Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

A Personal Note



     P&R operates in a small city nestled in the southern hills of the Buckeye State, Chillicothe, Ohio. Your author is retired and runs P&R full-time, a one-man operation. I've been a Christian for over 40 years and attend a small church of Christ here in Chillicothe.

     My Christian journey began with my baptism into Christ in 1980. As a new Christian I had to rethink many things I thought I knew. I wanted to be a good citizen, of course, as the Bible teaches (Rom. 13), so I registered as a Republican (suggested by church friends) and began voting. I remained a Republican for many years.

     During this time the Reagan Revolution was just getting started and the Religious Right was "taking back America for Christ." This was all new to me and I was excited. I soon began taking in all the main tenets of Republicanism: pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom, pro-business/free market etc. I also supported a strong national defense (and still do).

     As time passed, however, I became somewhat disillusioned with the GOP, as well as the conservative movement and the Religious Right. Their lies and misinformation during the Iran-Contra affair in Central America, for instance, were appalling and seemed to go against everything Christianity stood for. The right-wing anti-communists seemed to be willing to kill every last person on earth to stop the spread of communism. I eventually left the Republican Party for this and other reasons, though I still remain a conservative at heart.

      Also around this time I began hearing about a dark, worldwide conspiracy called the New World Order (NWO). I was certain this was something the church should know about, so I began gathering information and researching the movement. After a while, however, and to my dismay, much of the material seemed incredible and over the top. For example, in a number of books and websites there were claims of genetic engineering on humans by ancient space aliens and the existence of human/reptilian shapeshifters secretly running the world. (I would later discover that these things were nothing but "controlled opposition" by NWO operatives to distract and discredit legitimate research). Admittedly, my interest in the NWO waned somewhat and my research put on hold for a number of years. After all, if there was such a conspiracy the 'patriotic right' would protect us, right? Yet, I still felt something amiss in "Christian America" and couldn’t quite put my finger on it. For example, I could not explain...

      1.  President Reagan (a former actor) tripling the national debt (though he campaigned on reducing government spending).

      2.  Reagan's largest peacetime tax increase in US history (though he campaigned on reducing taxes).

      3.  America devolving from the world's largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation (though Reagan campaigned on

           sound economics).

      4.  The continued killing of the unborn, though the "pro-life" Republicans controlled the government and could have stopped

           the killing—but didn’t).

      5.  The rise of the Log Cabin Republicans (a GOP homosexual group consisting of thousands of gay members), though the

           Republicans campaigned on morality and "family values." (Three additional gay groups have since emerged within the

           GOP: Deplorable Pride, Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, and Gays for Trump. [GOProud, a 5th group, merged with

           the Log Cabin Republicans in 2014.] The Democrats have only three gay groups: The Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic

           Club; The Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Democratic Club; and The National Stonewall


     6.  The massive gun and drug-running operations in Central America, backed by conservatives and the Religious Right, and     

           concealed from Congress and the American people (though Reagan and the Republicans campaigned on honor and

           transparency in government).

      7.  The mass slaughter of leftist Central American natives by right-wing death squads, backed by the religious right and

           armed by the conservative right (though Reagan avowed compassion and justice for the poor and downtrodden).

      8.  Vice-President Bush’s secretive membership in the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Scull &

           Bones, all NWO groups (though he claimed to be a Christian).

      9.  President Reagan’s Masonic 33rd Degree, presented by Scottish Rite Freemasonry (though the craft denies the deity of

           Christ). Reagan claimed he was a Christian too. source

     For years I pondered these things, but it wasn’t until the horrendous attacks on 9-11 (occurring on a Republican watch), and their many mysterious coincidences, that I determined to unravel, as best I could: 1) what really happened on that fateful day, 2) why America was becoming so corrupt at home and violent abroad and 3) why our churches always raise the Flag above the Cross when Washington and Wall Street want another war. This website is the outcome of that resolve (see "Was 9-11 Rigged?").

     Today, America is rotting from within. The political, cultural and religious rot—on the right as well as the left—are real and not likely to go away anytime soon. Our predicament is no accident, and there are good reasons to believe it's been planned.  

     Often we hear the phrase: "In a democracy we get the leaders we deserve." This is true, of course, we elect our leaders. But this alone may not account for our dilemma. When more facts are Inand we have manyit will become clear that dark, covert forces have been at work.

     There are, and always have been, within political and religious circles, hucksters and con-artists. Some of their tools include  communism, fascism, unfettered capitalism, right-wing vs left-wing extremism, ecumenism, zionism, popery and most importantlyDarwinism. At times their tactics are political, at other times economic—or even religious. Some contradict others (as they're supposed to) and often over-lap and collude, as we will demonstrate.

     Of prime importance in this discussion, however, is partisanism in our churches. Such mindless politicking has caused many of our friends and neighbors to walk out the church door and never come back. Why? Because they see us as sectarian pawns and political boot-lickers, voting corrupt politicians out of office only to put corrupt politicians in. They want nothing to do with us, they're not stupid. In your author’s opinion, the sooner we rid our churches of this stupid and irresponsible behavior, the better.

*   *   *

      P&R has been launched as a full-time operation, initially with only a handful of articles, adding more from time to time. Some of them are quite lengthy, others less so. They're all easy to read, interesting and very thought-provoking as you'll see. Practically everything is documented, often with multiple sources.

     Also included are five News-Hooks sections (Political, Religious, Church & State, Christian Music and Apologetics) which contain scores of news articles, comments, photos and videos going back years (but still pertinent today). A Pool-Hall Christianity section is also attached, containing unbelievable quotes from our giddy, upside-down culture.     

     All correspondence should be sent to:

  Chauncey Kinnamon

  836 East Main St.

  Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

  or Email
