Politics, Religion And The

New World Order

Defending The Faith / Sounding The Alarm

Do Not Be Bound

Together With


(II Cor. 6:14)

  Be Ready Always To

Give An Answer To


(I Peter 3:15)

NEWS-HOOKS 2017 (Politics & Culture)



Nov. 21

New World Order Brainwashing Almost Complete

President Trump trumpets love, peace, war and American Supremacy at the United Nations, while feminists and transgenders duke it out in Britain, and American blacks and whites brawl over Confederate statues.

More thoughts on Trump’s wars against Iran, North Korea

Nov. 16

"Paid Patriotism": Pentagon Pays Millions Of Dollars To Promote Patriotism At Sports Events To Keep War Rolling And Troop Enlistments Up

Defense Dept. also foots the bill for halftime extravaganzas.

President Obama pays the NFL millions to keep Bush's wars going.

Nov. 10

American “Unfettered Capitalism" Gives Rise To Record Opium Profits In Afghanistan     

As America languishes under the heroin curse, Afghan opium production soars to record heights—from 5,000 tons in 2016, to 10,000 tons in 2017—producing record-breaking profits for the Taliban, the Afghan government, the CIA, Wall Street (e.g., money laundering) and organized crime.

Afghanistan opium growers continue unabated, protected by the US military.

Bush wouldn’t stop it.

Obama wouldn’t stop it.

And Trump won’t stop it.

Afghanistan is the world’s top cultivator of opium poppies

Afghan heroin demand soars in Western nations

The “Golden Triangle” supplied heroin to our children during the Vietnam war, just like the “Golden Crescent” supplies heroin to our grandchildren during the Afghan war.

“The Lord… shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen… he shall crush the heads of many nations." - Psalm 110:5-6

Sept. 11

Today Marks The 16th Anniversary Of The 9/11 Attacks On The World Trade Center, The Pentagon And Downed Flight 93 In Shanksville, Pennsylvania

Many researchers and investigators have attempted to answer the question: "Was 9/11 a False Flag attack?" (A False Flag is a military strike against its own people, then blamed on a foreign enemy to justify war against that enemy.) If 9/11 was a False Flag, who was behind it?

(Ample evidence is provided in FAR's article, "Was 9/11 Rigged," showing beyond all doubt that

9/11 was a False Flag.)

The following is a excerpt from FAR's article:

     Though 9/11 is not an essential Christian issue, it is an important one. However, it would be inappropriate for churches to spend a lot of time trying to piece it all together. Christianity deals with more important things: the Inspiration of the Bible, the Incarnation and Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the preaching of Gospel, salvation and how we should live our lives. Setting aside greater issues for lesser ones would be improper.

     In the scope of eternity, it hardly matters if 9/11 was an inside job, or who may have been behind it. But if it was an inside job—and our research confirms that it was—it only undergirds the Biblical view of man's fallen nature, our cursed world (Gen. 3) and “the whole world lying under the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).

     Also, as we now know, 9/11 did not mark "the time of the end” was upon us, as many foolish fanatics were claiming. The end will certainly come—this you can be sure of—and everything will be laid bare before that Awful Judge. The 9-11 killers, whomever they turn out to be, will be tried with Divine Justice in the Courts of Heaven. Our eyes will see it (Luke 12: 2,3).

     Thus, 9-11 is indeed an important issue for the church, for following reasons:

     Looking back, you may recall scores of politicians, military leaders, journalists and churchmen of all stripes, proclaiming that 9-11 WAS a religious issue, in particular, a Christian vs. Islamic issue. Little did we know at the time that sinister forces were at work, whipping us into a religious frenzy, preparing us for, and prodding us into, an all-out global “Clash of Civilizations.” As President Bush put it: “a Crusade!”

     It was brilliant! With communist Russia now gone and the Cold War over, there was a new enemy at the door that would keep the Pentagon dollars flowing. Washington’s anti-Muslim marketing-job, engineered for the benefit of the military-industrial complex, banks, big oil and the international drug racket (via Afghanistan), succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

     Another who greatly benefited from 9-11 was Israel, and its future expansion. Do you suppose it was just a coincidence that the Iraq War was launched on the Hebrew holy day of Purim (March 18, which commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from Persian genocide c, 475 BC), 12 years to the day from the last day of the first Gulf War (also on Purim, Feb. 28, 1991)?

