), including a Bible college with 50 campuses worldwide.

     In the late '70s and early '80s, Calvary's founder, Chuck Smith (now deceased), claimed a number of prophesies were given to him, prompting him to publish a timeline of events leading up to the return of Christ, which he said would take place before 1981. It failed, of course (as they all do), causing a myriad of members to leave Smith's church.

                                                                    In addition to 'signs and wonders,' Calvary espouses a

                                                                premillennial view of the end times, including the belief that

                                                                modern Israel will play an important role, e.g., the building of

                                                                a third temple in Jerusalem. According to various rabbis, this

                                                                temple must be built on the Temple Mount where two of

                                                                Islam's most sacred shrines, the al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome

                                                                of the Rock, are located. A temple erected here (and the

                                                                probable demolition of the two shrines) would be very risky,

                                                                unpredictable and dangerous, perhaps triggering a world war.

                                                                The US military would certainly be involved, evangelicals

                                                                would demand it.

     Important Note: The ancient sages did prophesy that a Temple would be built in Jerusalem during the days of the Messiah (e.g., Isaiah 2:2-3, Amos 9:11). It would not be a temple of stone and wood, however, but an everlasting spiritual Temple—Christ's church (see Ephesians 2:19-22). The Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthian church and quoting from the Old Testament (Ezekiel 37:27), makes this clear: "We are the temple of the living God; as God said, 'I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people'" (II Corinthians 6:16). A physical temple erected in Jerusalem and backed by the United States would be our undoing, further turning the world against us and very likely setting off World War III, perhaps nuclear.

Calvary Chapel

Third Temple

- Bishop Harry Jackson Jr

     Harry Jackson is an African-American Pentecostal bishop and senior pastor at Hope Christian Church, Beltsville, Maryland. Jackson believes, like others here, that God speaks to him from time to time. For instance, during a Pentecostal conference in 2007 he shouted to the crowd: “God’s looking for a SWAT team of Holy Ghost terrorists.” (Heaven's eagerness for gunfire is probably not a message from God, but a dead give-away of Jackson's NAR connections.) Jackson also supports the death penalty for homosexuals and lesbians, in violation of New Testament precedent (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).     

     Jackson also supports the death penalty for homosexuals and lesbians, in violation of New Testament precedent (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

     Bishop Jackson is a member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board.

Harry Jackson: Point Man For The Wedge Strategy

Will Evangelicals Stay With Donald Trump If Tapes Show Him Racist? 'Uncle Tom'

Jackson Says Yes

Jackson Talks to God, Can Add Scripture to the Bible

- General Jerry Boykin

     Jerry Boykin is a retired Army Lieutenant General who served as 'Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence' under President George W. Bush. During his 36-year military stint, he served 13 in Delta Force, where he was instrumental in a number of high-profile operations, including the 1980 Iran hostage mission, the 1992 Pablo Escobar hunt in Columbia, the 1989 capture of Manuel Noriega in Panama and the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident in Somalia. As a soldier, General Boykin is one of America's finest.

     Unfortunately, Boykin is a staunch Christian Nationalist and NAR affiliate. For example, in 2010 Boykin collaborated on a report entitled "Shariah: The Threat to America," but said nothing about the greater threat of home-grown, GOP insulated Christian Dominionism.

     In a 2014 speech in Dallas, Texas, Boykin roared from the podium: “Jesus is coming back as a warrior, carrying a sword... I believe that sword is an AR-15... If you don’t have one, go get one. You’re supposed to have one; it’s Biblical." (no it isn't)

     Upon his retirement, Boykin was appointed Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council, a religious, non-profit lobbying group within the NAR orbit. This is perhaps why Boykin's rhetoric on the War on Terror is often cast in religious terms, e.g., "Christian vs. Muslim," the kind preached in GOP churches.

     Important note: The real War on Terror is not a Christian vs. Muslim conflict, but a capitalist-Darwinian copulation (strong nations raping weak nations). For instance, when Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein (a former CIA asset) was removed from power, 1) Iraq’s state-owned enterprises were privatized with foreign banks, and 2) Iraqi oil ceased trading in euros and began trading in US petrodollars. In Afghanistan, 3) oil and minerals were placed under foreign control. 4) Lockheed Martin, a major contractor in Iraq during the war, raked in a profit of $2.7 billion in 2011 alone. (Incidentally, none of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq or Afghanistan.) 5) Longer term, US wars since WWI have produced 21,000 millionaires and billionaires. All wars are capitalist wars, doubt it not.

