Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2015  (Politics & Culture)



Mar. 24

French President Wants To Make Conspiracy Theories Illegal

“We need to act at the European level, and even internationally, so that a legal framework can be defined, and so that Internet platforms that manage social networks are held to account and that sanctions be imposed for failure to enforce.”

- French President François Hollande

Fox host Bill O'Reilly debates 9-11 with Prof. James Fetzer

(Watch as O’Reilly interrupts Fetzer continually and switches subjects to keep the audience in the dark.)

6 Conspiracy Theories That Became ‘Conspiracy Facts’

Mar. 23

Closeted Congressional Homosexuals (Most Of Them Married With Children)  Promote Homosexual Agenda For Fear Of Blackmail

It is “unacceptable to vote a certain set of rules as an elected official and then violate them yourself. But if you are a Democrat, Republican—whatever—and you vote to allow people to do what you do, then I have no demand that you become public.”

- Homosexual Congressman Barney Frank

Mar. 12

Another Republican Surrenders To Sodomites

Conservative bulwark Rand Paul raises white flag to buggers

Mar. 9

World's First Three-Way Male Wedding Celebrated In Thailand

Three-way marriages are illegal under Thai law (but legal under Buddhist law)

(Articles & photos)

Mar. 8

Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker Capitulates To Homosexuals

Mar. 5

The Israel-Iran-America Quiz? Can You Pass It?

          1. Which two countries have launched more wars since 1900?

          2. How many Iranian suicide-bombings have taken place in the past 25 years?

          3. How big is the Jewish population in Iran?

          4. What is the percentage of female students entering Iranian universities?

          5. Which countries overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran,

               Mohammad Mossadegh, in 1953?

          6. After Mossadegh’s removal, which country trained Iran’s internal security service, SAVAK,

               that killed 15,000 Iranians, injuring another 50,000?

          7. Which of the three countries doesn't have nuclear weapons?

          8. Which country refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

          9. Which country helped the US defeat the Taliban after 9/11?

Click link for answers

Feb. 26

Iraqi Forces Shoot Down British Planes Carrying US-Made Weapons To ISIS  

(Articles & news clip)

ISIS beheader linked to British Intelligence

US Coalition airdrops ammunition, anti-aircraft weapons, medical aid and food to ISIS.

Israeli weapons found in ISIL-held territory.

“ISIS is winning. Tough decisions have to be made.” - Sen. John McCain

Neo-con war hawks pushing Obama into more war.

US arming Iraqis & Kurds on one side, ISIS on the other

"They make ready their tongues like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land. They go from one sin to another.” - Jer. 9:3

Feb. 24

Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Conspiracy Fact: The Secret Bilderbergers

(Top Bilderberg member serves as advisor to GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney)

True Story of the Bilderberg Group

(Video interview w/ author Daniel Estulin)

Feb. 23

Republican Governors Raise Taxes Again, Though Trillions Of Dollars Are Sitting Idle In Secret Government “Slush Funds”

“I don’t want to raise taxes, but I also know that we need to pay our debts. We don’t have any choice. We’re going to do it with boldness.” - Alabama Governor  

(Americans surrender half their income to taxes)

The Secret Government Slush Funds

These funds contain enough money to pay the national, state and local debt many times over, and cut everyone’s taxes for years. Politicians use the ‘fake budget’ to demand more tax-dollars, telling American sheep their city and county is poorer than it really is. The thieves play the taxpayer card, mentioning only the budgetary basis and never the ‘real budget‘—the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)—the real set of books.

Secret ‘Slush Funds’ Right Under Our Noses

(E.g., California's 2012 CAFR showed a $650,000 surplusFOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD)

“The cries of the laborers... have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. You [rich oppressors] have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves for the day

of slaughter.”

- James 5:4-5

Feb. 21

Proof: The United States Is The Greatest Threat To World Peace

Since America's founding 242 years ago, she has been at war 222 of them, and has fought 81% of all military conflicts since WWII.

(Article, graphics, timeline & links)

US military spending equals half of all other nations combined, costing taxpayers

$1 trillion annually. The Pentagon has 800-1000 military bases in over 100 countries (555,000 facilities in 5,000 sites covering 28 million acres).

(Article, graphics & links)

According to a 2014 International Gallup poll, the U.S. is seen as the greatest threat to world peace, three times more dangerous than the next country. US politicians & bureaucrats have a long history of lying to Americans before invading other countries.

(Article & links)

Feb. 20

Free Syrian Army And Al-Nusra (Both ISIS Affiliates) Receiving Additional Arms And Training From The United States

                                                  Credit: Theo’s Little Bot

GOP Ohio Governor John Kasich (who's never served in the military) says American “boots on the ground” (i.e., your sons and daughters) are necessary to defeat ISIS.

(Article & video)

Feb. 17

Forget ISIS, Israel Now Has The H-bomb (Compliments Of US Taxpayers), Putting The  Whole World At Risk.

American aid for Israel’s nuclear build-up is a violation of the Symington Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which blocks US foreign aid to countries trafficking in nuclear technology and enrichment equipment outside international safeguards.