     It was also on Purim (March 19, 2011) that the United States (via NATO) invaded the nation of Libya, toppling President Muammar Gaddafi. March 19 is also the birthday of Minerva, the pagan goddess of war. Apparently, Christian America is now invading Middle-Eastern countries on Jewish holidays and birthdays of pagan gods.

     Listed below are numerous quotations (plus my comments) that were trumpeted after 9/11, by various hyper-patriot clergy as they invoked the Name of God and galvanized the nation for war:

Nick Gosnell, 16th Air Assault Brigade Chaplain:

     "All things are in God's hands and he doesn't want you for a sunbeam—he wants you for a soldier. He wants you to fight for truth and offer prayers for justice."

(My comment: 'Fighting for truth and praying for justice' in a rigged war is antithetical to the former and contradictory to the later.)

Nathan Baxter, Washington National Cathedral Dean:

     “Today, we gather to be reassured that God hears the lamenting and bitter weeping of Mother America... Let us pray for divine wisdom as our leaders consider the necessary actions for national security...”

(Comment: “Divine wisdom" and "necessary actions for national security” would have called for an investigation of the WTC rubble, which was quickly shipped to the other side of the world (China and India) before it could be analyzed. An examination of the beams and girders would have provided undeniable proof that the Twin Towers came down, not by airplanes, but by secretly placed explosives.)

Rod Parsley, preacher and author of SILENT NO MORE, Charisma House, 2005:

     “I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam.... I believe September 11, 2001, was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore."

(Comment: No major "conflict with Islam” existed in the West until the Crusades c. 1095 AD. Islam spread mainly Eastward, including a sliver of Northern Africa leading to the Muslim conquest of Spain c. 715, and retaken c. 750. Later, during the Crusades, Islam expanded into Eastern Europe, and retreated shortly thereafter, providing little threat to the West until after WWI. France and Great Britain, after WWI, began dividing the defeated Ottoman Empire and corralling into close proximity rival factions of Sunni, Shia and Kurdish Muslims, the cause of most Middle Eastern turmoil today. Thirty years later, in 1948, the theft of Palestinian lands by anglophile Zionist thieves gave birth to the modern State of Israel, which has further stoked the fires of Muslim violence. It is Western support for Israel, not Muslim hatred of our freedoms, that has driven Islamic terrorism into Western Europe and across the Atlantic. Israel is the basis of our “conflict with Islam,” and will remain so until Western support for Israel stops. Parsley’s cry of America's "divine purpose" and "generational call to arms" against Islam is baseless and absurd.)  Source

Kim Clement, false prophet and musician:

     “In 1996 God spoke through me about an attack in the USA. I saw an act of violence as terrorists flew over New York. Since then, the years to follow would provoke numerous prophecies regarding a war and the fact that God would raise up a President who would be a true Christian and who would pray. On April 1st, 2001, I said, ‘America prepare yourself, you will go to war.’ I spoke about certain attacks planned against the soldiers and the fact that God would protect them so that not one of them would be inflicted. I believe with all of my heart that America is in the perfect will of God.”

(Comment: To date, nearly 57,000 US soldiers have been killed or wounded in America’s War on Terror, making Clement a false prophet. Deuteronomy 18:22 says, “When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken.” [Clement's 2001 prophesy has since been removed from his website.])

Brian Jordan, Catholic Priest, as he blessed the 9-11 Cross:

     “Behold the glory of the cross at ground zero. This is our symbol of hope, our symbol of faith, our symbol of healing...”

(Comment: "Hope, faith and healing" did he say? The two sections of the cross, which were not originally joined, were fused into one piece requiring temperatures of at least 2,8000 F. However, the maximum heat produced by burning jet fuel, furniture, carpet, etc. could have been no more than 1,8000 F — a 1,0000 difference. The cross had to have been fused by something producing greater temperatures.

[Note: The original source for this information has been removed. However, the Daily News has confirmed it at:  

A YouTube video also confirms it:

Secondly, it has been confirmed by ‘Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth’ [with a membership of nearly 3,000] that the cause of the high temperatures was ‘thermite,’ a pyrotechnic used for building demolitions. As A&E state on their website: “[The] chemical signature of the incendiary thermite [was] found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples... evidence of thermite incendiaries [were] found by FEMA in steel samples.” This means that the 9-11 cross, misconstrued by superstitious Catholics as a miracle, was actually solid evidence that the WTC Towers came down, not by airplanes, but by explosives planted by very evil men. HOW INTERESTING THIS CROSS!!!)  