     General Boykin also makes use of the expression, "Judeo-Christian," a contradiction in terms. Modern Judaism is based on the Talmud, not the Bible. The Talmud rejects the Bible, rails against Christianity and mocks Jesus with words that would make Mohammad blush. Israel is fond of the term, however, especially when preached from American pulpits; all the easier to dupe parents into sending their sons and daughters to fight and die in wars for Israel—like the one in Iraq.

     In 2013, when several US military brass became disillusioned with President Obama and contemplated a coup against him, General Boykin rightly opposed them. However, it was somewhat surprising to find Boykin's name on the Board of Directors of the Oak Initiative, a non-profit founded by top NAR apostle, Rick Joyner, who did call for a coup against Obama—publicly—on Morningstar TV. His words: "Our only hope is a military takeover, Marshall Law." He announced it, then denied it, then deleted it from YouTube (and later reinstated it).

     More recently, Joyner has urged fellow fundamentalists to take up arms against left-wing activists in a new Civil War, a crime under US Code § 2383 and § 2385 (advocating rebellion, insurrection or overthrow of government).

     Why isn't this man in prison?

     Rick Joyner is a member of Trump's 'POTUS Shield,' a group of Pentecostal prayer warriors committed to helping the President bring in America's reign of God.


Rick Joyner Calls For Military Coup Against Obama Administration (watch at 7:47)

POTUS Shield: Trump’s Dominionist Prayer Warriors And The ‘Prophetic Order Of The

United States’

Former General: Forget The Sword; Jesus Will Return With An AR-15

FRC Executive Says Some In The Military Are Itching To ‘Take Out’ President Obama

Evangelical Pastor Urges Christians To 'Mobilize' To Fight Civil War Against Left-Wing Activists (Article & Video)

U.S. Pro-Coup Evangelicals Ally With Putin Inner Circle

- Bob McEwen

     Bob McEwen is a well-known, well-liked southern Ohio politician, who in the 1980s and early 1990s served three-terms in the US House of Representatives. McEwen is a staunch conservative: pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, an advocate of low taxes and low government spending. Since leaving office he's remained active around the DC area, sometimes giving speeches at $10,000 a clip.

     In 2015 McEwen found himself embroiled in an unfortunate controversy surrounding his failure to alert the Ohio GOP of Wes Goodman's homosexual, extramarital affairs prior to his run for the Ohio House. Goodman campaigned as a family man, of course, promoting family values, traditional marriage and personal responsibility. When proof of Goodman's affairs were made public in 2017, he resigned from office and his wife divorced him. According to reports, at least one homosexual encounter took place in Goodman's office, stumbled upon by a non-staffer.

     More troubling, though, is McEwen's membership in the notorious Council for National Policy,

the most secret Christian brotherhood you've never heard of. The CNP is sometimes referred to as

                                                 a "pluto-theocracy," or rule by the religious wealthy. McEwen is former

                                                 CNP Executive Director.

                                                      The Council for National Policy was founded in 1981 by Tim

                                                 LaHaye (now deceased), who co-authored the famous 'Left Behind'

                                                 series of pre-millennial fiction. The CNP meets three times a year

                                                 behind closed doors at undisclosed locations, serving as a forum for

                                                 conservative protestants, evangelicals, Catholics and the Republican

                                                 Party (plus a few Democrats). Three notable members are Mike Pence

                                                 (Trump's VP), Kellyanne Conway (counselor to the President) and Jay

                                                 Sekulow (Trump's lawyer). President Trump has spoken at CNP

                                                 gatherings on a number of occasions; one in particular in 2015, the

                                                 year before he was elected President.

                                                       The Council is often compared to the secular Council on Foreign

                                                 Relations, one of the most influential and powerful NWO think tanks in

                                                 the world. As noted previously, the CFR and CNP overlap with dual

                                                 members, many of whom are Republicans and not a few freemasons.

                                                 (Freemasonry denies the Divinity of Christ.)

Listed below are several CFR/CNP dual-members you might recognize:

     - Kenneth Blackwell (Republican): Price Hall Freemason; Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1979–80;

         Ohio State Treasurer, 1994–99; Ohio Secretary of State, 1999–2007

     - Grover Norquist (Republican): political activist

     - Bill Richardson (Democrat): diplomat; Governor of New Mexico, 2003-11

     - Tommy Thompson (Republican): Freemason; Gov. of Wisconsin; US Sec. of Health & Human

         Services under George W. Bush

     - George F. Gilder (Republican): Economist; techno-utopian advocate; co-founder of Discovery


     - Edward Teller: Theoretical physicist; architect of hydrogen bomb

     - Guy Vander Jagt (Republican): Freemason; US Representative, 1966-93. (During the Reagan

         Administration Vander Jagt tried four times to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits the

         President to two terms.)