The ‘Glenn Amendment’ (1977) also blocks US aid to nations importing nuclear reprocessing technology.

Despite such prohibitions, Israel has received $2.3 billion annually from US taxpayers, with overall nuclear assistance totaling $86 billion.

The 15-megaton H-bomb tested in 1954 was 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in WWII.

“We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

- Martin van Creveld

Israeli professor of military history

Feb. 6

House Speaker Boehner Invites Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu To

Address Congress Again (And Again, And Again)

                                       Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images

(Netanyahu gives speech to Congress right before Israel's election, where he's running for

another term.)

Netanyahu has spoken to Congress three times since 2006. No foreign leader other than Winston Churchill has ever spoken to Congress three times in a single decade.

(Articles & video)

Netanyahu is backed by the Military Industrial Complex & Religious Right to provoke war with Iran

(There are 8,000-25,000 Jews and 250,000–370,000 Christians, living in Iran)

"I know what America is, America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction." - Benjamin Netanyahu, 2001

Feb. 4

American Hypocrisy Soars

US Central Command condemns ISIL's alleged burning alive a Jordanian pilot, but dismisses CENTCOM's burning alive Fallujah women and children with white phosphorus.

In 2005, during the siege of Fallujah, the US military killed thousands of civilians, burning many women and children alive with white phosphorus.

White Phosphorus Assault

Credit: Press TV image

White phosphorus (dubbed “shake ‘n bake” by US Marines) is banned by Protocol III, 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. (Israel refuses to sign.)

Article & video (caution, very disturbing)

Since the Fallujah siege, infant mortality, cancer, leukemia and birth defects are common

(one little girl was born with two heads).

In 2008-09, Israel ("God's Chosen") attacked Palestinian civilians with white phosphorus.

During the days of slavery Americans burned alive thousands of blacks.

Feb. 3

Who’s Behind The Islamophobia Movement? (Answer: "Follow The Money")

American Islamophobia is engineered & financed by wealthy Zionists, tax-exempt foundations and the Religious Right. It's chief beneficiary is Israel.

List of funders and recipients

94% of Muslims are non-violent. The radical, violent minority are funded and armed by Western democracies, including Israel & the USA.

Israel, 9-11 and the New World Order

America's 'War On Terror': Fighting Israel's enemies with U.S. blood and treasure

Big banks feed terrorism

Abu al-Baghdadi (founder & leader of ISIS) is a US/British/Israeli Intelligence asset.

Islamic State is not Islamic, proven by the Koran

Study reveals American Muslims do not want Sharia Law

Feb. 2

Scientists Dabble In The Grotesque

Secret human-animal embryos growing in UK labs

2008 Human Fertilization Embryology Act

“You shall not breed together two kinds of animals...

                                                                                              - Leviticus 19:19

Jan 31

Terrorism, War And Profits

Hezbollah (Shia Muslims) and Islamic State (Sunni Muslims) fighting each other with US-made military vehicles.

Jan. 30

The Ultimate “Left vs. Right” Debate

Sixties Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers debates Christian apologist Dinesh D'Souza

-  -

Texas School's New “Poop Police” Policy

Jan. 24

Fake Hostage Video

- Fake shadows on both shoulders. (Are there two suns in the sky?)

- Executioner speaks with British accent.

- Jumpsuit on right hostage flutters heavily (see on video below) though no sand is blowing, nor is there any sound of wind blowing on microphone. Jumpsuit on left hostage flutters only slightly.

Jan. 23

Big Politics And Big Profits

Husband of Sen. Feinstein rakes in $1 billion from insider no-bid deal.

Jan. 20

Was “American Sniper” Chris Kyle Assassinated By The Military?

If true, it fits a well-established pattern.

Was NFL Linebacker, Cpl. Pat Tillman, assassinated?

Video clip: U.S. House hearings

Video clip: Tillman’s parents

More Government Lies

Senator Paul Wellstone’s plane crash

Assassinations of 9-11 whistleblowers.

(Article, video & audio interview)

The Jessica Lynch hoax

(Article & video news clips)

Clint Eastwood movie, “American Sniper,” will sucker more Americans into supporting war abroad and less freedom at home... to “keep us safe.”

Jan. 13

Rigging American Sports: Show-Business For The Duped Masses

NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL and NASCAR are all compromised.

Proof of game-fixing

Recommended Books


Would a multi-billion dollar industry be "left to chance?"

Jan. 8

The Hegelian Dialectic

(The left / right 2-Party hoax)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Jan. 7

America’s Real Enemies—The Bankers And Zionists

David Duke educates Bill O’Reilly

Jan 1

Another Bush Presidency? (Another New World Order Wet Dream)

The Bush Crime Family: Four Generations of Treason Against The United States

The Bush Family Fortune: The Source

The Mena Connection, Arizona Drug-Running Trio: Clinton, Reagan and Bush

Proof that America's 2-Party system is a fraud

"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."

- George H.W. Bush (1992)