(End of excerpt)

     As Sept. 11 passes once again, the majority of Americans will continue to believe that 9/11 was an attack by Muslims. This is what Washington wants you to believe. CNN, Fox, Republicans, Democrats, the Christian Left and Christian Right will keep all of you asleep while the New World Order plunders our nation and loots the world.

Aug. 22

President Trump Says 'We’re Staying In Afghanistan'

(After he said we would be pulling out during the election.)

During his stirring speech the President was mum about the half-million acres of high-grade opium growing in Afghanistan, protected by the US Marines. The Afghan opium fields supply over 90% of the world's heroin.

Having served several months in office, Trump now knows who runs the show in Washington, and has fallen in line with his masters (as Obama, Bush and Clinton did).

The U.S. Government will always make sure your children and grandchildren have plenty of fresh, high-grade heroin. Afghan opium brings in billions of dollars annually, and has surged 40-50% every year since the US invasion. Mafia and CIA profits are proceeding unmolested, while American addictions, overdoses and deaths soar.

Maybe Trump's "Tremendous Faith Advisers" will council him on the matter.

(We’ll see)

The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade


The Charlottesville Riots: A Left/Right Con-Job

Prior to the Charlottesville riots, white supremacist and “Unite the Right” organizer, Jason Kessler, worked as a left-wing operative for the Occupy Movement and was an Obama supporter and possible CNN Occupy editor.‘unite-right’-organizer-jason-kessler-was-occupy-movement-obama-supporter-8-m

June 7

Today Marks The 50th Anniversary Of Israel’s Attack On The USS Liberty

34 Americans killed, 171 wounded

President Johnson’s failure to hold "God's Chosen People" accountable remains one of the classic

all-American coverups.

May 16

Trump Administration Finalizes $300 Billion In Weapons Sales To Saudi Arabia

Including $2 billion to United Arab Emirates and 104 warplanes to Kuwait, all Muslim nations with terrible human rights records.

In 2011, two thirds of US weapons sales went to Muslim countries and Israel. Three-quarters of all weapons worldwide were provided by the United States.

May 10

The North Korea / Iranian Crisis (What It's Really About)

The North Korean crisis is a cover for US installation of anti-ballistic missile sites near China’s border. The Iran crisis is a cover for putting US missile sites along Russia’s border.

The US wants a shield near North Korea & Iran against possible nuclear retaliations from Russia & China should the US—to maintain its super-power status—preemptively strike Russia & China with nuclear weapons.

North Korea hasn't attacked or invaded a nation in over 60 years. Iran has not attacked or invaded a neighbor in over 100 years. How many nations have the US attacked or invaded?

Iran's and North Korea's nuclear reactors were provided by the United States via Clinton & Bush, and Sweden via Donald Rumsfeld.

April 21

Bailouts Continue To Roll, President Trump Tips His Hat To A Third Greek Bailout

Greece is bailed-out for the third time by the International Monetary Fund (i.e., US taxpayers). The bailout will benefit the European banks only (not the citizens of Greece), which made the risky loans to the Greek government. The United States is the IMF's biggest contributor.

Feb. 2

Don’t Let Al Qaeda Get’cha

The numbers are in: The odds of a Muslim refugee killing you is almost zero.

          - No one from the seven countries banned from entering the US has killed anyone in a terror

            attack in the last 40 years. (CATO Institute)

          - Only 1/10th of all legal immigrants coming to the US are Muslims. (Pew Research)

          - Only 9 Americans are killed yearly by Muslim extremists since 9/11. By comparison,

            13,000 per year are killed by guns, 37,000 by traffic accidents and 20,000 by suicide. (Cato


The odds of an American killed by a foreign terrorist is about one in 3.6 million (or 0.00003%). Narrowing it down to refugees and illegal immigrants, the threat is even smaller. In fact, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist. (Cato Institute)

Keep paying your taxes, the Department of Defense loves you.

“... if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and... violate my covenant, I will do this to you: you will flee when no one is pursuing you.... I will make [your] hearts so fearful... that the sound of a windblown leaf will put [you] to flight... [you] will stumble over one another as though fleeing from the sword, even though no one is pursuing [you].”

- Leviticus 26: 14, 17, 36, 37