Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2014  (Politics & Culture)



Dec. 31

Prisons For Profit: The Private Prison Industry

-  -

The Return Of Debtors Prisons

1,000 people unable to pay fines going to jail every month in Alabama.  

(Article & video)

Dec. 29

Masonic-Occult Murals Arrayed On The Walls Of Bank of America

Dec. 23

Fair And Balanced?

Fox News modifies video to discredit leftest protestors

Fox News mutes President Obama’s applause at West Point

Fox News edits video to make Michele Bachmann look good

Fox News coaches crowd to hail & applaud Glenn Beck

Fox News alters video to smear progressives

  Fox News keeps the sheep asleep

Dec. 22

China Rejects Porn Industry's Claim Of "Freedom Of Speech"

Chinese government deletes 110 porn websites, 3,300 porn accounts, 7,000 porn advertisements and 200,000 porn texts to protect Chinese children.

Pornography is big business in "Christian America," the 1st Amendment its

sacred creed.

Dec. 20

"American Exceptionalism": Lies From The Media, Destruction Of Libya And The

New World Order

Article & videos (caution: bad language)


Libya before NATO/US invasion


Libya after NATO/US invasion

Sec. of State Clinton posing w/ NATO/US backed rebels after Libyan President Gaddafi's capture

and murder

Libya: What You Haven't Been Told

Dec. 17

A New World Order Wet Dream: Bush vs. Clinton in 2016

Since 1980 there hasn't been a single 4-year period when a Bush or a Clinton has not been a President or high-ranking member of an Administration.

Bush New World Order

The Bushes and Clintons; are they enemies or are they related?

(Article & video)

Dec. 13

“Whom The Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad” - Prometheus

Republican controlled House grants $500 million to arm and train ISIS-linked Syrian rebels

Globalists and Islamists fomenting "Clash of Civilizations" toward World Government

(Lengthy article; good background)

Dec. 8

While White Americans Rage Over Black Demonstrations, Wall Street Sneaks Bailout Provision Through GOP Controlled House

Nov. 28

Black Friday: 1983 vs. 2014

Nov. 22

Muslim Hatred In The West—By Design?

“... non-Muslims who want to go and fight Muslims and help with the occupation of Syria can simply go and join their military. Muslims can simply get on a plane to Turkey and join ISIS. And, of

course, both sides are actually fighting on the same side... “ - Shoah: The Palestinian Holocaust

The Muslim population in America is only 2%. They were forced into Islam at birth and thus have little regard for it. If Sharia Law is ever instituted in the US, it will be done by high ranking U.S. politicians and elite American Muslims, both owned and controlled by the New World Order.

US Allies Are Funding ISIS – Gen. Dempsey

Interview (Article & video): Experts & Donors Behind The American Islamophobia movement

"Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner... ”

                                                                                                                                              - Exodus 22:21

“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself...”

- Leviticus 19:34

 “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil... ”

- II Tim. 2:23-26

Nov. 20

More Proof The U.S. 2-Party System Is A Total Fraud

Extending deportation protection to illegal immigrants began under Reagan & Bush, not Obama.

Nov. 17

Washington & News Media Quick To Condemn ISIS Beheadings, But Not

Saudi Beheadings

Up to 70 public beheadings a day in Saudi Arabia, females included

Nov. 15

America’s New Gold Rush: Permanent War  

$4-6 trillion spent on 'War On Terror' since 9-11

  The War On Terror is America’s first officially classified (covert) war.

Video: “Iraq For Sale”

(Banned in Congress by Republicans)

-  -

Veterans Group Sues Mega-Banks For Financing Terrorist Groups

Nov. 13

Rock Music: New World Order "Controlled Opposition"  

Corporate rock group Nickelback promoting the same billionaires and foreign killers they claim to be apposing.