     - Newt Gingrich (Republican): 33º Freemason; Speaker of House, 1995-99; thrice married, twice

         divorced, several affairs (like Trump)

     - J. Peter Grace Jr (Democrat): American industrialist; head of Commerce Department

         Committee on Alliance for Progress (under Pres. Kennedy); led the Grace

         Commission on Waste and Inefficiency in the Federal Government (under Pres. Reagan)

     - Jack Kemp (Republican): 33º Freemason; Housing Sec. under George H.W. Bush, 1989-93; US

         Representative, 1971-89; Empower America co-founder; pro quarterback, 13 years

     - Jesse Helms (Republican): 33º Freemason; Grand Orator of Masonic Grand Lodge of North

         Carolina; US Senator, 1973-2003

Other dual-members of note:

     William F. Buckley, founder of National Review magazine; Sherman Unkefer, served under US installed mass-murdering dictator of Chile, Augusto Pinochet; Hans Sennholz, decorated pilot in Hitler's Luftwaffe: Larry McDonald, Pres. John Birch Society, Pres. Congressional Board of Christian Voice (front for Moonie cult & Unification Church); Nelson Bunker Hunt, Knight of Malta, member International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics, member British Cliveden Set (which backed Hitler during World War II).

     A notable past Director of the CFR who's spoken at CNP gatherings is Dick Cheney, known as the most powerful Vice President in US history.

More CNP members you're sure to remember:

     - Alan Sears (Alliance Defending Freedom)

     - Phyllis Schlafly

     - Rick Santorum

     - Wayne LaPeirre (NRA)

     - Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King, Fox News contributor)

     - James Dobson

     - R. J. Rushdoony (Founder, Christian Dominionism)

     - Gary North (Dominionist leader, son-in-law of Rushdoony)

     - Jerry Falwell

     - Steve Bannon (former chair of Breitbart News; former chief adviser to President Trump)

     - Joseph Coors (of Coors Beer fame)

     - Joseph Farrah (WorldNetDaily)

     - Larry Arnn (President, Hillsdale College)

     - General John Singlaub (Iran-Contra gunslinger)

     - Tim Wildmon

     - John Ankerberg

     - Pat Boone

     - Betsy DeVos (Education Sec., Trump Admin.)

     - D. James Kennedy

     - Allen Keyes

     - Beverly LaHaye

     - John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute)

     - Henry Morris (founder, Creation Science Movement)

     - Sarah Palin

     - Todd Starnes (Fox News commentator)

     - Dennis Prager (conservative radio talk show host)

     - Col. Oliver North (Iran-Contra gun & drug runner)

     - Sun Myung Moon (false [and dead] messiah, founder of the Moonie cult/Unification Church)

These are just some of the elite CFR, CNP, NAR Trump-cult operatives who are "Making America Great Again."

     (Perhaps now you're getting the picture.)

Database Of Council For National Policy Past/Present Officers & Prominent Members Index

Members Of The Council On Foreign Relations

Council For National Policy

Fascinating update:

     The Center for Media and Democracy reports that the Council for National Policy (plus the Heritage Foundation and FreedomWorks) has played a secret but significant role in the Covid crisis: e.g., coordinating strategies and promoting lockdown riots. The CNP also hosted conference calls to organize tactics, provided links to a car protest and directed affiliates to send applicable information to the Tea Party website. (And you thought only the Left did such things.)

CNP Plays Role In COVID-19 Organizing

Bob McEwen is a life-long member of the Church of Christ.

2001 CNP Directory

2014 CNP Directory

- Tony Perkins

     Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council and a two-term GOP member of the Louisiana House of Representatives.

     There are good things to report about Perkins: he's pro-life, anti-gay marriage and opposes casino gambling. In 2018 he was appointed to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom by President Trump, a bipartisan panel to monitor threats to religion freedom abroad.

     On the other hand, Perkins apposes the minimum wage, supports racist Israel and was instrumental in covering-up (with McEwen) Wes Goodman's adulterous, homosexual affairs. During Perkins' stint as CNP President, the CNP raised money for Goodman's campaign.

     Perkins is another that's "quick to speak" before he thinks. In 2016 when Perkins' home was swept away in a flood, reporters took note of his previous tirade that natural disasters were divine punishments for homosexuals.

     Tony Perkins is a member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board.