                                                Credit: Thakingdome

                                                                                (GNU Free Documentation License)

Nickelback: "Edge Of A Revolution" (trailer)

-  -

Another Fake Charity

Nonprofit fundraisers for veterans keep 84% of donations for themselves

($130,400,000 since 2001)

Nov. 10

Big Business Drugging Of America    

Huge profits from Psychotherapy & Pharmaceutical Marketing

3-Hour Documentary

Oct. 31

Post-Birth Abortions: "Christian America’s" Newest Trend

MSNBC host says life begins when parents “feel like life begins—up to age three.”

Journal of Medical Ethics says newborns have no "moral right to life."

Students Sign Petition to Legalize "4th Trimester" Abortions

Abortion activists chant “Hail Satan!” as pro-life activists sing Amazing Grace

College students sign petition supporting “post-birth” abortions




Moment Of Conception

“They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters... and the land was

polluted.” - Psalm 106:38

Oct. 30

Dissing Cousins: Are Obama, Bush And Cheney Related?

Was Obama’s rapid rise to power another all-American story that "anyone in the USA can

become President?"

America declared Independence from Britain and European monarchies in 1776. Since then, every U.S. President (except one) has been a descendant of the British and European ruling classes? By placing their bloodlines across the Atlantic, in both political parties, the European nobility still rules America under the guise of democratic elections.

U.S. Presidents have also been related to Babylonian Kings (Nebuchadnezzar IV, III), Egyptian Pharaohs (Rameses II & I; Tuthmosis IV, III, II & I; Amenhotep III, II & I), Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, the Herod Kings, the Roman Caesars, Medici Popes, Dracula the Impaler, the Crusaders (first international bankers), Catholic Inquisitors, Hollywood actors and pop singers (e.g., Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Celine Dion, Brad Pitt and Tom Hanks).

Oct. 18

Saddam's Weapons Of Mass Destruction "WERE" In Iraq!

A convenient revelation, now that the Military/Industrial Complex wants another war.

Iraq's 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' were provided by American corporations and funded by

American banks.

U.S. corporate giant, Bechtel, engineered & built Iraq's chemical manufacturing complex, while US Commodity Credit Corporation funded it.

(When Saddam defaulted on the loan, US taxpayers were forced to repay.)  

The Bin Laden & Bush families were heavily invested in Bechtel. The Bin Ladens wisely sold their shares after 9-11, while the Bushes held and profited during the war.

Declassified documents reveal US corporations also supplied Saddam Hussein with nuclear technology and hardware.

Oct. 7

Is America "Spreading Democracy Around The World"... Or World War?  

   Washington neocons are hell-bent on nuclear war, in which there will be no winners, and no survivors.

  US Titan II Intercontinental ballistic missile


American and Soviet nuclear warhead stockpiles

“Washington fools, wallowing in their hubris as ‘the indispensable nation,’ have provoked Moscow to the point that Russia now has more deployed nuclear weapons than the US. As a result of Washington breaking its word and putting ABM missile bases on Russia’s border, Russia has developed supersonic ICBMs that can rapidly change their trajectory and cannot be shot down by any missile defense system. US corporations making billions of dollars selling Washington a useless ABM system will deny this.

US Senate spokesperson, Jim Inhofe, a member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, has resurrected the argument from 60 years ago that America is falling behind in the arms race. Restarting it is essential to the profits of the US military/security complex and campaign contributions to senators.

China has now added to its nuclear arsenal a new variant of one of its mobile ICBMs. Washington does not know much about this new missile, because the CIA is too busy arranging protests in Hong Kong.

The majority of Americans are blind enablers of Washington’s war on the world.”

- Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

& former associate editor of The Wall Street Journal.

America’s foolish belief that we can win a nuclear war makes nuclear war more likely

President Eisenhower’s warning of the ‘Military Industrial Complex’

“Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken... For the arms of the wicked shall be broken.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Psalm 37:15,17

Sept. 29

New World Order Gains Ground In War Against ISIS

Bill O’Reilly & Henry Kissinger team-up to promote a ‘One World’ mercenary force.

O’Reilly wants a “mercenary Army with elite fighters who would be well paid and well trained to defeat terrorists all over the world.”

Kissinger (a secret Bilderberg member) refers to soldiers as “dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”

ISIS is trained, armed and funded by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia

ISIS was created by Zionists to stigmatize Islam

(This may explain why Israeli banks are never bombed by ISIS)

                                       Credit: Dees Illustration

Sept. 25

Who Are The Real Instigators Of Radical Islam And Middle Eastern Wars?

(Pssst: The same blue-blooded elite that were behind WWI, WWII, Communism and Naziism)

Sen. John McCain posing with ISIS members

                                                               Photo Credit: IMGur

America’s Nazi Secret

Sept. 24

School Board Whitewashes U.S. History To Push Conservatism, Patriotism,  Unfettered Capitalism And Unlimited Respect For Authority

Sept. 20

American Decline Picking Up Speed

A third of Americans cannot name the three branches of government. Another third cannot name one of them. One half cannot find Syria on a map, though they support bombing it.


Guns-For-Hire: Corporate Boots On The Ground

Corporate war for private profits

Contractors cashing in

Corporate military murders Iraqi civilians

Private contractors: Real winners of American wars

"Too Big To Fail" defense contractors

The Wave Of The Future: Private Corporate Armies

New World Order Capitalism: Destruction of property, killing, and war for profit

(E.g., G4S Security Services is the second largest employer on earth, with 625,000 employees and $7.5 billion in profits in 2013)

President Eisenhower's Warning: The Military-Industrial Complex

“His talk is smooth as butter, yet war is in his heart; his words are more soothing than oil, yet they are drawn swords.”

- Psalm 55:21

Sept. 15

Are You Ready For The Pentagon To Draft Your Daughter?

Huffington Post (Jewish Controlled) calls for the return of the draft to fight America's imperial, round-the-clock wars. “It’s time to get off the couch, America,” says Huffington's H.A. Goodman, “and collectively sacrifice for national security, both through taxes to fund the next conflict,

and a draft...”

“Women should have the same civic obligations as men,” says Greg Jacob (Service Women’s Action Network). “We see registration as another step forward in terms of equality and fairness.”

The draft proposal was introduced by Republican Rep. Duncan D. Hunter

(Update: Since the 2016 article, the bill requiring girls to register for the draft has been removed and restructured. The bill calls for a review of the current rules.)

59% of U.S. men and 45% of U.S. women favor drafting your daughters to fight America's never-ending wars.

Female conscription in Israel

Thousands of young, silly, naive girls will be good for the soldiers—especially the officers

Sept 13

James Foley Was Not Beheaded By A Muslim, But An Ex-Rapper From Britain

“I have left everything for the sake of Allah.” - rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary

Sept. 11

13 Years Ago, 2 Planes Brought Down 3 Buildings

‘Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ displayed Building 7's collapse (video) on Times Square billboard for 9/11 Anniversary.

3,000 members of Architects & Engineers, plus 22.000 A&E members of the public, sign petition for new 9-11 investigation.

(Article & videos)

Building 7 facts:

        -  Was hit by no plane

        -  Ignored by 9-11 Commission

        -  1/3 of New Yorkers, 1/2 of all Americans know nothing about Bldg 7

        -  Bldg 7 took 6.5 seconds to come down, a physical impossibility unless it was a

           controlled demolition

        -  Authorities knew Bldg 7 was coming down; engineers were baffled

        -  BBC News reported 'live' that Bldg 7 had collapsed28 minutes before the collapse

       Many Americans rethinking 9/11

(Article & videos)

“The first to state his case seems right, until another comes to cross-examine him” - Prov. 18:17

Sept. 7

America’s New Ally Against Russia—ISIS

Duped Americans push for war against ISIS in Iraq & Syrian, while Washington makes ISIS an ally against Russia in Chechnya & Caucasus

Americans favoring war with ISIS have quadrupled in one year

(Article & charts)

ISIS was created by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Europe, Israel and the U.S.

(Article, photos & map)