- Eric Metaxas

     Metaxas is an American author, speaker, super-patriot and hard-racist. He has written for Veggie Tales and hosts the 'The Eric Metaxas Show.'

     A strong supporter of President Trump, Metaxas has written two children's books promoting him: 'Donald Builds the Wall' and 'Donald Drains the Swamp.' Characters include "an angry little girl who looks a little bit like AOC" (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US Representative) and "an angry, crazy old man who looks a little bit like a guy named Bernie" (Bernie Sanders, US Senator).

     Accused in Aug. 2020 of punching a man on a bicycle and then hiding behind police, Metaxas insists that those who oppose Trump are 'demonic.' Metaxas also says "Jesus is white."

     Eric Metaxas is a member of President Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board.

Metaxas Says Jesus Was White

- Don Stewart

     Don Stewart is a Pentecostal preacher, televangelist, faith healer and successor to the late A.A. Allen's faith healing ministry, "Allen Revivals." Stewart began his work with Allen by pocketing the offerings.

     After Allen's death in 1970 from a heavy drinking binge, Stewart took over his operations. The renamed 'Don Stewart Organization' has since been criticized for not making finances public; USA Today, the Washington Post, the Better Business Bureau and three watchdog groups have requested information regarding income and expenditures, but to no avail.

     In 1997 the Internal Revenue Service, after investigating Stewart's ministry for mail fraud, high salaries and an $8 million annual income, revoked the organization's tax-exempt status for "impermissible benefits" to the Stewart family.

     Stewart's fundraising letters include "prayer cloths," claimed to have supernatural healing powers. And his website and TV programs offer Green Prosperity Prayer Handkerchiefs that empower viewers to "receive abundant blessings of financial prosperity." Of course, a "seed faith gift" of $30, $50, $100 or $500 is always requested.

     Don Stewart is an affiliate of the New Apostolic Reformation.

- Steve Strang

     Steve Strang is the founder and CEO of Charisma magazine, a popular journal for Pentecostals, charismatics and evangelicals. Current circulation is 275,000.

     Charisma News, an affiliate, serves as a "trusted source for credible news and insight from a charismatic perspective," according to its website. One particular article has called for violence against Muslims and Arabs—on Biblical grounds—though no such violence can be found in the New Testament. The piece was deleteda after harsh criticism. Another article asserted  Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg was “deserving of death” for being homosexual (already refuted in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

     Strang is a strong NAR/Dominionist proponent, assuring his patrons that modern-day apostles and prophets are genuine and beyond reproach. Not only can they heal the sick, predict the future and raise the dead, but are appointed by God to reshape whole cultures and all nations.

     In Strang's recent podcast, prophet Cal Pierce of the International Association of Healing Rooms prophesied: “In 10 days” the Covid-19 virus will be vanquished from the earth. Then the world “will acknowledge this turnaround to the glory of God.” Strang agreed with the prediction, adding: "Let us decree and speak to this mountain of coronavirus, that it be taken up and cast into the sea of hell. And that it will stop and leave the Earth in 10 days, so the world will acknowledge this turnaround to the glory of God."

     This "10 day" prognostication was uttered seven months ago—March 2020—and we're still waiting. (President Trump even now has the virus now.)

Steve Strang and Cal Pierce Decree Coronavirus Will Leave The Earth Today

     The super-apostles and super-prophets listed above are but a small cross section of Trump's  evangelical court. With covert meetings and secret messages from heaven, how can he fail?

     According to the Salt Lake City Tribune, CNP members are warned not to talk about the group, reveal topics discussed or let slip they are even members. The New York Times reports the CNP membership list is "strictly confidential” and guests can attend “only with the unanimous approval of the executive committee. The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before or after a meeting." (Perhaps the CNP instructions should be compared to the words of Jesus in John 18:20: "I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues or at the temple where all the Jews come together. I've said nothing in secret").

     Author Anne Nelson offers in her recent book, 'Shadow Network,' warnings of the political consequences of any form of Christian Nationalism: "[The CNP's] moralists have little regard for the rights of minorities; its financiers lack concern for social welfare; and its strategists have no respect for majority rule. If it is fully realized, their combination of theocracy and plutocracy could result in a dystopia [a hell on earth] for those who fall outside their circle."

     Nelson's warnings were chillingly hinted at 40 years earlier when the CNP's first Executive Director, Louisiana State Representative Woody Jenkins, told a Newsweek reporter: "One day before the end of this century the Council will be so influential that no President, regardless of party or philosophy, will be able to ignore us or our concerns or shut us out of the highest levels of government."

Justice Sunday Preachers

     In conclusion, it will not be Back Lives Matter, the alt-right, the immigrants, the Marxists or the Muslims that'll destroy America, it will be the militant theocrats of the Religious Right that'll bring it down.

     America's founders were well-schooled in the never-ending religious wars of Europe. To avert such mayhem and savageries in the new nation, the 1st Amendment was ratified and added to the Constitution, separating church & state for the first time in any nation. But make no mistake, the radicals and extremists of the new Dominionist Right will stop at nothing until they tear the 1st Amendment to pieces. It's up to sounder minds among us to see that it never happens.


     As the Trump 2024 film concludes, a virtual “altar call" is given, inviting viewers to pray for salvation and invite Jesus into their hearts. However, no such directive exists in the New Testament. Strange indeed that the film bids viewers to obey that which the New Testament does not command, and is silent regarding that which it does. Don't fall for it.

To be saved you must:

     - Believe in Jesus Christ (John 8:24; Acts 16:31)

     - Repent of your sins (Acts 3:19; Luke 13:5)

     - Confess Christ publicly (Mat. 10:32-33; Romans 10:9-10)

     - Be immersed (baptized) into Christ for the remission of sins

         and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Matt. 28:18-20)

     - Live faithfully unto death (Rev. 2:10; James 1:12)

Purchase Options:

DVD - $12.99

On Demand - $12.99

On Demand & DVD - $19.99

(Keep This Article By Your Side As You Watch The Film)

Oct. 26

President Trump Praises His Religious Supporters Publicly, But Plays Them As Suckers Privately

“They’re all hustlers... a scam... full of s**t.”

Trump mocks evangelical leaders early in his presidency

Trump Mocks Christians Who Voted For Him

“Can you believe that bulls**t? Can you believe people believe that bulls**t?”

Trump ridicules his religious advisers after they lay hands on him and pray.\

Christian Leaders Pray Over Trump

“Man, that’s some racket.”

Trump mocks a TV faith-healing service.

“Can you believe this [expletive]?”

Trump rails against prosperity preachers after meeting with them.

“[Pence] said, ‘Will you bow your head and pray?' and I said, ‘Excuse me? I’m not used to it.'”

Trump recalls the first time he met Mike Pence.

"Did Mike make you pray?"

Trump mocks Pence as West Wing visitors arrive.

"You see? You’ve wasted all this time and energy on it, and it’s not going to end abortion anyway."

Trump scoffs at Pence and other pro-lifers.

"Abortion Laws Are Set And We Have To Leave It That Way," says Trump

“I’ve been talking to these [religious leaders] for years; I’ve let them stay at my hotels—they’re gonna endorse me. I played the game.”

Trump tells how he played the prosperity preachers during his campaign.

Pence Routs Tax-Dollars Into Trump Hotel

It's very evident, as you have seen, that President Trump has mocked and fleeced his religious supporters and donors from the very beginning of his campaign. Yet, he shouts at his rallies that he'll never stop fighting for Christians. His son Eric has even said, "MY DAD SAVED CHRISTIANITY." (Graham, Jeffress and Huckabee have yet to correct him.) Trump's evangelical lords and ladies have proven time and again that they'll bow to him at the drop of a hat for

prestige, fame and celebrity.

Eric Trump Claims His Father 'Literally Saved Christianity'

“Whenever I see a picture of [Trump] standing in a group of pastors with their hands on him, I see a thought bubble with the words—‘What Suckers.’” - Mary Trump, Donald's niece

"Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."

- Thomas Jefferson

"Put no more trust in man, who has only the breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?"

- Isaiah 2:22

Nov. 23  

The Return Of The God-Kings

As the left and right tear each other apart, Biden sports his new halo (complements of NBC Nightly News). Trump, not to be outdone, sports a bigger one (complements of Breitbart News).

The presstitute media, shadow network and 2-Party big top are wasting no time returning divine monarchs to the throne. No matter who's inaugurated Jan 20, they'll get their Savior-King.

America's decline now stands at the precipice of no return.

“Let there be one commander only, one king, set over us by Zeus [god of sky, lightning and thunder], the Son of Cronos of the Crooked Ways.” - Homer, The Iliad (8th Century BC)

"O King, for the next thirty days, anyone who prays to any god or human except you, Oh Majesty, will be thrown into the den of lions." - Daniel 6:12 (6th Century BC)

Biblical Christianity destroyed the Divine Right of Kings 400 years ago. American Christianity

will bring it back.

Source: Fair use,